Chapter 2

Of Luhan, Sehun's Friend and Tail

For the almost 30 minutes, Luhan was chanting the same words while washing his hands repeatedly until he was sure it was cleansed off of rabies (he said). And for 10 minutes he was pacing inside his room with his phone in his hand. He was debating with himself whether to call Sehun or not. But the younger male just leave an hour ago and that huge dog would be living with him for months. Or worse…a year.


He shuddered at that tought. He couldn’t even stand more than half an hour with that wolf-like dog and he had to stay in the same roof, share the same –maybe– foods and fortunately, not his bed. No one was ever allowed to sleep in his bed.


Well, except for someone.


He blinked and stopped pacing when he remembered he hadn’t called his special someone-who-may-sleep-or-touch-his-bed. But, that can’t wait.


He swiped his finger on the small screen to unlock the device and sighed for unknown reason. It was almost half past noon and he still hadn’t eat his breakfast and fed the four legged creature.




Now that he thought about it.


He groaned and was about to slap himself on the forehead when he remembered he was still holding his phone. Wouldn’t want to risk anything, would he?


He threw his phone carelessly to his bed and fished out a small towel from his simple and neat wardrobe. He needed to wash himself, first thing first.








The residence of Xi was rather quiet that afternoon. Usually the owner would be out by now to buy some soccer magazine or maybe just having fun with his friends, oh well perhaps playing soccer. But today was different.


Currently, the orange-haired man was sitting on one of his dining chairs while eating a cereal. He forgot to buy some groceries yesterday because he was too tired to do it after he finished watching marathon drama.


He brought a half spoon of cereal and gently the milk off of the corner of his mouth while watching Yifan eating away his own food. Dog food, please. How Luhan managed to steal one and ate it, only to spat it out in disgust, was still a wonder to himself too. Maybe because the snack incident this morning?


He shook his head in amusement when the huge dog the last crumb off the floor and sniffed at the plastic bowl. At least the dog knows what ‘clean’ was because the human was too lazy to clean his own house. Well, half true exactly.


He putted the spoon he was holding and brought his bowl of milk into his mouth and drank it. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Yifan was now staring at him with those dark brown eyes. He put the bowl back into the table with only half of the remaining still inside of it.


“What now?”


He didn’t know why he always had the urge to ask that whenever the four-legged creature stare at him and do nothing. It felt like he was caught doing something bad, which he didn’t.


What came unexpected to him was Yifan took a few steps forward and almost nudged his knee if he hadn’t stood up so fast and backed away a bit. Again, he was taken by surprise by the furry creature.


“Don’t! Stay back!”


He extended his hand while he held his the spoon on the other hand in a threatening gesture. Well, if holding a spoon in his hand while almost shrieking unmanly was counted as a brave act. Or rather…threatening, his inner self claimed.


It seemed Yifan didn’t pay any attention to him because now his square head was nose was pointed at the bowl on top of the table and sniffing. His ears flicked forward in interest while his pupils waned as he pin-pointed the bowl.


Luhan was busy raking his mind of his runaway possibilities and missed the dog’s reaction after it took a whiff of the bowl until a small and low whine caught his attention. His light brown eyes shift from his red bowl to Yifan and back to the bowl again. He lowered his hands in realization.


“You want some milk?”


What he got was a wag of tail and a sway of Yifan’s behind.


He tested his luck by grabbing the bowl into his hands and lowered himself on his knees. But he didn’t know that dog’s interest will be spiked if their human or any human lower themselves into their height.


And Yifan was no different.


The dog with wolf-like markings neared him slowly and in anticipate as it wagged its tail slowly and calmly. But then Yifan got nervous when Luhan scrambled away from him immediately, the milk almost spilled from the red bowl he was holding onto his chest.


“W-wait! S-stay- STAY!”


And there he was. Yelling at the innocent creature which was blinking at him in confuse and took a step back in surprise when Luhan did that. Yifan growled lowly in his chest as he lowered himself into a laying position, head stood straight and stare at the frightened human in front of him. It seemed Yifan had come to an understatement for the human’s fear.


Luhan was almost panting when he leaned his back onto the kitchen counter’s cupboard on below. He clutched the bowl closely to his chest and patted his chest in self-assurance.


‘You can do this Xi Luhan, you can do-


He yelped and jumped when Yifan huffed at him. this is getting on his nervous system. He closed his eyes for seconds and reopened them to stare at the big canine.


“Yifan…” he whispered to calm the dog and himself down.


He knew Yifan was angry at him. Or not? He didn’t know but one thing for sure he didn’t want to lose his lovely behind to the dog’s sharp teeth only because debating over some milk.


He sighed in relief when Yifan response in another huff. Followed by a hurried low bark as the wolf-like dog snapped its jaw gently. Unfortunately, Luhan took take as a threat as he almost curled himself.


For a moment, if anyone witnessed this, Luhan looked so vulnerable and small. His breaths became heavy and his brows creasing in worry also in fright. What was the real cause behind his fear?


‘Oh God, I need him now’, he whimpered pathetically.


Yes. He needed him now.


The only person who can calm him down.


But sadly, the person he longed and wished for was away overseas for business trip.


He counted 1 until 10 in his head while keeping his eyes on Yifan’s. He took some shaky breaths and curled himself out.




A low whine.


He heaved a breath from his mouth put himself on his knees once again.


“Yifan…I’m going to put this down, right here” he tapped the floor using his unoccupied hand.


He watched as Yifan’s head were pointed towards the floor where he tapped it and back at him.


“You can have your milk when I say ‘go’, okay?”


Yifan barked at him then lowered his head to the floor in between his front legs. Luhan laughed lightly at the adorable scene. Wait, since when did he find dogs are adorable?


…to overcome your fear.


That’s right. He recalled what Sehun said to him and he went dazed for a moment.


So, he really needed to overcome this. Alright then. Let’s give some try.


He putted the red bowl on the floor about half of his arm length. He leaned back slowly while watching Yifan was still staring at him rather than at the bowl which picked his interest before.


Luhan heaved another sigh and prepared himself.


“Go,” he muttered.


At first, he thought Yifan was going to run like there was a stampede and knocked him over with his oversized body. But he was taken by surprise when Yifan stand quietly and walked slowly while staring at the red bowl. When Yifan was almost close to it, he stared at Luhan for a moment as if he was waiting for confirmation.


“Go on,” he ushered the calm beast.


Yifan ducked his head hesitantly while keeping an eye on Luhan as he drank the milk. Luhan sighed loudly and mentally patted himself on the back for succeeded this far.


Well, not that far anyway.


He blinked a few times in surprise when he saw Yifan was still staring at him.


“What?” again, in reflex.


And with that, the big dog released his stare on the petite human and calmly drank his milk.


As for Luhan, he was now tempted to touch the dog’s fur. He recalled watching his neighbor always touch their dog’s head first then down to the ruff. Maybe he could give a try?


He crawled silently and very slowly while extended his hand put to reach Yifan’s head. He almost touched the dog’s head when suddenly Yifan’s ear flicked toward him and he froze. Yifan’s eyes returned to stare at him. He looked huge when he was this close and…scary, even more. Plus with that sharp eyes which were staring at him intently.


Yifan had stopped drinking while waiting Luhan to do whatever he was about to do. Not that he minded, but he was nervous as well because he was not familiar with the human yet. And a panic human could cause a cage for his condition. And he wouldn’t want that to happen. So he stayed there and waited.


When Luhan was sure that Yifan wouldn’t do anything to him, he crawled closer and hesitantly took his hand out. He flinched back when his hand grazed the tip of one of Yifan’s ears. He took a deep breath and extended his hand again.


He released a breath that he didn’t even realize he was holding when his hand finally landed on top of Yifan’s head gently. He laughed in amazement as he felt himself was set free from a big boulder on top of his shoulder.


Well, not quietly.


He jumped back when Yifan moved his head upward for a better view and walked to him. He shrieked and ran off to his couch, leaving the dog stared at him in wide eyes and confuse.


Wasn’t the human just touch him? He was just about to repay it by nudging his head back into the warm hand but what he got was another unmanly shriek and dust. He trotted his way and circled the couch only to stop and huffed softly.


What the hell was wrong with this human?


Trully, one moment the human was savoring his own moment touching him and the next the human jumped onto the couch only to slipped and fell behind the big couch in such a ridiculous position.


He stared at the petite human as Luhan groaned in pain as he rubbed the back of his neck and shoulder. A few curses could be heard by the dog. He thought he heard ‘bloody couch, I can’t feel my ’ and ‘where did it roll away anyway I need to sit the hell down in those squishy ’.


If only Yifan was human, he would’ve stared at Luhan as if he had sprouted a second head or maybe he would give a straight stare. A very straight stare he could muster.


And if Yifan could talk too, he’d bet he would say something along ‘stupid human’ or ‘retarded monkey’ or perhaps he would instead sniffed around to help the human find his rolling behind.


And again, he had to blinked in surprise when Luhan stared at him for moment then suddenly did an epic inhale and run away from him.


Again, leaving him eating the human’s dust.


He huffed in annoyance and laid himself down on the floor where he stood on his four long and strong legs.


Stupid human act like a retarded monkey while trying to save his rolling behind.



Yes. That was what he thought, pretty much like that.








While on the other side of the house, Luhan was muttering,


“ my neck, my shoulder. my rolled away, where did it rolling to? I need to borrow baboon’s pink to sit –ah! Ow…my neck, ,”




Oh, what a day.



A/N : Hi there! So, here is chapter 2. Sorry it's shorter than the first, but it's the continuation of Chapter 1. I don't really have any bright ideas right now so I'll just give you guys this first. Any of you could guess who is Luhan's special someone? ;) I'll give you a hint, it's a guy. (lol not helping at all).

Sorry for typos and grammatical errors :/

Also thanks for the comments and subscribes! Glad you all like this ;) Mind to give another comment for this chap?


Hope you guys like this one too! See you in Chapter 3!







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Chapter 4: OMG who could that be
Chapter 4: omg darling I'm so sorry for your dog ; u ; but I hope she's in a special place where she can be happy forever~ /hugs you/
i just subscribed to this fic and I'm in love with it, I'm not much into dogs but the little details you put about Yifan's habits make me smile and want to have a dog *^* anyways, I think I know who's Lulu special one >.> since is not Kai and can't be Sehun I think is ....... Yep, maybe(?) hahaha
Anyways, I love your fics ;---; I take a while to comment but you know that you have my support, right?
Omg I talk a lot, sorry (not sorry) have a niceu day bby<3
Chapter 4: Ohhh i think i finally know who is lu's boyfriend omfg... xD update sooooon...
Chapter 4: .__. So Kris will only be a dog? Hmmm no human transforming into dog and hot krishan ? >_> wtf lol
Chapter 3: I. Relate,i have the same feel,i lost my friend 3 years ago,she was like...-sighs- ady part of me
Chapter 4: I think I know who's Lu Han's boyfriend 8'D (I mean the story tags... and tall man.. hum~~~ suspicious(??))
are you playing with our minds? (????) X'DDDD!!
sadgfjahsd I almost cry with Yi Fan and Lu Han T//TUu So cute ;; </3

please update soon T3T My feels~♥
muchLove #7
Chapter 4: I'm curious who Luhan's boyfriend is. And I'm glad Luhan is getting closer with Yifan.
Chapter 3: I didn't know you made this fic, I should've noticed it earlier! D;
And aww. Losing dogs is such a pain in , I know it. My dog died last year, he had been with my family for 7 years and it to lose him. :(
Chapter 3: I know how you feel I lost my crazy loud friend too
Chapter 3: Hey.
I know how you feel.
I lost my big idiotic dog last year (a boxer)... It was... horrible.

But you know what? I think he's ok now... Sometimes I dream about him. And he's there with his big doe eyes whining... Maybe because he's hungry or he missed me.

He was sooo clumsy! Every time I remember him, I can't help but smile.
So there.. It's going to be hard... But with time you would make a place for pain... And then look back a those beautiful memories you have with her, and smile.
'Cuz she would always want you to be happy.

This chapter was... just perfect ♥
Not all people can understand how hard can be lose "your best friend"
Cheer up.
She will always be by your side, even if she's not "here"