New School, New people

I'm not gay

Sehun took in a deep breath, inhaling the fresh morning breeze, his dark auburn hair being blown out of place. He stood rooted to the ground, staring at the huge school before him. As far as he could see, the school stretched beyond the horizon and practically had dozens of buildings all linked to the one directly in front of him.

What was he doing in such a prestigious school? What was he even thinking when he told his parents he wanted to transfer schools when it was already half way through the school year? Oh yes, that’s right. It was because Sehun’s the world’s biggest wuss.

During summer vacation that same year, Sehun found out his girlfriend, the girl whom he gave his whole heart to, had been cheating on him throughout the entire course of their relationship with the reason that Sehun was just too boring and how he refused to lay a finger on her until they were married. Of course, he didn’t actually find out about her flings with his very own so-called best friend. She had told him about it right before she dumped him.

How betrayed must he have felt? Enough to transfer schools. Not to just any school but to an all boys high school. He had had enough of girls. He didn’t go through puberty for a girl to play with his heart and then step on it when she was done with him. Though he wanted to be the better person, he just couldn’t face anyone in his old high school because apparently, he was the only one who didn’t know about his faux relationship.

Back to the real question of how, out of all the other boys high school South Korea could offer, Sehun ended up in such a highly established and dignified institute of learning?

Sehun’s grades were not bad, passing all his subjects and getting a few As here and there, but it wasn’t enough for him to actually get a scholarship or anything of sorts since he decided to transfer in halfway. His parents both worked and were paid a substantial amount in which Sehun could easily be sent to college if he wanted after high school was over. Though this doesn’t necessarily mean he was wealthy. It just meant he didn’t have any financial problems and once he had finished his studies and had a stable job, he would have to move out of the family home quickly so he could lead an independent life and finally stop freeloading his parents.

Sehun had also heard how great the school was in terms of social acceptance. The bullying rate at the school was the lowest compared to other all boys high schools and nobody really cared about who you were unless you wanted them to or so he’d been told. And since Sehun practically had his head on backwards after his first brutal break up, there really wasn’t any other option for him. The school was a perfect healing environment for his heart.

Taking in another deep breath, Sehun finally realized how long he had been standing and staring at the main building of the establishment. He only did snap out of his reverie when a curly redheaded student came up behind him, patting his back.

“Isn’t it huge?” The curly redhead asked and Sehun immediately nodded. “Yeah, that’s what I thought when I first came here.”

Sehun, with much force, tore his gaze away from the school and finally took a good look at the curly redhead. Wow, Sehun couldn’t believe how somewhat angelic this guy’s aura was. He was smiling and it gave off a pure glow which could easily be mistaken for innocence but by the way his hair was dyed, he couldn’t possibly be a good student. Or maybe the school system didn’t give a ?

Still smiling, the curly redhead introduced himself, “Name’s Junmyeon. Second year. You’re new?”

“Sehun. First year. Yeah, I just transferred,” Sehun answered, mimicking Junmyeon’s short sentenced speech pattern.

“Oh cool,” Junmyeon bobbed his head. Somehow, by the way Junmyeon was staring at him, Sehun felt as though Junmyeon was studying his face. Did he have leftover breakfast at the corner of his lips? Or was it just Junmyeon’s hobby to bore holes into people’s faces?

“Urmm...” Sehun tried to back away from Junmyeon because just a second ago, they were an arm’s length apart and now, Junmyeon was practically breathing down Sehun’s neck.

“Say Sehun,” Junmyeon took hold of Sehun’s arm and it sent shivers down his back. Junmyeon’s grip was firm and electrifying. Sehun knew whatever Junmyeon was going to say next he wasn’t going to be able to back away from easily.

“Since you’re new here and all, you mustn't have any friends yet, am I correct?” Junmyeon asked and before Sehun could respond, he eagerly continued, “And since it’s already half way through the school year, everyone’s probably formed their own cliques so it might be tough for you to find a group of friends to fit in with.”

“Uhh...” Sehun croaked. He really didn’t know what else to say. It was like Junmyeon was having a conversation by himself and Sehun just happened to be there. Junmyeon wasn’t giving Sehun any chance to formulate an actual reply before shooting his mouth yet again.

“But you’re really handsome, Sehun. I’m sure anyone would be lucky to have you in their social circle. And here’s the thing. I want you to be in mine. How about it?”

“Uhh.. How about... what?” Sehun had zoned out and when Junmyeon had finally shut his mouth, it took Sehun completely by surprise.

“Did you even hear the part where I complimented you?” Junmyeon gave Sehun a pointed look, raising one of his eyebrows. Sehun only half nodded before Junmyeon asked again, “I want you to join my group. Wait no, it’s a club actually. Filled with the most good looking flower boys you’ll ever find in South Korea. So what do you think?”

“I think...” Sehun pondered for a bit. He was mentally debating how strange Junmyeon was. Inviting the new kid to some sort of flower boy club? It may not sound very odd but this was still high school and when a senior you barely knew, reminder that Sehun had no idea who Junmyeon was when he woke up that morning, suddenly comes up to you and invites you to hang with him in a club with, Sehun assumed, popular kids, said senior most definitely has an ulterior motive. “This is a scam, right? You’re being dared to do this?”

“What? No. Me, extending my friendship to you would be a really lame dare, Sehun,” Junmyeon laughed at the idea. “Anyways, I’m not trying to scam you, I’m just asking you to join a co-curricular club.”

Sehun had two options: 1. Join the damn club, make Junmyeon happy, automatically gain friends and uncertain popularity. 2. Ignore Junmyeon, walk up the main steps and finally sign in to the school’s office minutes later than he should have.

Sehun closed his eyes and inhaled purposefully as he cleared his mind of all thoughts. This was a really big decision to make. If he made the wrong choice, he would either be stuck in a club he didn’t want to be in or regret not joining the club for the rest of his high school life.

That’s it. Sehun sharply opened his eyes. He came face to face with Junmyeon, who was probably wondering why Sehun started meditating all of a sudden. Sehun took hold of Junmyeon’s shoulders with both of his hands. He looked Junmyeon straight in the eyes and said, “See you around, Junmyeon.”

But before he could even place a foot on the first step, Junmyeon took hold of Sehun’s arm once again. “Wait.”

Sehun turned slightly so he could at least see Junmyeon’s desperate face. Junmyeon released Sehun’s arm from his grip as soon as he was sure the younger wouldn’t escape from him. He tried to straighten himself and returned to his salesman-like visage.

“I didn’t want to tell you this, at least not until you became an official club member,” Junmyeon cleared his throat and proceeded with hushed tones, “Club members get paid.”

Sehun gave the curly redhead a quizzical look, “What do you mean get paid?”

“Money!” Junmyeon exclaimed, as if he was talking to the most stubborn or dumbest person on earth. He threw his hands in the air as he explained further, “Club members get money. We’re the only club that does. It’s our thing.”

“And you guys get money just for being handsome?” Sehun asked with more interest. Junmyeon’s eyes started to sparkle. He finally had Sehun’s undivided attention.

“Yes, yes,” Junmyeon tried to hide his enthusiasm. He knew you’d have to either be mentally retarded or filthy stinking rich to pass off the offer. He only hoped Sehun was neither. “The handsomer, the better!”

Sehun didn’t really care about his looks. Especially since his break up, Sehun didn’t give a about how he styled his hair or how he dressed on the weekends. He didn’t have to put in effort anymore since he swore off girls. But by the way Junmyeon was complimenting him, Sehun felt like the most good looking bastard that’s ever walked on the surface of the planet. Who doesn’t like being called handsome? And Sehun didn’t even have to try.

“Look, Junmyeon,” Sehun breathed as he gently pushed Junmyeon an arm’s length away. The dude was seriously invading Sehun’s comfort zone. “I’ll join your club, okay?”

“Great!” Junmyeon chirped happily. He held out a hand and when Sehun took it, Junmyeon couldn’t suppress his overwhelming satisfaction. He’d almost dislocated Sehun’s arm by tugging too hard and fast.

“We’re meeting up after school at building ‘F’. ‘F’ for flower boys of course,” Junmyeon winked and Sehun felt shivers run down his spine. Sehun had finally concluded that there was something not right about Junmyeon and maybe he’d already regretted joining Junmyeon’s club. Though he reminded himself about the money he would be getting and there was nothing wrong about expanding his bank account.

“Hey!” Junmyeon stopped at the top of the main steps, turning back to Sehun’s lost expression. “Which part of building ‘F’?”

“You’ll know,” Junmyeon smiled as he bid Sehun goodbye for now. He pushed the main doors open and before he walked in, he managed to shout back at Sehun, “You better get to class! You’re thirty minutes late!”

Sehun, still rooted to the ground, watched as the main doors slowly came to a close. For a split second, he felt the whole balance of the universe shift. He felt like he’d just sold his soul to the devil. Was Junmyeon’s hair color a warning Sehun didn’t catch? Sehun definitely felt different than when he’d first stepped onto school grounds. Was this how certified flower boys felt?

“!” Junmyeon’s last words finally sank into Sehun’s very occupied mind. He was late and on his first day too. He’s definitely not going to give off a good first impression.



“Urm... Hi,” Sehun greeted the second period teacher, totally forgetting the meaning of respect and manners as he desperately tried to catch his breath. Big school meant lots of classrooms and since Sehun wasn’t able to attend the school’s open house when he was deciding which high school to enroll into last year, he got lost. More than once.

“Good morning,” The teacher, unpleased, took the slip of paper Sehun was holding out and read, “Sehun, is it?”

Sehun only nodded as he realized what position he had put himself into. The teacher hadn’t just been standing there all along, waiting for Sehun’s arrival. He was teaching a class full of students before Sehun rudely interrupted with a loud burst through the door. In Sehun’s defense, he was really annoyed at himself for intruding two other classrooms before finally getting the right one. He should have kept in mind the saying, ‘third time’s the charm’.

Anyways, right now, Sehun had put himself in the centre of everyone’s attention. All eyes were on him and only him. Well, except for that one kid in every class who manages to doze off without the teacher knowing.

“I’m talking to you, Sehun,” The teacher’s stern voice brought Sehun back from his thoughts.

“Yes, sir?” Sehun answered, not forgetting the formalities this time.

“Kid, just go and find a place to sit,” The teacher nudged his head towards the empty seat at the back. He signed on the slip of paper Sehun had brought and gave it back to him.

Sehun tried his best to avoid all the stares he got as he idly walked to his new seat. He felt odd and he only knew why he felt that way once he sat down. There were no girls. Everyone in the whole classroom were healthy young males, with the exception of the second period teacher who was still a healthy male, just not young.

Sehun felt a great pride swell up in his chest replacing the odd feeling he had earlier. He took out his stationery, textbook and notebook, laid them out on his desk and proceeded to take notes. This was it. No girls in sight, no worries in mind. Sehun, you can do this! Fighting to a new girl-free life!

“Will you shut the up?”

Sehun dropped his pencil in a jolt and it rolled from his desk to the floor and subsequently to the foot of a seemingly ‘sleeping’ student. The ‘sleeping’ student had his arms folded on his desk and his head still comfortably rested on his arms. Sehun only knew he was awake and the one who cursed at him when he picked up Sehun’s pencil and threw it at his chest. He then resumed his sleeping position as if Sehun’s loud thoughts hadn’t even woken him up.

“Sorry,” Sehun whispered to his neighbor and the student merely grumbled, burying his head deeper within his arms. Sehun, feeling as though it was necessary, introduced himself as quietly as he could but the ‘sleeping’ student brushed him off, turning his head in the opposite direction of where Sehun sat.

Junmyeon was right. It was tough trying to make friends.



The rest of the day went by just like how it did in his old high school except, Sehun still hadn’t made any friends. Either Sehun had a deadly disease he didn’t know of or there was a giant bubble surrounding him which would shock anyone who came in close proximity with him. It wasn’t this hard to make friends in his old school. He recalled having made friends the moment he stepped in the classroom the first day. It may have something to do with girls drooling over him and guys using him to get closer to those girls.

Sehun sighed as he packed his things into his backpack. This was a set back he hadn’t anticipated but he wasn’t going to turn back on his life changing decision. Perhaps, he still had hope in making friends at Junmyeon’s club. Oh right, they had a meeting after school didn’t they? Sehun remembered exactly when he stepped a foot out of the classroom.

“Hey! Move it!”

Sehun’s reflexes were fast but not fast enough and he almost tumbled backwards. He leaned against the classroom door for support as he watched a golden haired boy rush through the hallway. He turned back and yelled a ‘sorry’ but Sehun wasn’t sure whether it was directed at him or any other student he had bumped into in his haste. However, in just a glimpse, Sehun could see how apologetic the boy was through the stars in the golden boy’s eyes.

Suddenly, the classroom door slid open and Sehun fell flat on his back, not on the floor of the classroom but on something else. Someone’s chest to be specific and just to Sehun’s luck, it had to be the chest of the grumpy ‘no longer asleep’ student.

It didn’t take much for Sehun to figure out the boy’s name. Kim Jongin, the popular guy, the guy of guys, the guy who sits next to Sehun in class and, judging from their encounter that morning and the current snarl on his face, the guy was probably about to smash Sehun’s balls into tiny pieces.

“What is wrong with you, new kid?” Jongin’s voice was mocking and it served it’s purpose. Sehun was completely frozen in place. It may look like he was holding a pokerface but far from it, in the face of danger, Sehun was scared less.

“Uhh..” Sehun backed away slowly before bowing a full ninety degrees. “Sorry.”

“Yeah, you are,” Jongin pushed past Sehun and left without wasting another word.

Note to self, Oh Sehun, don’t piss off Kim Jongin anymore than you have.



When Sehun began his search for building ‘F’, as per Junmyeon’s instructions, he was very skeptical about ‘knowing’ which part of the building they were meeting at. After all, he did burst into three classrooms that morning and another two after lunch break because Sehun wasn’t the best at reading maps or floor plans.

But when a miracle happened and Sehun finally managed to reach his destination, Sehun understood why Junmyeon put so much faith in his sense of direction. Building ‘F’ was far from the other buildings the school had and far smaller in size too. It was the only building not linked to the main one and the nearest building to it was building ‘E’ which was for other co-curricular clubs. Sehun found it odd how Junmyeon’s flower boy club was separated from others. Had he unknowingly joined a cult?

Unlike any other normal school building, the one Sehun stood in front of was more like a house or a mini mansion. Sehun had a quick debate in his head about whether Junmyeon had given him the right place but of course he knew his spelling and Junmyeon did say ‘flower boy’ right after he mentioned the building’s alphabet.

Sehun knew he had to but due to an outer force, he couldn’t bring his arm up to knock on the door. He didn’t know who would greet him or if he even had the right place. If Junmyeon were to open the door then it would be fine but what if it was another student who opened? What if the house-like building was, in actual fact, a house and some stranger opened the door? What if Kim Jongin opened the door? Or worse, what if this was Kim Jongin’s house?

“What the , Sehun. It’s like he’s haunting you,” Sehun slapped himself across the face. He couldn’t help it though. Jongin’s intense gaze was very very intense. There was no other way to explain the death glares he knew Jongin would be giving him if Jongin was there right then.

“Just punch the door, Sehun. Punch it like it’s Jongin’s face,” Sehun had resorted to giving himself verbal motivation. It’s not like he hated Jongin or had anything against the guy but Jongin definitely had something against him. He had a gut feeling and his gut was only almost always wrong.

“Okay, Sehun, punch the door like how Jongin would punch your face,” At his new line of verbal motivation, Sehun raised his right arm and lunged it forward with full force but before his knuckles could crash into the pale white door of building ‘F’ for ‘flower boys’, it flew open.


Sehun’s knuckles ached as soon as it came in contact with human flesh. Oh . , , it all. Sehun screamed in his head. He’d punch someone. He’d punch a student. Right in the face, exactly on his cheek. How luckily unlucky could Oh Sehun get?

From the student’s side profile, Sehun registered in his single-celled brain, because he clearly didn’t have an average human sized one, the boy had black hair, dark under eye circles and multiple ear piercings.

The boy wiped the corner of his lips before turning to face Sehun. When he did come eye to eye with the boy he’d just punch, , he was in deep . The boy’s gaze was even more intense than Jongin’s. It looked like Sehun was about to receive tenfolds of what he had given.

“,” And he was right. Sehun couldn’t suppress a girly yelp as he felt an earthquake hit his nether regions. The scary boy had just kicked Sehun in his family jewels. The boy at least had the decency to take a step back so Sehun could fall forward on his knees. Though falling on his knees didn’t help the pain at all so Sehun, who’s mind had completely shut off, fell to his side in a fetal position while shielding his manhood, in case the scary boy came back to give him a penalty kick.

“Oh Tao,” Sehun could hear a nasally high pitch-ish voice. The owner of said voice sounded very worried as he crept up behind Sehun, in which Sehun imagined he was crouching while poking Sehun’s back but he really couldn’t feel anything other than his throbbing crotch. “Hey, are you... alright?”

Sehun didn’t bother to reply because in a situation such as this, the answer was pretty damn obvious. Silence speaks a thousand words and Sehun was practically spitting out a swear-filled dictionary.

“He’s dead! Tao, you killed him!” The now annoyingly nasally high pitch-ish voice screamed, almost directly into Sehun’s ear.

“Who killed who?” Another voice said. This one sounded nasally too but less high pitched and a little husky.

“Tao killed the new guy, Baek! Wait, you are the new guy, right?” Sehun could finally feel the blood flow through other parts of his body and, of course, he was being attacked by multiple furious jabs on the back.

“Mmff,” Sehun made an incoherent sound as he stayed on the floor, facing away from everyone and towards the still wide open door.

“He’s the new guy, Baek!”

“Yeah, I got it, Yixing,”

“Wait, what new guy?”

“The new guy Junmyeon talked about during lunch.”

“Oh.. That’s him? Junmyeon really over exaggerated on this one.”

Sehun rolled his eyes upon hearing the Tao guy speak. He then continued listening in to their conversation with his eyes closed, meditating.

“Where is Junmyeon anyways?”

“Oh oh! Him and Luhan hyung went to the office right after class to settle some stuffs,”

“Yixing, how many times must I tell you, ‘stuffs’ isn’t a real word,”

“Baekhyun, Yixing, please don’t start this again. At least not until either Kris or Luhan get here,”

“Tao, you should really use your honorifics. People might think you’re a disrespectful kid,”

“You’re a little , Yixing,”

“I love you too, Tao,”

“And that’s my cue to leave this convo,”

As Tao and Yixing continued their love fest, including Baekhyun once in a while, Sehun started to wonder when Junmyeon was going to arrive. He also wondered how the other club members looked like since he only had a good look at Junmyeon and Tao. It almost made him want to get up and look at the other two currently faceless members in the room. But then he didn’t because his ears picked back up on their conversation and it was something he thought he’d ought to listen to.

“Damn it. When’s Junmyeon getting here? I have an appointment in half an hour,”

“You mean a date?”

“Is it that Chanyeol guy again?”

“Yes, a date, Yixing. And yes, it is that nerd again. He pays good, okay?”

“Why does Junmyeon keep on scheduling you with him? If he pays good then I want in too!”

“No, Tao, you can’t. He’s mine. I mean, my client,”

“Oooh someone’s getting friendly~”

“Duh, Yixing, that’s the whole point. Maybe you should get a client once in a while,”

All this talk about clients, getting paid and going on dates, was Junmyeon running a strip club on school grounds or did Sehun miscalculate all the clues? Some illegal must be going down and Sehun didn’t want to stick around long enough to get arrested.

Sehun finally stood up and was about to bolt out the open door when he saw two figures approaching. As the distance between them slowly closed in, Sehun could distinguish red and golden hair. Junmyeon was one of the two figures and the other, the golden one, Sehun didn’t know. He couldn’t recognize the boy’s face. At least, not until they made eye contact.

“Junmyeon! Finally,” Sehun sneaked a glance and saw a short brunet coming up beside him, greeting Junmyeon as he entered along with the golden haired boy.

“Sorry to keep you guys waiting,” Junmyeon smiled apologetically as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “We got held up at the office.”

“Where’s Kris? Isn’t he coming?” The scary kid Tao asked as he watched the golden boy close the door behind him.

“He sent me a text earlier. He’s busy or something,” Sehun could see Tao’s obvious crestfallen face upon hearing Junmyeon’s words.

Everyone then scattered around the room, taking their seats. Each of them knowing exactly where their usual seats were and got comfortable quickly. Only then did Sehun realize how the place looked like. The room he had been in for the past couple minutes, in agony and pain, wasn’t just any classroom or activity room. It was what Sehun thought the living room of a mansion would look like. Everything was victorian-styled, from the chairs to the table to the ing ceiling. Sehun couldn’t help but gape as he eyed the grand chandelier above their heads.

“Earth to Sehun?” Sehun could hear Junmyeon’s voice but he only did snap out of his daze once he felt a sharp jab at his ribs. “Thanks, Tao.”

“Okay, so clearly Sehun didn’t listen to any of the introductions I just gave to him and I’m assuming something happened before we got here which is why he still looks like a lost puppy,” Junmyeon let out in one breath and it seemed as though he had more to say but was cut off by another very chirpy blond sitting beside him.

“A very cute lost puppy!”

“Yixing, please,” Junmyeon held up a hand to hush the chirpy blond Yixing. He then continued in a military tone, “All of you do a self-introduction. Tell him something useful not dumb. And don’t lie.”

The first person to speak up was of course, the chirpy blond Yixing. He even raised his hand, when everybody else kept silent, before Junmyeon gave him the permission to speak.

“My name’s Yixing. Though sometimes people call me Lay but I don’t really know why. I like unicorns which is why I dyed my hair to match a unicorn.”

“Okay—” Junmyeon placed his hands on both of his thighs as he tried to call on the next person to introduce himself but once again was cut off by an eager Yixing.

“Oh and I’m glad you’re not dead, Sehun,” Yixing gave Sehun two thumbs up.

“Uhhm... thanks?” Sehun mentally backed away from Yixing. Now, there was definitely something not right about this boy.

“Alright then,” Junmyeon paused, checking if Yixing was ready to interrupt him again or not. “Who’s next? Anyone? Hmm? Fine, you’re up, Baek.”

Sehun saw the short brunet stand up, a totally unnecessary gesture, and clear his throat. His presence filled the whole room, Sehun thought.

“The name is Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. Not Byuntae Baekhyun. Just Byun Baekhyun. Got it?” Sehun nodded. Though the short brunet was smaller than him, Sehun didn’t feel like messing with this Byun Baekhyun. He had another gut feeling that Baekhyun wasn’t much of a fair player just like that scary kid Tao.

“Something useful eh? Hmm.. Since Yixing didn’t say anything useful—” This time, Baekhyun was the one being cut off by Yixing.

“I told him I dyed my hair! He might have thought it was natural,”

“Wow, Yixing, just wow,” Baekhyun gave him a round of applause while shaking his head. He stopped abruptly with a stone cold expression, turning his attention back to Sehun and picking up his introduction, “Anyways, my useful advice is remember the cash only policy and you’re good.”

“Huh?” Sehun was clearly confused with Baekhyun’s advice and nobody there bothered to enlighten him with any answers. Not even a chuckling Junmyeon who smoothly, or not so smoothly, called up the next person in line.

“Tao,” Sehun mindlessly slipped out when he saw Junmyeon pointing to the scary kid.

“Yeah, you better know who I am,” The jet-black haired boy raised a fist and by instinct, Sehun closed both his eyes. “Scaredy-cat.”

“Tao please,” Junmyeon raised his hand for the second time. “Stop with the hostility act.”

“It’s not an act, Junmyeon. The guy ing punched me in the face when I simply opened the door for him.” Sehun could hear the golden boy mumble something under his breath. He couldn’t make out what he said but did he hear him swear? Sehun couldn’t tell and no one else seemed to have caught it either as they all paid attention to Tao’s incessant rambling.

“Well, that explains a lot,” Junmyeon nodded, taking in the new acquired information with full consideration. He then nudged Tao to go on.

“My useful tidbit is don’t. ing. punch. people. in the face. Especially not people who know how to Wushu kick your ,” Tao cracked his knuckles menacingly with every dramatic pause he made. Sehun almost let out a comment regarding how ‘kicking someone in the balls doesn’t equal to Wushu kicking their ’ but if Tao really did know what he claimed he did, Sehun had to try his best to get into Tao’s good graces.

“Okay, then!” Junmyeon tried to lighten the mood. Sehun definitely looked like he was about to himself and Junmyeon would have none of it. “Lulu~ It’s your turn.”

Sehun, no longer feeling sick in the stomach because of Tao’s convincing eye threats, turned to the golden boy Lulu who rolled his eyes at Junmyeon before placing his full attention on Sehun. For the first time that day, Sehun was confident those large brown orbs were focused on him.

“I’m Luhan,” The boy’s mouth moved for a split second and then nothing. The room was engulfed in silence. He didn’t say anything more.

“That’s it?” The sound of disappointment in Sehun’s own voice surprised him a little.

“What else, Lulu?” Junmyeon cooed, showing the whole world who his favorite was. Baekhyun, who sat away from Junmyeon’s line of sight, made silent gag noises which in turn made both Tao and Yixing snicker behind Junmyeon’s back. Once again, Sehun felt as though he had turned invisible. The club already had it’s dynamics and Sehun didn’t fit anywhere in the picture.

“Come on, Lulu hyung~” Yixing chirped in, imitating Junmyeon’s tone although he sounded exactly like himself. “Say you dyed your hair just like me!”

Luhan’s head lowered, making his bangs cast a downward shadow on his face. Sehun could practically hear everyone rolling their eyes unanimously at Junmyeon. He was smiling so brightly, urging Luhan to speak and when the golden haired boy finally let out a word, Junmyeon’s jaw went slack, along with Sehun’s.


“Excuse me?” Sehun was the first to speak up, Junmyeon still in a frozen state. Yixing began fanning Junmyeon with his hands while asking the latter if he was dead or not. Tao and Baekhyun seemed to have already tuned out of the club’s meeting.

“You’re a tard for joining this club,” Luhan raised his head. His eyes cold as ice yet burning Sehun by just being under his gaze. Luhan then placed his elbow on the armrest and set his cheek on his palm. He had his legs crossed and, with the help of his golden hair and the victorian chair, Sehun thought he looked like a very spoilt rich kid who didn’t give a about what he did or said to those around him.

“Why’d you recruit him, Junmyeon?” Luhan asked with an eyebrow cocked. He was examining Sehun. Not Sehun’s appearance but more than that. Sehun felt like maybe Luhan could read minds and maybe he could tell that Sehun was still a who barely had any knowledge about reality. And maybe, Sehun had a really loud voice in his head which kept on feeding him unnecessary thoughts that cloud the rational part of his mind.

“Because,” Junmyeon unfroze himself, pushing Yixing’s hands away with a tight-lipped smile. Yixing probably thought he had resurrected a dead Junmyeon but before he could voice out his little thoughts, Junmyeon raised a hand to hush him. “He’s new. He’s handsome. What else?”

“Ahh,” Luhan laughed sardonically and bobbed his head as if he’d finally understood something no one else in the room had. “You didn’t really tell him what this club’s all about. Did you, Junmyeon?”

“I told him,” Junmyeon said, a little too quickly and shakily that Sehun thought sounded very suspicious. Junmyeon mumbled another word under his breath which confirmed all of Sehun’s doubts, “Mostly.”

Before Sehun could break out into an interrogation, Luhan stepped in once again with his hard and solid gaze. “Look, kid. You basically got cheated into joining a gay club.”

“Gay club??” Sehun yelled in shock, his jaw almost falling to the ground. Had he known earlier, he would have never even talked to Junmyeon in the first place. He would have walked right pass Junmyeon that morning. That is, if he wasn’t so busy gaping at the school’s aesthetics.

“It’s not a gay club,” Junmyeon stated with much dignity, trying to piece back together a metaphoric vase Luhan had purposely shattered. “We just happen to go on dates with gay guys which the school happens to be filled with. You don’t have to be gay to join.”

“What?!” Sehun almost screamed. He cleared his throat, trying to retain his composure. Surely, this wasn’t happening. Sehun must be dreaming. He must still be asleep in bed because he definitely did not join a gay club by mistake.

“Sehun? Are you.. Are you alright?” Yixing asked, concerned whether the younger was still breathing. By the way Sehun was standing so motionlessly, it was hard to tell whether he’d turned into stone.

“Oh Junmyeon.. I didn’t think you’d stoop so low,” Baekhyun seemed to have joined in on the conversation once again. His eyes were filled with sympathy as he watched an unmoving Sehun.

“Wow, I almost feel sorry for the boy,” Tao chipped in on the pity-fest.

Everyone stared down on Junmyeon and he visibly shrunk in place. Sure, he might have left out on a few not-so-minor details when recruiting Sehun into the club but it was a necessary sacrifice Junmyeon was willing to pay. How else was he going to get Sehun to agree? If the club were to run for another ten more years, Junmyeon had to reel in new members one way or another and Sehun was a beauty, he’d fit the bill perfectly. Junmyeon was just being the great club president he was.

Sehun twitched subconsciously indicating he was still alive and still aware of their conversation, though with his soul floating in midair. Junmyeon, levelheaded, stood up from his seat and walked over to Sehun, placing a gentle hand on the boy’s shoulder. “I’m sorry Sehun but we already went to the office earlier to officially sign you into the club. So no go backs. At least not so soon.”

By the end of his speech, Junmyeon had a smile on his face. The same devious smile he had worn that morning when Sehun shook his hand in unsuspecting agreement. Sehun knew Junmyeon had something planned and that something probably involved Sehun getting the shorter end of the stick. And Sehun being Sehun, he’d only come to a realization when it’s far too late and everything’s said and done.

“What a tard,” Luhan mumbled to himself, no longer looking at Sehun or anyone else and instead staring at the wall beside him as if it were the most interesting thing in the entire room.

Sehun didn’t know why Luhan was being so mean to him. Had he unknowingly pissed off the golden haired boy just like he did to Jongin and Tao? He did nothing to the boy, at least nothing he’d recall. In fact, he should be the one angry because Luhan was the one who bumped into him in the hallway earlier causing him to piss Jongin off even more. And yet, he wasn’t even the slightest bit angry at Luhan. Maybe a little annoyed that the older kept calling him a tard but not angry. What does a tard even mean?

“Junmyeon,” Sehun finally muttered a word. Everyone in the room directed their attention to him, except for Luhan who decided it would be best to use only his ears for the rest of the club meeting.

“Yes, Sehun?” Junmyeon answered, everyone else eager to see how he’d play out.

“This is a joke, right? You’re joking, Junmyeon?” Sehun tried to laugh and he’d expected Junmyeon to say ‘Hell yeah! The jokes on you!’ and everybody else, including Luhan, to laugh along with him.

But, of course, Junmyeon didn’t say it and everyone didn’t laugh either. They all stared at Sehun, wondering if the boy had lost his mind. And then Sehun thought, maybe he’d already lost it when his ex-girlfriend dumped him and everything that lead up to this point in his life was the result of Sehun not being able to properly pick himself back up.

“This is no joke, Sehun. You’re stuck with us for the rest of your high school life,”

Sehun felt lightheaded all of a sudden. He had heard Junmyeon speak but why were the words still lingering in his ears?

“Oh God. He’s going to barf!” Tao voiced out his observation of Sehun’s facial expressions.

“I’m just kidding, Sehun!” Junmyeon held out his hands to stop Sehun from doing whatever he was about to do. “I mean, I’m just kidding about ‘the rest of your high school life’ part. You can quit after three weeks. If you really want to.”

Sehun sighed in relief. It’s not that he had anything against gays or joining a gay club, it’s that he wasn’t gay and he didn’t expect the school to be highly occupied by gays until there could be a club to satisfy their needs. He couldn’t care less if he was in a room with gay guys, which he probably was, because he knew what it felt like to be in love and he knew it didn’t matter who you were in love with. Sehun just didn’t want to be in a club where he’d have to be uncomfortable all the time because he also knew that going out with another guy when he’s still straight was going to be awkward to the max.

“. I’m going to be late,” Baekhyun cursed as he looked at his wristwatch, snapping Sehun out of his train of thoughts.

“Late? What for?” Junmyeon asked.

“What do you think?” Baekhyun rolled his eyes at Junmyeon for the umpteenth time that day. “On behalf of Junmyeon, sorry, Sehun. And sorry for not being able to chat one on one. Maybe we can get to know each other more the next time we meet.”

Baekhyun slung one strap of his backpack over his shoulder and fist bumped Tao as he passed by. Yixing wanted one too so Baekhyun had to give it to him if he wanted to leave without a whiny Yixing. Baekhyun also managed to get one from Luhan before he proceeded to ignore Junmyeon’s fist.

“See ya,” Baekhyun said his final farewell before rushing out the door.

“So what now?” Yixing asked, fiddling with his fingers. The boy was bored out of his mind, Sehun could tell.

“Since I’m probably the most hated person in this room right now, I guess I’ll be stepping out too. Why don’t you guys talk to Sehun a bit. Like Baekhyun said, one on one. Convince him, it won’t be so bad being in the club,” Junmyeon said, staring pathetically at his un-bumped fist. He sighed dejectedly, picking up his school bag and headed out the door.

“It won’t be that bad, Sehunnie,” Yixing chirped after a long silence. Only then did Sehun realize, Tao had left too right after Junmyeon did. Sehun didn’t think rude of him because he knew they needed some time before Tao could begin to become friendly with the person who’d punched him in the face.

There were only Yixing, Luhan and Sehun left in the room and by the looks of it, Yixing was about to go also. He had secured both straps of his backpack on his shoulder and was ready to leave but not before he gave Sehun a pat on the head.

“Trust me, Sehun. You’re gonna have so much fun! And you may not know this yet but these people are really the best you’ll ever meet!” Yixing grinned from ear to ear. He then skipped merrily out the door as casually as one could skip.

Sehun placed a hand on his head, where Yixing had touched earlier, and he didn’t know why but a warm, almost sickly, feeling started to bloom in his chest. Had Yixing casted some kind of unicorn magic over him? Sehun didn’t know but somehow he felt reassured by Yixing’s words.

“Ahem,” Luhan cleared his throat and Sehun was so shocked when he turned his head to see Luhan standing right beside him. “Aren’t you going?”

“Uhh... I guess?” Sehun tried to be cool. He didn’t want to be called a tard again.

“Well?” Luhan crossed his arms over his chest. He tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for Sehun to get the message. But, of course, Sehun didn’t get it. He just stood there, eyes fixed on Luhan’s, lost in a sea of starlight. It almost made Luhan growl at him to ‘get the out’ because clearly Oh Sehun wasn’t going to move.

“Kid, I’ve got to lock up the place. So please?” Luhan approached Sehun with more manners this time, hoping the latter would comply.

“Oh.. Oh!” Sehun finally understood. He’d thought Luhan would be the first out the door when given an opportunity and yet there he still was, waiting for Sehun to leave before he did. Now it made more sense.

Sehun grabbed his own bag and hastily slung it over his shoulder, not skipping a beat. He exited building ‘F’ looking the same as he did when he entered but feeling oddly different than before. Right behind him was Luhan, who locked the place up like he said he would. After he was done, Luhan turned around and raised an eyebrow, “What are you still doing here?”

“Huh? What?” Sehun was caught off guard. In true honesty, Sehun didn’t know why himself.

Sehun and Luhan had another staring contest before the latter finally spoke, “I didn’t get to say my something useful just now.”

“Yeah, you didn’t,” Sehun nodded, not breaking their eye contact.

“It’s something you should know,” Luhan went on carefully. Sehun gripped on the strap of his backpack tightly as he waited for Luhan to continue.

“I’m not gay,”

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Chapter 1: Awww my hunhan feels ohh this is soo fluffy please update soon and can you do something about hunhan? I want them soo badly to be together...<3
Tugamaknae #2
Hiiii loved the plot it´s very interesting good job (y) ¿Could you please messege me when you update?
Chapter 1: oh my gerd!!...i loved this one already...kyaaa!!! HunHan feels~...*puking rainbows and butterflies...update soon authornim
Wooow your story seems so interesting! I laughed so hard cause of Sehun and Suho XD it's also so well written (*^^*) i hope you'll go on with it (〃▽〃)
Chapter 1: Please update!!! This is very good!!!!!
Chapter 1: Omg please update soon! Hahaha.I can't wait but oh well I will wait! XD
Author-nim please update soon~~!!
K-pop1017 #9
Chapter 1: Alright luhan your not gay!
wtfamireading #10
Chapter 1: this was hilarious!