
The Senior Prank

The warmth of his bed pulled Baekhyun in deeper into his sheets, enveloping himself in what felt like fluffy goodness. He groaned, feeling himself regain consciousness without his consent. Flipping around to lay on his stomach, he tried to go back to sleep.

It was only then that his ears perked up on the distant ringing of his cellphone. The very sound that had faded into a white noise but still managed to wake him up. Without opening his eyes, he reached out to violate his nightstand in every way until he felt the object he was looking for graze under his fingertips.

Eyes still closed, he answered the call without hesitation and brought the phone up to his ear.

“Yah. Byun Baekhyun,” a familiar male voice called.

Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows, shifting to his left and bringing his sheets higher up his chin with his free hand. “Kyungsoo?” he croaked, his voice raspy and an octave lower than usual.

Kyungsoo on the other line, let out a deep sigh. “You just woke up, didn’t you?”

Baekhyun uttered a positive grunt, still half asleep.

“Do you know what time it is?” He asked.

Baekhyun shook his head, even though he knew that the latter couldn’t even see him. He just wanted Kyungsoo to get to the point so he could fall back to sleep.

“It’s eleven fifteen. You’re supposed to bring sandwiches today, remember?”

The crease between Baekhyun’s eyebrows deepened as he tried to decipher what the hell Kyungsoo was going on about. Sandwiches? When did he agree to bringing sandwiches? And bring them where?

A bell rang off in the distance as last night’s events returned to him, flooding his mind like a broken dam.

Training camp.

At twelve sharp.

“!” Baekhyun flung the covers off his body, jumping out of his bed with eyes so wide, it was hard to imagine he was half asleep and incapable of stringing together a proper sentence a few seconds ago.  He immediately ran into the bathroom like his life depended on it, sparing the digital clock on his desk a glance. His phone lied beside his pillow, forgotten with distinct callings of “hello?”

He became a multitasking machine; brushing his teeth with one hand and combing through his purple locks with the other while his feet made their way through to the closet as his eyes darted around frantically for choices of clothes to wear.

In a record time of eight minutes, he was dressed, presentable and awake as ever. A sigh of relief escaped him as he jogged down the stairs and headed straight towards the door – until someone stopped him.

“Myungsoo,” Baekhyun smiled a little. “Did you get the car ready? I have somewhere I have to be – fast.”

The black haired boy smiled back with a twinkle of something in his eyes, something Baekhyun recognized as amusement. “I’m afraid not, young master.  I’m here for a different matter; the mistress would like to have a word with you.”

“Look, I – “Baekhyun abruptly cut off his sentence when Myungsoo suddenly hardened his gaze on him, making him feel like a small prey in front of a large wolf. His expression was clear as glass. There wasn’t any way out of this.

Groaning, Baekhyun dropped his shoulders in defeat and turned to make his way in the direction of where his mother would most likely be; the balcony overlooking the garden. He trudged his way back up the steps, heading towards the master bedroom.

“Mom,” he called as he spotted her frail frame sitting down in a white chair, sipping tea leisurely as she observed the morning view. The moment her eyes land on him, affection flickered through her brown orbs as a warm smile stretched itself on her red lips.

“Baekhyun-ah,” she gestured towards the seat across from hers. “Take a seat.”

He took a step forward but didn’t settle into the seat. “Mom, I have training camp in like, thirty minutes. Xi Luhan is going to have my head if I’m late – which I already am.”

Chuckling, she took another sip from her tea cup. “If you’re already late then you can afford to be just a little more late, can’t you?” She asked, smiling at him. He gawked at his carefree mother, surprised that she even thought about things way. It was obvious that she wasn’t like all the other rich house wives; stuck up, strict and putting unbearable pressure on their children to be the best. No, his mother was the exact opposite. She encouraged him to be whatever he wanted to be, believing that he could do anything.

Defeated once more, he slumped into the seat as a pout appeared on his lips to display his detest.

“It won’t be that long, dear. I’m sure Luhan-sshi would understand if his teammate was held back by his mother, despite the fact that if he hadn’t overslept like he did we could’ve had this conversation earlier,” she reassured, her smile never leaving her face.

Baekhyun highly doubted that, especially since he was the one in charge of bringing the food. He could imagine Luhan cursing him while looking up at the sky resentfully for leaving him alone with ten starving idiots. But he didn’t voice out his thoughts because his mother would only laugh at the thought of the deer like boy with a scowl on his face. Instead, he just frowned.

“I wanted to talk to you about our guest, Park Miyoung-sshi,” she chuckled. “She moved in just yesterday and she’ll be staying with us for her senior year at Seoul high.”

Ah, blind girl, he thought. So he was right, it was his mother’s doing. Baekhyun resisted the urge snap his fingers, shoving his hands under his thigh. “She’s new to Korea since she flew all the way over here from America.” He nodded, taking in the new information about the girl who seemed like a dream.

“You’ll have to show her around because of that.” His mother finished. Baekhyun bolted up from his seat, with his mouth agape.

“Wait – no, mom! I have training camp – I mean, as much as I’d like to, I’m busy – can’t we just reschedule,” he stammered, struggling to get his thoughts across to her. His mother smiled at him in amusement from behind her cup.

“I meant at another time, of course. Sometime before school starts so she’ll know how to get her way around the area.” She lowered her gaze. “But you two should meet before you go.”

Baekhyun brightened, already walking towards the door to exit the balcony. “I already met her!” He shouted. “Byemomiloveyou,” the words rolled off his tongue so fast it almost seemed like a single word. He smiled happily to himself as he strolled down the hallway, pleased with the fact that he’d be spending time with this Miyoung in the future. Blind or not, she was hot.



Two weeks later


Laughter flooded from the speakers of my laptop, bouncing off the walls of my bedroom. I didn’t bother to turn down the volume, it wasn’t that loud. And from what I observed, I was the only person occupying a room in this corridor. Maybe there were other people, but I didn’t see anyone else besides the staff.

“And so I was like, uhm no. The only thing that’s ruining my perfect eyesight is you,” Stephanie reenacted her expression at the time, followed by hand gestures. Kris, on another window on my screen, mumbled something like “ouch.” As expected, the guy behind the counter at our special café finally gathered the courage to ask her out on a date. Tiffany complied, only because she had a mini crush on him ever since she ordered her first macchiato. Unfortunately, they came across an that went to Danny’s (The guy behind the counter. I never knew that was his name. Apparently he had a name tag that said it all along. Huh.) school who started hitting on Stephanie and insulting Danny in one go. That’s where the line Stephanie reenacted came in.

She scoffed, bringing her crimson hair over to one shoulder. “Kris, please. He deserved it. Actually, he deserves more. But y’know since I’m such a nice person and all, I just settled for that.”

I laughed, catching disbelief flash through Kris’ face for a split second before he rolled his eyes. “How lucky for him,” I said with a hint of sarcasm. “So anyway, are you and Danny a thing now?”

Ignoring Kris’ gaging sounds, Stephanie beamed. “I don’t know yet. I mean, we never actually… made it official. It was just one date.” Still, I could see her slightly squirming in her seat and shyly biting her lower glossy lip.

“Don’t do that, you’ll bleed.”

“He should just grow some balls and ask you already,” Kris and I said at the same time. If he were here with me in person, we would’ve locked eyes and laugh. But instead, my eyes landed on his face in the screen with him presumably doing the same thing. A second passed by before a smile erupted on our faces simultaneously. Stephanie, who witnessed this, cringed.

“How is it that you two still manage to do that even when one of you is in a different country?” She asked. “Simultaneously, I might add.”

“It’s cause we’re connected,” Kris winked. He shifted his sitting position, resting his cheek on his palm. “So Miyoung, how’s the plan going?”

“Plan?” I repeated, looking up at the ceiling in thought briefly before looking back at his face. “Oh. That. Well, what am I supposed to do? School didn’t even start yet.” I leaned back into my seat, staring at the screen.

Stephanie nodded absently, looking at her phone wide grin. “He texted!” she squealed, furiously tapping her phone screen. Kris shook his head, and if we were together in person, I knew he would’ve pushed her aside and sit closer to me to continue our conversation. A dim feeling of home sickness rose up in me and I knew if I thought about it more, I might just end up bringing the water works.

“When’s school starting?” Kris asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

“I think Mrs. Byun said it’s starting tomorrow. It’s Monday tomorrow, right?” I asked myself, snatching my phone from beside the laptop. Just as I confirmed it, Kris’ voice called out. “Yeah. It is.”

I nodded, scrolling through an app on my phone. “Uhm Miyoung?” Stephanie’s voice called out.

“Hm?” I raised an eyebrow with my eyes still glued onto the screen. There was a news article about INFINITE, a Korean boy band that both Stephanie and I just adored.

“Yeah, okay. I suggest you get your head out of the gutter and turn around before I witness you getting killed.” Stephanie said. I looked up at the computer screen, surprised to see her and Kris staring intensely at something.

Arching my eyebrows, I snapped my head around and met eyes with an equally surprised face. His eyebrows rose as his brown eyes grew wide. He had a childish face but something told me that he wasn’t even close to being younger than me. The first thing that I noticed about him was that his hair was purple. Purple. Kris had blonde hair, Stephanie had red and this guy had purple. I on the other hand, had black hair. Was I missing a memo?

I shook my head. This is not a time to be thinking about hair colors right now Park Miyoung! Who was this guy? My eyes trailed down his outfit; a plain white V neck with black jeans. It was simple, really. But something told me that he wasn’t part of the staff, judging by the way he stared back at me with a shocked expression. The staff would’ve said something already, not have a dumb expression of shock written on their face.

“Who are you?” I asked in Korean, straightening my posture. From behind me I could hear someone scoffing – most likely Kris.

The purple guy seemed to snap out of his daze as he straightened his posture as well. “I’m Byun Baekhyun. We met before.”

“Bacon?” I repeated in English, arching my eyebrows in confusion. He’s named after a piece of meat?

Matching my expression, he shook his head. “No, Baekhyun.” He repeated with emphasis on his name. “Umma told me to tell you that we’re heading out in an hour so you should get ready.”

“Umma?” I repeated. I felt stupid, having to repeat all the things he said for a clearer explanation. But can you blame me? A stranger walked into my room without my knowledge, introduced himself as a piece of meat and then tells me that we’re supposed to be leaving because his mom told him to. How else can I react?

“I…think you called her Mrs. Byun,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I heard you talking to her in the dining hall the other day.”




Mrs. Byun has a son? Wait, no – scratch that. She has kids? Moreover, if she has a kid who’s this old, it was likely that…

“Baekhyun,” Stephanie’s voice called from behind me. Both of us directed our attention to the small window with Stephanie smiling. “Can you answer something for me?” She asked in Korean.

Baekhyun looked taken aback at the sudden request, but managed a nod. “How old are you?”

My eyes flickered over to Kris, who had a baffled expression. “Stephanie are you seriously trying to hit on – “

“I’m eighteen,” Baekhyun cut him off. “Or, well. That’s how old I’d be in America, right?” I vaguely remembered that the three of us had been talking in English before Baekhyun made his appearance.

Silence filled the room as one thing dawned onto the three of us. He was the same age as us, if not older. Which only meant one thing.

“Are you a senior at Seoul academy?” I asked, voicing out all of our thoughts.

Baekhyun smiled – something I would’ve appreciated because well, let’s all face it. He was cute – and nodded. “I’m your classmate, too. Classmate and house mate. Fun, huh?”

Absolutely fantastic, I thought sarcastically.



Hi guys! Thanks for subscribing and commenting c:

This will be the last of Baekhyun's perspective for a while.

Are you excited for EXO's repackage album? I am! Haha.

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papapipame #1
Chapter 6: thanks for the update... cool :3
Chapter 1: So far so good~ :) can't wait for the next update.
Chapter 1: Ohhh~ This story is interesting ^^
Chapter 1: It's a great storyline so far and there are only minor spelling and grammar errors =w= Please update soon~