From Chen To Tao by GrimChuckler -REVIEW

Cupcake Review Shop

From Chen to Tao

By: Grimchuckler




Title: 5/5

The title adds an air of mystery to the story and makes you think about whether it's romantic or sad. It's a befitting title or a oneshot like this.

Foreword/Description: 4/5

The foreword is on the short side, however it captures a really creepy aura with the Iine, "I believe Tao." The foreword is short, but it's to the point in telling us about the 'relationship' Tao and Chen will have in the story.
The description of the story gives me an idea of your writing style and what to expect for the story.

Graphics/ Posters: 10/10

Two posters! I love both posters and the tagline of ’Chen, Tao doesn't exist...' on both posters.
I love how one poster has a faded picture of both Tao and Chen and letters as a background and in a way, really suits the story because Chen writes messages to Tao.
The second poster that you used as the main poster is also very eye-catching with the monochromatic sepia tone and the small color picture of the duo.

Plot: 40/50

Wow! I must say that I was pleasantly shocked at the storyline of your oneshot. I like the email style of the story and the slight breaks between the emails with the opinions of the other four members. In the beginning, I thought that Tao was real and that they were pen pals, but I actually never saw the end coming at all! I love how you made Tao's address Hell, Death Street in numbers/letters.  

However, there’s a major plot hole that I didn’t understand: When did Chen become crazy? How did he become the way he is in story? Basically, I want know why Chen is the way he is and so suicidal in the end.

Other than that, it’s  a good story.


Grammar:  20/20


Grammar is good. I have nothing major to complain about.

Apperance: 10/10

The story is very cleanly organized. Tao and Chen’s emails are in italic and separate from the story. I like the clean and monochrome text. It’s very easy to read and no random burst of color anywhere. Great layout!


FINAL MARK: 89/100


Overall Opinion:

 The story is really great. I have read similar stories but with different pairings. TaoChen is a rare pairing, and I’m really glad you used them for the story instead of TaoRis or XiuChen.  Rare pairings also need love! I also like your style of writing, and would like to see more from you.

Author-nim, fighting!

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