Lovers' Tears {Baby Don't Cry - EXO}



This story isn't a story about you neither any of exo's members.
But a story which is written based on EXO's song "Baby Don't Cry".

So if you're not willing to read a story which is not about your favourite members in it, so you're free to leave now.
But if you're willing to continue to read this story, then don't leave and continue read :)





Please, take my heart away
Yes, the sharper it is, the better

After the darkness passes
none of this will have happened


Just burn me with that knife, our love will be remembered
So when the morning rises, it’s not you who will become short-lived.


exo - Baby, Don't Cry





Hey everyone! three days ago, a mailman gave me this package i ordered month ago. What's inside the package you asked? It's no other that EXO's first album, XOXO!

yeah, i'm into exo lately, and i just found out that all the twelve of them are really adorable and talented guys like, yesterday. /yeah, i'm soooo late, i kno :x/

But hey! here i am writing fanfic about them now so, forgive me wouldn't you? lolol


Back to the thing, so i put the cd on and listened to every songs but one song caught my attention. Yeah, it's Baby, Don't Cry. Or, Merman's Tears how the song called in korean.

You can read the translation here. It's a song which was written based on The Little Mermaid's story by Hans Christian Andersen which is truly a sad story unlike what i've imagine 

in Disney's one. Total the opposite one.


And with the story, along with the english translation of the song, i wrote this fanfic. Just want to share how i interpreted them in my own imagination.

I wrote the characters without their names, if you want to imagine yourself as the mermaid, and the prince as your bias, do as you please :) So, yeah that's all!


Oh, and just want to warn you before you read my story here. English is not my main language. So if there's any grammatical mistake, bare with me. I'm a student who's still learning.

And please, comment is really appreaciated! Just want to know every single opinion my reader has for my story. Thanks for reading! xoxo





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