The meeting

My New Oppa

“Come on wear the dress” mom begged me “begging isn’t cute” I told her with a sigh “wear the dress June” she told me sternly I took the dress and walked into the bathroom. I sighed looking at the dress biting my lip “why do I have to meet him” I sigh “because I’m going to marry him?” she yelled at me. I jumped from her booming tone and winced stepping farther from the door. I was shocked when I met him a while ago I wondered what she found so good about but it was answered the day I met him my whole thing is he has a soon two years older than me and me being one of my mother’s children I’m weary about the whole thing. Even though I had a sister who was a pain, who is now gone, I just never had a brother who I haven’t grown up with.

        “I guess we’ll see how it goes” I sighed looking at my reflection. I walked out the bathroom making sure the dress did not make me look fatter than I already was “look at the purple fairy” I looked up to see mom smiling and in her own attire. “You look nice” she said walking over and running a hand through my hair, “thanks” I said to her “now let’s go before were late” she said to me taking and pulling me.

        We rode to the house and it did not take long. We got to the house, mom rushed me to the front door, and she knocked on it. I looked at the house it was nice looking, on the outside that is. The door opened letting the light shine on us and chasing away the night “hello chanyeol” mom sung I turned my head to a tall male who grinned sweetly at mom as she pulled away from the hug. “In the kitchen” he told her moving aside so we could enter “yebo” she called walking to the kitchen. The door closed while I was looking around the room. “Shall we go with them” I looked to the chanyeol who held a deep voice “y-yeah” I stuttered I bit my lip and followed her into the kitchen.

       We got into the kitchen only to find mom and Mr. Park face “ew” chanyeol whined I wanted to laugh seeing his voice did not fit that word. “Chanyeol” his father sighed, “how about you and June go upstairs and connect” mom said I knew she was embarrassed for a dark woman you can see it on her face. “Ok” chanyeol said in a happy tone before pulling me out the room “chanyeol be careful with her” his father yelled “ok” he called back.

      Soon I was pulled up stairs and into his room “here we are”, he said in a happy tone. I looked down to his hand that was still holding mine “oh mianhe” he told me letting go. I shook my head grabbing the hand he used to hold. “Ah it’s time,” he yelled rushing to the computer. He took a seat and cut the lap top on. I on the other hand I let my eyes scan the room; he had posters of girl groups on his wall along with anime posters. Stuff animals covered a shelf and the amount of technology in his room made me feel like I was lacking.

        “Look hyung's on” a voice with a lisp caught my attention. I ignored it trying not to be nosy and went to the stuff animal shelf looking over the animal’s “oh you guys want to meet my dongsaeng,” he said as we were related or something. I looked at him shaking my head no “aw come on” he whined I held my hands in defense shaking my head. He sighed, “I guess it comes to this,” he said in a creeper tone. I watched as he stood up and walked over to me pulling me to my feet and dragging me to his computer “chanyeol” I whined but it wasn’t enough I was now in front his laptop face to face with eleven screened faces who were equally if not hotter than chanyeol.

       “Your dongsaeng is black” one said I was used to it but it still irritated me to hear it “not the point isn’t she cute” chanyeol said making me feel slightly better “very” one said he was so cute I felt my heart do flips. “So is she the one” another asked he nodded before shoving me into a chair next to his and pulling me near the laptop so, I was in the screen. I looked at him and he smiled at me “well June meet Kris, suho, baekhyun, Jong in, yixing, kyungsoo, jongdae, minseok, luhan, Tao and sehun” he told me I waved at them in shy manner seeing all these eyes are from hot boys that were on me the purple haired black girl. Now I am wishing I died my hair brown.

     I sat there with them while they talked about random topics. “Ok what would you take on an island and one thing, my choice is a store” baekhyun asked.

Yixing: “a lighter”

 Kris: “a phone”

 Suho: “a book”

 Jong in: “a phone”

 Sehun: “food”

Kyungsoo: “a boat”

 Jongdae: “a plane”

Luhan: “my bed”

Tao: “my clothes”

Minseok: “food”

chanyeol: "dara" 

    He said smiling like a dummy “June” yixing asked me “a boat” I said going with kyungsoo answer “why a boat” chanyeol asked me “you can’t leave the island if you bring dara” I told him totally irritated by his answer. “That’s the point,” he told me.

   “Well I chose a phone because you can just call for help” Kris said “why do all that when you can bring a boat” kyungsoo asked. “or a plane” jongdae” asked, “You need a runway for a plane” Tao, said to him. “Not really” he said like a know it all, “Well I wanted a phone to call all my sweet hearts” Jong in said smiling. I knew he was a player, “dummy a bed is all you need” luhan said to the boy “yeah right clothes is all you need who wants to wear the same thing” Tao asked. “Well I say food” minseok said “I second that” sehun said smiling “minseok hyung you will always choose food” Jong in sighed.

      “So true” yixing said not amused “yup” Kris sighed. Soon everyone had agreed leaving the pour boy to pout; in a cute way may I say “my question is why in the world would you choose a book?” baekhyun asked suho. “So I can know how to survive on an island” he said he seemed naïve, he must have an innocent mind frame “I think that’s a good idea” kyungsoo told him.

     I smiled at his kind tone “chanyeol, June dinner” I heard his dad call “well bye” chanyeol said to the guys “bye” I told them as well “bye June” they all said “what about me” chanyeol asked “see you tomorrow skyscraper” baekhyun said chanyeol stuck out his tongue before logging off.

     We sat at the table eating “chanyeol slow down” his father told him chanyeol swallowed and did as he asked. I smiled at this it was fun watching him “so kids we have something to tell you” mom said to us. I looked up at her and chanyeol did the same “were moving in together” his dad said pulling mom into a side hug. No way in hell!!! I wanted to scream at them and tell them no but the smiles changed all that I bit my lip “don’t worry June I told your mother to let all this sink in” he told me. “But were moving in this weekend so don’t let it sink in to slowly” she told me. I nodded looking down I felt chanyeol poke me with his elbow and I turned to look at him smiling big with thumbs up.

    Why do I feel mom signed me to a life of hell I thought crying inside my head?

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surfergirl101 #1
Chapter 5: Oh my god what's happening please update!!
niknac #2
Chapter 2: Super cute!:-)
Brazilian_exotic #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
cocorini #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^