
At Last..

It’s been years…years you’ve seen him. He disappeared like smoke, but the feeling of him was left there in your heart like a tattoo. No matter how much you tried to forget, out of the blue he would pop up into your head and make your visions blurry. You never knew why tears would come and visit you whenever you thought about him. Just the mentioning of his name would make you teary. He was always there for you even though he wasn’t any how related to you. At first you only looked at him as an older brother but as time passed by without him by your side you began to realize that your feelings for him were just more than an older brother.

You didn’t notice your feelings for him until recently when he popped into your head again. Once he came back to your head, it was hard to get him out. Thoughts about him came and went as they wanted. You missed him badly. You missed his face, his presence, his smile, his voice, in total you missed him as a whole. It was impossible to replace him. Whenever you had a bad day or a hard time you wished he was here comforting you like the old times. But you weren’t a little girl anymore. You know for a fact that he only sees you as a younger sister. Nothing more and nothing less than that……

Days and months passed after you realized about your feelings for him and it was hell. Just simple hell. The feeling of loneliness and the emptiness in your heart just grew bigger and bigger until you couldn’t stand it anymore. You just had to do something, and now. You made the decision to go find him and confront him. Somehow you managed to find his address and you were on your way. When you finally reached you doubted your choice but you knew you couldn’t turn away from your feelings anymore.

You reluctantly knocked on his door. And those few seconds felt like hours. The door finally opened and you saw the face of that special someone you’ve been longing to see for years.

“oppa…….” You managed to say without bursting into tears.

Lay stared at you with surprised eyes.

“Jiyoon? Is that you??” he asked cautiously.

You just nodded, and you engulfed him into a bone crushing hug. You couldn’t hold in the tears anymore, but this time it was happy tears. Not those ‘I miss him’, ‘I wish you were here’ kind of tears. It was that ‘I finally found you’ kind of tears. He hugged you back and brought you inside. You were sitting on his couch looking like a lost puppy while he went to grab some drinks. He came back with a cup of warm milk and handed it to you.

“I missed you oppa..” you said with a small smile.

“I missed you too Jiyoon…I’m sorry I left so suddenly and leaving without saying a goodbye.” Lay said looking into your eyes. You felt the sorry-ness in his voice.

“im sure you had your reasons oppa.” You said looking down at your cup of milk.

 There was silence in the room but it wasnt awkward.

He suddenly moved next to you and hugged you. It was those soft, heartwarming hugs that made you feel fuzzy.

“My father had a and they were in need of someone to take care of the company while he recovers. Since im his only son, I had no choice but to follow his orders. He didn’t give me time to say good-byes or even pack my stuff. I wanted to visit you but I was afraid that you were mad at me for leaving like that. You don’t know how much I missed you.” He said while putting his chin on top of your head.

“Jiyoon what would you do..if I.. I said I love you…?” he asked hesitantly.

You were surprised by his confession but soon all you felt was happiness. You were more than happy to know that he loves you as much as you love him. You always thought that he would only look at you as a sister but you were wrong. Today was like a dream come true, it felt like your life was complete. He stared at you waiting for an answer and the next moment you did something that both you and Lay were surprised by. You don’t know where you came up with this idea and the courage but the next thing you knew you had your lips on his. The moment your lips left his you dropped your head due to shyness. He chuckled and hugged you again and kissed your temple.

“I love you Jiyoon..^^” he said smiling like an love-struck idiot.

“I.. I love you too Lay oppa..” you said shyly and looked up at him.

“You’re touchy as always~” he said and his lips met yours again.

You felt butterflies in your tummy and the emptiness that you felt in your heart started to slowly fill up and felt like the happiest person on earth. And you guys promised each other to stick together no matter what troubles would come across the path.

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Chapter 1: Continuation-o commence-o!
Aiue429 #2
Chapter 1: It's interesting!!!!!
Kawaiitokki1229 #3
Mais-Taemin #4
I like the idea, please update soon, neh? ^^
continha_troll #5
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;