Chapter Sixteen

The Fallen Angel
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He searched almost the whole building for her and reached the top floor.

Walking towards the rooftop door, he saw that the lock was opened and dashed inside immediately.

Myungsoo ran about the whole rooftop and found Jiyeon with other two girls whom he recognized as his stylist.

He gasped loudly when he saw one of the stylists slapped Jiyeon on the face harshly and dashed towards them.


He picked Jiyeon up from the ground and saw bruises on her face and arms. “Oh My God, I’m so sorry, Jiyeon-ah. Why didn’t you fight back?”

“Angels can’t fight and I’m learning my mistakes… Appa said I have to change…” She mumbled.

Myungsoo sighed deeply and pecked her forehead, “I’m so sorry. It’s my fault.”

Jiyeon shook her head and smiled slightly, “It’s not your fault, oppa.”

He sighed and remembered the two es behind him. So he pushed Jiyeon behind him gently and turned around to glare at those two.


“Don’t call me that. It’s not for you es to call.” He hissed and stepped forward, getting nearer to them. “Why did you hit her?”

“She… She looked close to you guys… and… and we thought she’s bad.” One of them mumbled which made Myungsoo roared, “DID YOU GUYS SEE US GETTING BOTHERED BY HER PRESENCE?! NO RIGHT?”

Those two shook their head in shock and mumbled apologies to him.

“Say sorry to her, not me!

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honoki #1
fantasy story
i like it
PJyKM27 #2
Chapter 21: Lindo FINAL
Chapter 21: Scolding !
Angel on earth ~
She didn't know it was INFINITE.. Aha !
Her wings !
Ji tease so much now :3
Whaaa ~ Cute ♡
Chapter 20: Depressed Myungie ..
Suicide ..
Ji is here ! ~~ ♡
Chapter 19: Appa and Omma ~
.... She needs to go back ..
Ji ah .. She's gone for good ..
Chapter 18: Aha Proposal ~
Daehyunie ♡
Chapter 17: Be ma girl ? Would you be my girl ~? #TEENTOP ♡
Aha Jealous Myungie and members are surprised :3
Not at night then when it will be noon .. :3
Chapter 16: Bullied Ji ..
Damn angry Myungie..
One condition !
Chapter 15: Introduced as Woohyunie's cousin + hand on her waist :3
Playing with a fan ~
Where did you go, Ji ah ?!
Chapter 14: Following INFINITE ~
Aha ! Breakfast for the two of us ~
The cold jerk is in love ~ ♡