When Baekhyun ..

Your Own Fairy Tale (Closed)



Nana groaned under the covers as her boyfriend keep on trying to pry them off her fingers. "Come on, wake up baby, we're late." It was Friday morning which meant; school and as usual, Baekhyun made a stop to her house first. That was just one of those rare moments when Nana would wake up late and he had to wake her up. 


"Your mom will kill you for being late to school." Baekhyun said but Nana remained under the covers, not moving. She peeked through her fingers and he had to laugh because of how cute she looked. "Why do you want to walk me to school today?" She asked curiously. 


He sighed, he knew this was why she didn’t want to get off her bed. Both of them had been in a relationship for a year but still Nana thinks it was the best to keep their relationship a secret just because of her insecurities.  


"Are you ashamed of me?" Baekhyun asked , taking his girlfriend's hand in his. Nana muttered under her breath but Baekhyun could hear her clearly, "More like the other way around." And here we go again. 


"I''m not, okay. I want to show you off to people, show that you're mine and mine only." He argued but she remained unfazed by his words. "You're beautiful, Nana." She tried hard not to snort at his sentence. Me? Beautiful?  


"I'm not going to school with you." She stubbornly said which made him to sigh. "Fine then. Be careful on your way." He kissed her forehead and left her alone. She sat upright and glanced at the clock only to find she only had 40 minutes to get ready. 


Pushing herself off the bed, she dragged her feet to the bathroom. Beautiful? She looked at her reflection through the mirror and touched it. Which part of her is beautiful, she doesn’t understand. She pinched her chubby cheeks, unkempt hair plus the last time she checked, she gained 5kg. Which part of her is beautiful, exactly? 


She sighed to no one and started to get ready for school.  




She got to school exactly 10 minutes before the bell went off and she felt relief wash over her. Not late, yes. She however froze on the spot when she saw a familiar figure waiting for her by the classroom. With careful steps, she tried not to make herself visible and out of her sight. What is he doing here? His classroom is in the other building. 


She could see how the girls were already giggling over the flower boy right by their classroom and Nana can't stop herself from wondering that she doesn’t deserve him. He's handsome, smart , handsome, handsome ,handsome but her … The giggling girls would suit him better than her-she thought. 


With a sigh, she clutched the file she was holding closer to her chest and made her way, as quietly as possible towards the back door of her class. As soon as she opened the door, various voices greeted her, not failing to holler her name as loud as possible. She cursed under her breath and bit her lips. There goes my plan to avoid him. 


And as if on cue, she felt presence behind her and she had to turn around. And he planted a kiss on her lips as soon as she faced him."What are you doing, baek?" She whispered and he nonchalantly shrugged, "Greeting my girlfriend good morning, why?" He smirked. She could already hear the whispers behind her back and she already knew they'll talk about how someone as ugly as her could date someone like Byun Baekhyun 


With Nana still speechless, Baekhyun grabbed her hand and took her bag from her as both of them made their way towards her seat. He set down her bag on the table and sat down on the seat next to her. "You okay, baby?" The class was so quiet, even though Baekhyun was whispering, everyone could hear him, which was why everyone coo-ed, squealing over the fact that he just called Nana 'baby'. 


Nana on the other hand was still in shock and didn’t hear whatever was going on around her. She was thinking about how doomed she will, getting attacked by the girls in her school for being ugly and dating one of the flower boys. 


 But for the next hours, the unexpected thing happened. 


"Congratulations, Nana-yah." 


"Baekhyun is so lucky to have you." 


"Oh Baekhyun, that lucky bastard." 


"Baekhyun must've saved the world in his past life to have you as his girlfriend." 


"You guys looks good together." 


And so on. 


Nana furrowed her eyebrows as she tried to wrap her mind around what was happening. There was no hair pulling, no yelling, no '' being thrown at her, nothing. 


"See." Baekhyun said crossing his arms. Nana looked up at him and the  looked at the students around them who was giving them sincere smiles, looking at the sweet couple in front of them. "Did you pay them or something?" 


Baekhyun looked at her and grabbed her shoulders. "Don’t you see? You are beautiful, don’t think so low of yourself." Nana kept shut as she looked how sincere Baekhyun was being. "I have never seen someone as beautiful as you and I'm sure I won't find any." 


"Look around, everyone adores you, you are kind, your happy vibe rubs off on everyone around you and they love you for that. The girls looks at you with jealous in their eyes, why because they think you're more beautiful than them, but they can't hate you, why, because not only are you beautiful, your heart seems like it too." 


Nana roamed her eyes around her and Baekhyun was right. No one seems to hate her but instead, they would smile when they made eye contacts. 

"I know I haven't officially asked you to be my girlfriend." Baekhyun started and he suddenly got down on one knee which caught Nana off guard. They were standing in the middle of the hall and the couple were catching everyone's attention. 


"Baekhyun." She gasped. He smiled up at her as he pulled out a little velvet box and opened it right in front of her. Nana looked at the beautiful necklace that shone under the sunlight. "Baekhyun this is so pretty --." But he immediately shut the box and placed it down on the ground. She looked at him , confused. 

He pulled out another box, with the same color but this time , there was a ring inside, engagement ring, to be exact. This time, she was really caught off guard and Nana didn’t even dare to move.  


"It's a little bit early to say this, but I love you, Jung Nana. I love you so much that I feel as if I'll die if  you're not by my side. We'll finish school in a few months and I want you to be mine. I know it's a bit early since we're still so young and all but … I have never been so sure of myself until you came into my life." 


He smiled, "I am so grateful to have someone as pretty and perfect like you in my life and I want that to continue until I'm old, I want to grow old with you. What do you say, Jung Nana, will you marry me?" 


Everyone held in their breath, witnessing the beautiful, beautiful scene in front of them. All of them looked at Nana expectantly, waiting for her answer. 

A small smile appeared on her face as she placed a hand on his cheek. Just right before Nana say her answer, the bell rang, ruining the perfect moment and left the rest of the students wondering of what was her answer. The others scrambled off into their classes leaving the couple, not wanting to get scold with their teachers. 


"Of course I would." Nana whispered when the bell rang. She spoke in a low voice just enough so that only the two of them could hear. "Yes." 


With an excited expression plastered on his face, he slipped the ring on her finger and hugged her. He lifted her up and spun both of them around. "I'm so happy." He said as he stopped and leaned their foreheads against each other. Their moment was cut off short when-- 


"What are you two still doing? Go to class!"  


You asked for a proposal, so here you go :)


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LoverDreams #1
Chapter 7: Eh? I dont understand Sehun's story...whay happened to his laptop? It got stolen?
bettykz #2
love this fic
Chapter 5: This is too cute <3
chanye0ja #4
Chapter 6: what?!?!?!??!
Chapter 17: Omg poor Kris! He better run while he can! Ahh I love how Baekhyun is the overprotective brother, I wouldn't have guessed it was him. :P
Chapter 16: red ice cream stain XD
hahahaha i cracked up!
Chapter 20: Wow this is soooooo cute
Chapter 20: ahhhhhhh i need to read this noowwww huhu ㅠ
Chapter 19: ahahaha so cute xD