
Two Girls meet One Boy

“What are you doing, Sehun-ah?” Jongin asked. His friend looked around the corner as if looking for spies, before turning. When Jongin thought about it, Sehun had been doing weird, sneaky stuff lately and he had absolutely no idea why.

            Sehun hissed, “Sssh!” Then after a moment, he sighed. Looking back at Jongin, he said, “It’s Yang Eunhye. She’s been following me around these past few days. It’s really creepy, Jongin.”

            “Hey, it’s ‘Jongin-hyung.’ I’m older than you.” It seemed to be the important topic on the friend’s mind.

            A pout set onto Sehun’s face as he turned the corner, toward the class that he sadly had to share with the boy next to him. “God, you’re older by three months… But, I’m serious! She pretends that she bumps into me before and after school, and she’s been coming to work.”

            “Oh, it’s ‘theriouth,’ Thehun-ah?” Jongin joked with a mean laugh.

            “Stop making fun of my lisp! I can’t help that fact I have a retainer!” The boy shouted, walking a bit faster than Jongin with a flustered face. But the other didn’t stop his laughter, so Sehun walked into class by himself.

            Every morning when Sehun walked into class, there was a boy with tiny eyes and buzzed black hair, sitting next to the door talking to his friends, he was the left forward for their school’s soccer team. He was always the first to greet Sehun as he walked through the door. That particular day was no different.

            “Hey, Sehun-hyung! Jongin-hyung, sick?”

            “Yeah, with the Jerk Syndrome,” Sehun replied with a bitter tone.

            But the boy laughed, “well, don’t get to close to Jongin-hyung then, you might catch it.”

            Sehun rolled his eyes playfully, “I will, Woobin-ah.”

            Then, after their conversation, which would change from time to time, but was always kept short, all of boys around the door would say their “hellos” and “hey-there’s” to Sehun, just because Woobin did. Then it would send a wave through out the classroom; every bob-haired girl and glass-rimmed boy would look up and greet Sehun as he made his way to the other side of the room to his seat. Sehun wasn’t embarrassed, but he wasn’t flattered, it didn’t seem to matter to him. All Sehun focused on was the person that sat next to him; her name was Yong Sera. When the wave of “hellos” finally reached her seat, she looked up from her fringe and smile.

            “Hey, Sehun.”

            He lit up as he set his backpack beside his desk and sat in his chair. “Hey, Sera,” Sehun tried to make his voice even, because this girl would make him so queasy, his voice would shiver. “How are you today?”

            “I’m bored…” Sera said, slumping deeper into her chair. She looked around the room to see if there was anything she could occupy her time with. So for a while, no one said anything.

            When Sehun cleared his throat, Sera turned to him. “So…work’s been slow for a while. You wanna come over today after school and get some ice cream?” Sehun suggested with a weak smile.

            “Okay, can I bring the girls?” Sera asked.

            The weak smile Sehun held got smaller and weaker; he had hoped that it was just going to be the two of them. “Er, sure… So, 6 pm?”


            Even though it was so long ago, Sehun remembered the day he fell in love with her. It was the day before Winter Break two years ago, Sera was waiting outside the school for a ride. Sehun only saw her profile as he waited on the opposite side of the court, but her black hair climbed down her shoulders and her coat. The pure white snow sprinkled over her hair, she looked at peace and so perfect, like a painting. Sehun always watched her from afar after that break, but as years went by, they became closer, almost like friends. Soon, perhaps, they could be even closer.


            “A date? I thought you’d never man up.” Jongin smiled smugly as he put his notebook into his backpack. The bell had rung to end school and right before she left for the door, Sera had confirmed the time to meet Sehun at his work. Of course, Jongin had to hear everything she said.

            Sehun grumbled for him to shut up, but only made it half way through his threat before Jongin made his way for the exit.

            “Wait, Jongin, where are you going?”

            The boy turned around with a smile, “Miyoung and I are going to study for English! Good-bye!” Jongin shouted in a bad accent as he ran the room.

            All that was left was a young boy named Sehun as he got together his things before heading home. The only thought circling his mind was if he should ask Fan about girls before hanging out with Sera later that day, his hyungs really knew way more about girls than him.

            “Sehun-ah, wait for me!”

            The boy froze. He was too busy thinking about that night, he forgot to look out for Eunhye, and she found him. The young girl’s caramel hair flew through the hallways as she ran to catch up with Sehun. Her smile was pretty enough, but Sehun still felt uncomfortable with her.

            “You walk so fast, Sehun-ah! But anyway, any plans for tonight? A couple of my friends and I are going to the Myeongdong district, do you wanna come?” She asked.

            “Uh…Sorry, Eunhye-noona,” the boy replied as he walked hastily through to the doors, “I have to work, tonight.”

            “What time? Maybe, I’ll slip out to see you.” A slight pout appeared on her lips as she moved closer to his face.



            The voice came from behind the two and when Sehun turned around, it was Chanyeol running up to the others. There was a sigh of relief coming from Sehun, but Eunhye was less than pleased.

            “Oh, hello, Chanyeol-oppa,” she greeted with a fake smile.

            “Hey, Eunhye-yah,” the boy grinned down at her before turning his attention to Sehun, “listen, Junmyeon needs both of us home right now! I think he’s angry at us…” Chanyeol’s eyes got wide with worry.

            Sehun had asked questions, but his taller friend had not answered them as he grabbed Sehun and ushered him to the entrance.

            “Uh, sorry, noona!” The boy shouted. “I’ll see you tomorrow!”

            Chanyeol yelled something about his behavior in school and how Junmyeon might scold him about it, but Eunhye didn’t care for any of the details. She watched with a wave of her hand as the babbling giant pushed Sehun away.

            “Bye, Sehun-ah~” she pleasantly called out, before dropping her hand and her smile.


            Sehun couldn’t find work anywhere, until he decided he should just work at the ice cream parlor on the other side of his district. It was small and squished between a family-owned grocery store and an expensive, yet plain children’s boutique. It was called “Ice Delights,” and Sehun worked the shop until closing time that day. When the boy said that the parlor was slow, he wasn’t lying. In the 15 minutes of his shift, he hadn’t served anyone anything and he resorted to talking to his co-worker. But when the door opened again, Sehun had to keep himself from smiling too wide.

            “Hey, Sera.”

            “Hi, Sehun.” The girl smiled as she sat on the counter infront of her friend. Sehun was so happy that she came, but what made him happier was that her friends didn’t.

            “So…er, where are the girls?” He asked, trying to sound concerned.

            Sera sighed as she placed her head onto her hand. “Miyoung and Jongin are still studying for English, eonni’s at work and Sunhi’s at Daehyun’s apartment helping them with some songs.”

            “Oh, sorry,” the boy said as he walked to his cash register. “But since you’re here, I have to ask if you want some ice cream.”

            A smile crawled up Sera’s face and a slight laugh escaped it, which made Sehun happier than he already was. She ordered the “Triple Threat,” a scoop of vanilla, of chocolate and of strawberry. And when she topped it with sprinkles and chocolate sauce, Sehun’s co-worker whispered something like, “she can eat, can’t she?” In which Sehun replied with, “be quiet, Hyunil-ssi.” After five spoonfuls of her dish, Sera had almost forgotten about her friends that abandoned her that day and she and Sehun began talking.


Sehun got up from his seat next to Sera when the door opened up to a smiling girl, dressed up in her large pullover and pale pink shorts. But when Eunhye’s smiling eyes saw where Sehun was sitting, they opened wide with disbelief. She tried to walk with grace, but her steps resonated with anger. Before Eunhye could say anything to Sera, Sehun caught her in the corner of his eye.

“Hello, Eunhye-noona. I thought you were with your friends,” the boy called out with a hand raised.

She stole a glance toward Sera, before replying, “oh, we just ended, but I wanted to get some ice cream from Sehun-ah before going home.”

“What would you like then, noona?” Sehun grabbed his apron as he approached the cash register.

“Actually, when do you have your break?” She asked with a playful smile.

“Er, well, I just had it…” He answered, looking down.

“Oh…” Her smile falling into calm irritation, “Well, then I’ll have the avocado ice cream in a bowl, thanks.”

She held a plastic smile, while giving her money to Sehun. When he left, she looked over to the girl that sat next to her. She made no eye contact with Eunhye and scooped the last of her ice cream.

“It won’t work,” Sera heard her say. At first there was no reaction, until she looked up at Eunhye. Her perfect face started to wrinkle as she tried to hide her frustration. When Sera didn’t say anything, she scoffed.

“You just don’t understand; Sehun is mine,” she said as she closed in on Sera’s face. “Your little ‘operation’ to make him like you is not going to work. He loves me and only me. So you can just take your things and get out.” Every word was sharp as her eyes scanned over Sera and judged her.

The girl only looked up at her, her expression half in confusion, but the other in resentment. But then, she grabbed her empty paper bowl and said, “I’m done, Sehun. I’m going now. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” Though she motioned toward Sehun, her eyes never left Eunhye.

“Er, so soon?” Sehun asked from behind the counter. “Are you sure? You can stay, it wouldn’t be loitering, because you bought something!”

“No, it’s okay,” she said as she threw away her bowl in the trashcan, which was by the door. Sehun started to panic, seeing if there was any way to keep her in the parlor. “I’m pretty sure that the girls are home now. Bye, Sehun.”

She gave Sehun a small glance, before exiting the shop and all he could give her was a puzzled face.


Kyungsoo thought it was a bit strange that Sehun wanted to go to school so early. When he walked down the stairs and saw Sehun beside the kitchen counter, eating his breakfast before everyone else, he wondered when Sehun started liking school. But then Jongin filled him in and said that it was actually a girl he liked, not school, which made much more sense. But Sehun was too busy putting on his shoes and heading out the door to hear the two. He didn’t even say good-bye. It’s not that he wouldn’t, it’s that he couldn’t, because he was thinking too much about the other day: did he say something wrong? Did he do something wrong? Was Sera angry with him? Why would she be?

When he walked into the school, a few students glimpsed at Sehun and said their hellos, but none approached him. The boy assumed that Sera would be sitting in class, but something caught his attention. It was very hard for him to mistake Sera’s height and her long hair, so when he thought he saw her, it was probably her. And there she was, she was talking to a senior.

“Yes, you would put this here, but this would be the number six…” Sehun heard the elder say as he walked closer.

“Okay,” Sera said, placing the homework back into her bag. “Thanks, Jaehwan-ssi.”

“Yeah, no worries,” he replied with a smile. “We can talk about it in our session tonight, okay?”

When Sera nodded, she noticed someone behind Jaehwan. She waved her hand, finding that it was just Sehun. Jaehwan took his leave and said not to forget to meet him in the library after school for their Math lesson. After she said her goodbyes to Jaehwan, she studied Sehun’s face, was he okay?

She furrowed her eyebrows. “Hi, Sehun.”

“Hi, Sera,” Sehun responded before getting to his question. “Er, Sera? Were you okay yesterday?”

“Yesterday?” She repeated. “Yeah, I was fine. Why?”

“No reason.” Sehun looked at the dirty school floors. He sounded needy once he realized what he was asking her.

“Hey, Sehun-ah—“ They heard a third voice say, but when they looked, Eunhye didn’t even seem to notice Sehun. “You!” She shouted when she saw that Sera had been talking to Sehun. Eunhye would’ve strangled Sera, but Sehun was there. “Hey! Um, Sehun-ah, I need to borrow your friend for a while~”

Before either of them could object, Eunhye grabbed Sera’s arm and forced her down the hall.

“Didn’t I tell you that Sehun was mine?” She hissed once they were out of earshot.

Sera tried to get away, but Eunhye’s grip wasn’t letting up. “I’m just his friend. What the heck is wrong with you?”

“What the heck is wrong with me?” She replied with a small laugh. “Back off.” She threatened as her hold Sera’s arm got tighter.

“Ow! Let go!” Sera went for the other’s wrist, but Eunhye ripped her hand off with ease. “Let go!” She grunted as pulled onto her hand.

Far behind the two, Sehun saw the struggle. He held wide eyes, but he ran up to them without thinking. When he saw that Eunhye was gripping Sera, he went for Eunhye’s hand immediately and pulled her off.

The girl gasped. “Sehun-ah!”

            She stepped back and watched Sehun, waiting to see what his reaction would be to her. He looked at her angrily. But once he saw Sera clutching her arm, his expression softened. He snapped back at Eunhye.

            “Noona, you were hurting her!”

            “Sehun-ah, listen—“ She tried to explain with hands outstretched to stop him, but Sehun kept talking.

            “She said let go! Why didn’t you?”

            “You’re supposed to be with me!” She shouted.

            At this Sehun glared at her. “Excuse me? Noona, I like you. But you don’t get to pick who I’m supposed to be with.”

            “Well, it’s not like you like her anyway!”

            “Actually, I do.” He said matter-of-factly.

            Both Eunhye and Sera stared at Sehun; he just said that he liked Sera. Even though Sehun seemed unshaken by his own words, he wanted to bend over and crawl into a hole. He didn’t think this was how he was going to confess to Sera.

            “But…Sehun-ah,” Eunhye started. “How could you—ugh! This is so annoying! You’re so annoying! Fine!” The girl crossed her arms and walked off. She didn’t like losing fights, especially infront of so many people, but she couldn’t win this one.

            The boy watched Eunhye walk away, even longer than he was should’ve. He didn’t want to face Sera’s reply to his sudden confession. After Eunhye had gone, he slowly turned around to see Sera staring at him, waiting for him to say anything.

            “I-is your arm okay, Sera?” He asked as his eyes shifted to the floor.


            “That’s good.”

            The boy’s gaze went back up to her face. It didn’t give away any of her emotions, he didn’t know what she was going to say. But he knew he had to go through with it.

            “Do you really like me?”

            There was no response. His face went back to his shoes, dull black dress shoes.


            “I like you, also.”

            His head shot up and his eyes searched her face to find any hint that she was kidding, but nothing said that she was. His throat got dry and his hands started to sweat. It was really happening. I’ll be it, it wasn’t the way Sehun wanted it to go, but her response was better than he expected.

            It was her turn to feel embarrassed, as she stole a glance to her left. “I’ve liked you for a long time, but I thought that you liked Eunhye-ssi, so I didn’t say anything.”

            Sehun smiled. “Oh, now that you know I like you…” His already frail voice faded away before finishing the rest of his sentence.

            But Sera knew what he was going to say. “Let’s save that for later,” she said as she walked toward him.

            Sehun didn’t know what she was going to do, considering they had just confessed to each other, but she just took his arm and smiled. “We should be going to class soon.”

            “Yeah…” Sehun’s voice was hardly above a whisper. But he didn’t really need anyone else to hear since Sera was so close to him. “That’s a good idea.”


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