Leeteuk: Home

One-Shot/Scneario Request Shop
A/n Somehow it seems like all my scenarios are angsty and fluffy but I really get my inspiration from such situations or memories or problems. lol XD
Here it is~~



Today was another quiet and boring day. You were home alone, sitting on the couch reading your book. Your parents away for a week and your brother had a night shift which meant you were all by yourself.

Not that you minded, you liked being on your own time to time. It was raining and you found the sound of the raindrops ticking on the window comforting.

As you got on the good part of your book, drowning in the story the doorbell rang, you sighed and waited for a little while, hoping whoever was on the doorstep would leave. But no such thing, the doorbell rang once more and this time the person was also banging loudly on the wood.

"COMING!!" You placed the book on the coffee table as you shuffled towards the front door. Opening it slightly.

"Who’s the- JEONGSU?! What happened?!" You looked at the older boy in shock. He was drenched, his clothes were ripped and his face looked bad. His lip was ripped open, a black eye and from what it seemed his nose was badly bruised and there were traces of blood.

"Doesn’t really matter, is SeungJun there?" Leeteuk just stood there careless about getting wet with his hands in his pockets.

"No… He has a night shift. Come inside. You’re soaked." You stepped aside so he could come in but he just stood there, looking away.

"I’m fine though. I’ll just wait here." What?!

"Ya. Are you insane?!" You pulled him inside and he hissed.

"That hurts."

"I’m sorry… But. I had no choice. Let me get a towel for you."

You brought him to your brothers room, hurried to the bathroom to get some towels and handed it to him.
"Get changed, I’ll treat your wounds later." He nodded curtly and headed to the bathroom.

As you walked down stairs you looked for the first aid kit and filled a bowl with water to clean his wounds.
Who did this to him? His parents wouldn’t have would they?
You didn’t know much of your brothers best friend but enough to know what his family situation was like. And it wasn’t pretty.

You waited for Leeteuk to come downstairs while finishing a chapter in your book.

Leeteuk walked down the stairs and found you sitting on the couch, engrossed with your book. It was fascinating to see how you would lose yourself in books, whenever he would be here to hang out with SeungJun you’d always either read a book or listen music.
Leeteuk plopped down on the couch next to you. You looked up from your book and smiled softly to him.

"So. What now?" Jeongsu just stared at you, his eyes following your every move.

You placed your book back on the coffee table and then opened the first aid box.

"Treat your wounds of course. What else?" You raised you eyebrow at him. Leeteuk just frowned.

"I can treat them myself, thank you." He scoffed and grabbed the disinfectant.

"I’ll do it. Just sit still." Jeongsu pursed his lips.

"Fine." You smiled and then sat across from him on the coffee table.

While cleaning his wounds Leeteuk would sometimes look at you, his eyes scanning your face, how you would frown while cleaning his wounds or bite your lip whenever he would hiss from the pain.

"So… Who did this to you?" You looked up as you disinfected Jeongsu’s scraped hands. He hissed.

”_____-ah, I told you. It doesn’t matter.” You sighed.

"Jeongsu. It does matter. To me it does. Please tell me. Did your parent do this?” Leeteuk just looked away, biting his lip. You knew it was hard for him when it came to his parents and he would try to change the subject but this time you wouldn’t back down.

"Ye-yes. They did this." Jeongsu faced you again, pain and sadness written in his eyes. You gasped.

"Jeongsu… Why. Why did they do this to you?" He shook his head.

"I don’t know. _____-ah, I don’t know. But I can’t live there any longer. Not when they’re like this. That’s why I was hoping for SeungJun to be home. He told me your parents would be away for a week and I wanted to ask him if I could stay here fro a while until my parents and I have figured this out.."

"Of course you can stay. As long as there is needed. You know that right?" You held his hand, rubbing circles with your thumb in comfort.

"I know." His voice was hoarse and he gulped.

You smiled a little and then let go of his hands. Standing up.

"Pull your shirt of and turn around." Leeteuk’s eyes grew big.

"W-what?" You rolled your eyes.

"I need to look if you have other wounds you idiot." His face turned red. You giggled.

Leeteuk took off his shirt hesitatingly, he looked away.
You looked at his well built body, it was a shame at how bruised and wounded it was. Who would do this to their child?

You dabbed some disinfectant on a small patch of cotton and dabbed it on his wounds. Leeteuk would his several times and ball his hands into fists. You didn’t want to hurt him any further than his parents did but his wounds needed to be cleaned.

"Done." You let out a breath and cleaned up the mess that you made.

"Thank you." Jeongsu winced while trying to stand up to help you.



"I said don’t. I’ll clean it up." You pushed him down on the couch softly.

After you cleaned up everything properly you sat down next to him.

”_____-ah…” You turned so you were facing him.


Before you were even able to realize what was going to happen Leeteuk had pressed his lips softly on yours.
You didn’t fight back though, you gave in and carefully wrapped your arms around his neck.

You could feel one another’s love in the kiss, the bottled up feelings and the passion. You pulled away, catching your breath.


"I love you. I love you very much ____-ah. I-I didn’t know when to tell you, or how. But I can’t keep my feelings to myself any more. I love you."

He looked into your eyes nervously. You smiled.

"I love you too. I love you very much, that’s why I want you to stay here. I don’t want to see you hurt any more."

Leeteuk chuckled softly and rubbed his nose against yours.

"Then I’ll stay. If SeungJun agrees of course." You laughed.

"I don’t think he has a choice."

Both of you laughed.


A/n I HOPE YOU ALL LIKED IT~~ I really wanted to write this so here it is!! I’m definitely neglecting my fanfic though…… T^T


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ggbezt #1
Chapter 8: interesting...