Red Sofa (Amber)


Amber was so tired of her current sofa. It was so hard and old looking. She almost always sleep in the living room because she fall asleep watching TV. Her favorite show aired at late night and it kept getting interesting every episode.

Amber told her mom that she needed a new sofa and so her mom agreed. She wanted something different and something unique. Amber went and checked every mall and all stores in town that sells sofas but still no luck. She couldn't find what she was looking for. All of the beds were not her type and as she said, she wanted something different and beautiful sofa that's not much used nowadays. 

Her mom suggested her to check the antique shop downtown. And because Amber didn't want to sleep in that small sofa anymore, she decided to give it a try even though antique stuff were not her type. When she entered the antique shop, the stench of the old junks in it greeted her. Everything was very very old.

Amber looked around the shop and the one thing that really captured her attention the most was this red vintage sofa. It had this nice curves and a luscious red color, not to mention it was soft too.  But it had this weird aura in it. Because of this, she immediately bought the sofa from the owner.

When she got home, she placed replaced the old sofa with the new one. She sat and bounced on it. Amber was really satisfied with new sofa.

That night, Amber was still sitting on the sofa in the living room while watching TV. Everyone in the household was asleep. She was the only person awake that time. While she was watching, wind suddenly blew behind her neck. She looked black and turned around only to find out that the windows were closed. Weird, she thought. 

Soon, the clock struck 12 and she was getting really sleepy after watching her favorite show on TV. Amber's eyes kept blinking and after a while, it started closing because of her tiredness. While she was sleeping, she felt that something was crawling on her shoulders. It felt like a hand, a big one. The hand suddenly covered and nose, making her unable to breath. When she was losing breath, she quickly sat up, sweating. She breathed in and out heavily.

Amber's sweat dripped down her head. She thought to herself that it was just a bad dream. She went to the bathroom and washed her face. After that, she went back to the living room and watched TV again. After some time, sleepiness struck her again. She laid down on the sofa and continued to sleep.

As she was sleeping, she felt something really heavy laying on her stomach. She couldn't breath properly as air couldn't go pass through her body. She opened her eyes to see a fat old lady wearing a nightgown was sitting on her. She looked sick and yellow thick liquid oozed from . Amber tried to get her off of her but she was too heavy. She couldn't scream no for help even though she wanted to because she couldn't breathe air. She made many silly faces as she struggled. Amber's last few tears tears dripped down her eyes as she fought for her life. It was no use.




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sorry it took so long but ch 5 is out


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Chapter 3: Waaaaaaaaa
mrsleesungjong #2
Great job ^_^
daexoxo #3
Chapter 4: Uh-oh, why did i have to see this now? I'm alone in the house.....
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh I love these stories so much! I'm listening to My Songs Know What You Do In the Dark and it just maes it a whole lot creepier ><
Hwaiting author-nim!
DinoCarrot #6