Dark Alley (Sulli)



I-I didn't do anything wrong. So why am I here? I just fought back for myself. Someone please help me...



Earlier, I was just walking around the streets doing window shopping. Then I noticed Krystal was inside the store with her friends. They were school bullies, she was also very popular and rich. She saw me inside the store and walked over to me. She made fun of my simple jeans and shirt, then called over her friends to criticize me too.

I could only step backwards as they laughed at me until I was cornered on the edge of the room. They all made fun of my nerdy look. Krystal observed me from top to bottom as she raised her eyebrows. She then noticed and snatched away my precious bracelet that my crush gave to me as a birthday present. She said that I wasn't worth it enough to possess such an expensive bracelet. My eyes were getting watery and my face was also getting red. I tried to reach for my bracelet but they kept passing it to one another.

Krystal signaled her friend to push me down. The store manager saw this incident and tried to get them off the store but they wouldn't go away and Krystal paid her money instead to keep quiet and to mind her own business. The manager's mouth formed a small open because the money was quite high. She then hesitantly accepted the offer and just looked at me with her sorry eyes as she walked away.

Krystal and her friends kept laughing at me loudly. It hurt my ears so I covered them with my hands. I felt so helpless and pitiful then something inside me awakened. My sight darkened and I got angered then took the smoothie from one one her friend's hand and poured it on Krystal's dress. She shrieked and dropped her jaw with a shocked expression on her face. I didn't know what came over me. Upon getting back to my senses and realizing what I did, I ran out of the store as fast as I could. I heard Krystal yelling at her friends to come and get me. 

I couldn't find any place to hide. There were so many of them and I would get cornered soon. I stopped and panted. I took a deep breath and then I heard it.

"Pssstt.. Over here! Come on!"  Two children that sounded like one girl and one boy whispered faintly.

I looked around and saw an opening on the alley. I heard Krystal's friends getting closer and closer to where I was standing. In desperation not to get caught by her friends, I took the chance and followed the children's voice.I slipped through the opening and found myself inside a closed alley. A foul stench filled the air.

And that's where I am right now.

I've never been here before. I see a body of a dead cat, rotting. On one side of the walls, there are stains that looks like two bodies of small children. It's very eerie just by looking at it. Then on the very edge of the alley, I see a garbage bag with something that looks like a hand, sticking out of it. 

".....AAAAAAaaaaaahhh!" I screeched and covered my mouth. I just remembered the news on TV. There was this maniac that kidnaps little children and kills them. The news reporter said that the most recent and unfortunate victims from weeks ago still aren't found.

W-What if.. those are the bodies of the missing children. I'm scared. I need to get out now. 


I heard a very loud crashing sound. I think a car accident just happened. I also hear people running over to the site of the incident. 


I can feel anger in the air. I'm pounding on the walls from where I came in and started screaming for help. However, no one is responding. Everyone went to the car crash site. Tears are now falling down from my eyes. My back is touching the wall, going farther away from that cursed wall. I-It's getting darker now... 

The darkness is starting to cover the alley very fast and I see bulges growing out of the wall with the stains of the children. The bulges are swelling each time the lights faded inch by inch. They keep whispering and giggling. I can't get out anymore. The only source of light now is the street lamp behind the wall my back is touching. Stop laughing! I sat down in despair while covering my ears as I closed my eyes. Suddenly, the whispering and giggling stopped.

A-Are they gone? I am slowly opening my eyes right now.. Four big eyes greeted me from the dark. They started laughing again. I just noticed that a small pale hand is touching my leg right now. The hand is very cold. It's slowly pulling me towards them. I give up. I'm living a miserable life anyways....




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sorry it took so long but ch 5 is out


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Chapter 3: Waaaaaaaaa
mrsleesungjong #2
Great job ^_^
daexoxo #3
Chapter 4: Uh-oh, why did i have to see this now? I'm alone in the house.....
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh I love these stories so much! I'm listening to My Songs Know What You Do In the Dark and it just maes it a whole lot creepier ><
Hwaiting author-nim!
DinoCarrot #6