Red Riding Hood (Krystal)


"Soojung-ah, hurry up, you need to see this beautiful lake I've found." 

"Okay okay! I'm coming halmeoni, you're too fast!"  Krystal walked hurriedly to follow her grandmother. 

"Omona! Its beautiful, halmeoni!"

"Isn't it? Haha. Here I made this red hood for you, it suits your jet black hair perfectly dear. I made it a little bigger so you could use it for a long time and I also made you this basket to complete your look. Happy birthday, sweetheart~" 

"Thank you so much, halmeoni!" 

They had a picnic, just the two of them alone besides the beautiful and shining lake. There were fishes on the lake and the air was so nice to breath in. The rabbits were drinking water in the lake. The birds were singing with their beautiful voices up the trees on the branches. The sunlight was colliding with the lake, making it sparkle beautifully. It was a paradise, a beautiful paradise...






Krystal turned around. She saw her friend Sulli waving and running towards her. School just ended. She smiled at her cute friend and they walked together in the halls of the school. They talked about what to do since school is over and it's their summer break. Krystal's birthday was the next day too.


"We should go to camping together with Amber-unnie!", Ssul said.

"Yeah that's a great idea! But where?", Krystal asked.

"Hmm.. I don't really know. We should ask Amber-unnie since she likes camping, maybe she knows some good places"

"Where is she anyways?"

"She already went home. She was curious why our classmates say that she looks like a llama so she went home to do some research about what llama's look like and stuff. She didn't want to go check it in the library because our classmates might ."

"Haha! Amber is so funny."

"Yeah, I know right. Well, I gotta go home now. See ya~!"

"Oh okay. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye!" 


*phone ringing



"Hey Soojung, its me Amber. Ssul asked me that you want us three to go camping?"

"Yeah, I did~"

"Okay, I know a place--"

"No its okay! I did some research earlier and I already found a great place. Its near my grandma's house"

"W-WHAT? Of all places, why there?! "

"Wait, why are you yelling?! Its been a long time since I last went camping and I forgot how it feels like. What's wrong?" Krystal was confused. 

"Uh I- I..... no no. I'm just tired, that's all. Mianhe."

"Its my birthday tomorrow and I also wanna visit my grandma's house.."

"...O-Okay but are you sure you really wanna go there?"

"Yes, I do"

"Okay.. let's meet tomorrow at your house"

"Yeah, okay sure!"

Krystal was confused. Why was Amber acting that way?, she thought. Amber was always adventurous and carefree so Krystal wondered why was she acting that way when she mentioned the forest near her halmeoni's house.

The next day..

The three friends met up in the Jung's mansion and rode in Amber's car to the place they were going to. It was a place far away from their city. Thankfully, they arrived safely at their destination. When they got off the car, she noticed how tensed Amber was when they reached the place. Amber found a nice spot to set their tent and started putting it up, telling the 2 girls not to go anywhere because they might get lost. Krystal told her that she wants to visit her grandmother's house but Amber declined saying that it was getting late and they'll just do it tomorrow. Sulli, noticed how upset Krystal was, so she agreed to go with her to her grandmother's house secretly and disobeyed Amber's warnings.

 As the two were walking, Krystal heard something whispered in her ear. She turned around to see who it was but they were alone. "What's wrong?", Sulli asked. "Oh no it's nothing, never mind". Krystal then got hyped up to see her grandmother's house again and ran off unknowingly left behind Sulli whom she thought was running with her. Sulli got left behind and kept searching for Krystal. Meanwhile, Krystal found her grandmother's house and noticed that her companion was missing. She thought that Sulli got scared and went back to Amber. She cried when she found a a picture frame with a photo of herself and her grandmother laughing. Her grandmother was long gone, she went missing one day on her birthday when she was still a child. She went to her grandmother's room and saw the red hood and basket that she gave her on her birthday. She smiled and wore it. No one told her where her grandmother her grandmother went or happened to her.

The sun was setting, it was starting to get dark. Krystal then decided to go back to their camping place when she discovered a beautiful lake. The sun's ray's were hitting the water of the lake, making it sparkle beautifully. She cried at the scene of such a beautiful scenery. But then she noticed something sparkling on the rocks, she got curious and went to see what it is. She was shocked...

"Where is Soojung-ah? Its getting late already". Sulli sighed. Then she heard the sound of dead leaves cracking up. She got startled and began to be more aware of her surroundings, she heard that the sounds were getting near her. "Hello? Soojung-ah is that you? This isn't funny, I'm getting scared..", she said while shaking. She started to run as fast as she could back to their camping place and turned around if someone was following her when she saw a red-hooded figure, humming as she skipped towards her while holding a basket. "Wh-Who a-are you?", she asked while walking backwards. She tripped and the hooded girl stopped humming and smiled at her. Sulli was so creeped out and scared, that she didn't realize that she was already peeing in her pants. The hooded girl then brought out a dagger from her basket and et it. Sulli screamed as she saw the sharp figure, she couldn't feel her legs and cried in terror as the girl approached her. The girl got closer and closer and all Sulli could do was cry and shout for help, but no one came. The girl raised her knife and stabbed her right arm, blood rushed from the wound as Sulli screamed in pain, crying as loud as she could.

The stabber the bloodied knife and laughed. She was about to stab Sulli again when Amber came out of nowhere and tackled the red hooded girl. "Sulli run! Call for help and get away from here as fast as possible!", Amber shouted. Sulli stood up with all her strength and ran as fast as she could to get out of the forest and find the car they left off. Meanwhile, Amber confronted the girl and told her to stop what she was doing. "Stop this now! Snap out of it!", she shouted. The girl took off her hood and revealed herself to be Krystal. "Please Soojung, stop this madness!" 

Amber knew everything about Krystal. They were best of friends since they were little kids, even before Sulli can into their lives. Krystal's mom and dad were always fighting everyday, and when they fight she would always go and lock herself up in her room and talk to her pet rabbit. But one day, they were fighting again and her mother was crying out loud in pain, so Krystal peeked into their room and she saw her mother being by her father. Her eyes widened in shock and she saw the horrific scene. She ran back to her room and talked to her rabbit again but the screams and s got louder and louder until she couldn't take it anymore. She took her rabbit out of its cage and stabbed it with a dagger that she took from her father's room so she could play with her cooking toys, unknowingly to her father. She took out the rabbit's insides and chopped it off one by one as she laughed. That night her mother left her and his father and never came back again. Also at that night, Krystal went to her father's room and stabbed him repeatedly while he was sleeping until he was no longer breathing. 

After that incident, her grandmother took care of Krystal in her hourse in the woods where it was peaceful and quiet. Krystal loved her grandmother very much, she loved her as much as she once loved her parents. Her grandmother was everything to her and her grandmother also loved her equally. Until one day, it was Krystal's birthday and her grandmother took her to a beautiful and shimmering lake deep inside the woods. She gave her her birthday presents that she made all by herself when Krystal suddenly got 'quiet'. Krystal turned to her grandmother smiling when she saw the rabbits near the lake. Krystal laughed madly and lunged at her grandmother stabbing her with the dagger she used to kill her parents, which she kept as a remembrance to her father. Her grandmother died and she threw the dagger to the lake and just as then she came back to her senses, she cried and she cried at seeing her grandmother lying and not moving, she was dead. Some moments later, travelers saw her and reported the scene to the police. She told them that they were just having a picnic and that's all that she remembers. The next day she was so traumatized that she forgot about all that happened that day. Amber saw all the things that happened but she didn't say anything.The case wasn't solved...

"Soojung-ah, please stop this! I know you that don't want to do this!"

Krystal cried and her eyes got red.

"I- I just don't want you to remember what happened. I'm your best friend and I don't want you to remember that horrible past!" 

"It's too late now.." 

Amber cried in horror as her best friend approached her...


Sulli escaped successfully. She reported to the police what happened but when the police came to the scene, there were no traces of Amber, Krystal and their tent. As she went back to her home, she saw Krystal waiting for her in front of the door of her house, whistling. Sulli ran towards her crying and hugged her as Krystal grinned...



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sorry it took so long but ch 5 is out


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Chapter 3: Waaaaaaaaa
mrsleesungjong #2
Great job ^_^
daexoxo #3
Chapter 4: Uh-oh, why did i have to see this now? I'm alone in the house.....
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh I love these stories so much! I'm listening to My Songs Know What You Do In the Dark and it just maes it a whole lot creepier ><
Hwaiting author-nim!
DinoCarrot #6