Videotape (Luna)




"Omma, what is it?"

"You forgot about your lunch."

"Oh right haha, mian. Bye bye omma~!"

"Take care sweetheart!"


Luna left her house, rode the bus and went to her school. She was a very talented girl, she had a beautiful voice and she was also great in dancing. Luna wanted to be a singer but she also wanted to try street performing first. She always joined in the school's talent shows and she always won but even if she was popular and talented, she still remained humble. She was popular in her school because she was smart, pretty and also cheerful. Everyone got along with her. Until one day..


After school was over for the day, she bid farewell to her friends and told them to see each other tomorrow. She wants to save up for a new guitar so she didn't took the bus and decided to walk home instead. As she walked, she noticed a man in black robe and black hat outside the bakery. He seemed like he hasn't eaten for days. She felt sorry for the man and went inside the bakery to buy bread for him, putting aside her wants to buy a new guitar because she thought that it would be selfish of her to just ignore the starving man. She approached the man and gave him the bread she just bought. The poor man took the bread and thanked Luna for her kind deed. He ate the bread very fast and Luna smiled at him, giving him water as he finished eating.


She felt warmth towards the man. She sang for him with her beautiful voice and people who saw and heard this went towards the singing angel, watching her perform. Luna felt so happy as she realized that people were watching and she was street performing. The audience were all looking at her with amazement in their eyes, admiring her singing. After she finished, people clapped loudly and whistled at her and also gave her money. She never felt so accomplished before. Soon, the people left and she got a lot of money. Luna gave all the money to the man so he could buy food for himself the next time. The man cried and thanked Luna again for her kindness and brought out an envelope from his bag, bidding her goodbye and he left. She wondered what was inside it?

It was also getting late so Luna walked back towards her home. When she opened the door she saw her mother in the kitchen.

"Omma I'm home!"

"Welcome back, honey! Go dress up now. I'm making your favorite pudding."

"Ooh, thank you omma!"

Luna went upstairs and got dressed. She sat on her bed and remembered the gift that the man gave to her. She opened the envelope and inside was a paper and a videotape. The paper says, "I know your mother's secret!". Luna got scared. Why would the man give her this? She inserted the videotape in her videotape recorder. On her TV, she saw a big room with a blue bed with stuffed toys on it. There was also a shelf besides the bed filled with different kinds of books. The room looked exactly just like hers. "What is this?", she said. After a few minutes, she saw herself entering her room and getting dressed. Luna was shocked and scared as she saw the video of herself. The TV then went black and white, creating those static noises. When it came back to normal, she saw a girl in front of a TV watching something. "Wha-what's going on?!", she cried.

While watching, the girl in the video heard noises from outside her room. KNOCK KNOCK! Suddenly, the door opened then came a lady holding a knife, stabbing the girl in both eyes repeatedly. Luna got scared. She shivered as the TV screen became black and white again..


"??" Luna turned around as the knocking suddenly became banging.


"Go away!!" she cried as she covered her ears.

"What did you just say to me?!"

".......O-omma? Is th-that y-ou?" Luna stuttered as she heard the familiar voice.

The door bursted open. Her mother came in her room holding a knife, glaring at Luna with her bloodshot eyes.  She breathed heavily and walked towards Luna which suddenly became running. She stabbed her in the eyes repeatedly until blood was spurting everywhere. Her eyes became mushed up like soup. Luna could only scream in pain and terror as she died slowly from the hands of her beloved mother...




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sorry it took so long but ch 5 is out


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Chapter 3: Waaaaaaaaa
mrsleesungjong #2
Great job ^_^
daexoxo #3
Chapter 4: Uh-oh, why did i have to see this now? I'm alone in the house.....
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh I love these stories so much! I'm listening to My Songs Know What You Do In the Dark and it just maes it a whole lot creepier ><
Hwaiting author-nim!
DinoCarrot #6