Undercover Brothers





 The boys were tuckered out. All week had been non stop schedule after schedule. Between the TV appearances, numerous performances, Onew’s musical practice, Dream Team for Minho and not to mention a billion interviews for magazines and blog sites; the boys felt like death.


 Not to mention Key hadn’t dismissed the whole ‘spying on Manager-hyung’ thing. The boys tried to catch manager-hyung to ask him about the restaurant ordeal but no luck. He had been out and about quite often now days. He barely did anything with the boys anymore; they had some bodyguards and their stylist and makeup noona's and hyungs were mostly in charge of coordinating them to the next event.


 The boys were sort of missing their hyung now. Who was this mysterious girlfriend that kept him from them so often? JongHyun was getting a bit annoyed with this girl as he was not fond of the one stylist noona that decided to ‘take charge’ in manager-nim’s leave of absence.


 He really wanted to get down to the bottom of this, who was she? And what makes her so addicting that manager-nim is gone from morning till evening? 







“Hyungs, look what I found on the table!” Taemin said he rushed into our bedroom. We had just arrived home from some super early interview. I don’t even remember what magazine it was for.  I looked down at the maknae as he entered the room with a grin on his face.


“What is it Taemin-ah?” Minho asked from his own bunk. 


“It’s a message on manager-hyungs cell phone.”


“I don’t think we should be going through the managers phone….” Onew started.


“No it’s not like that! I was in the kitchen getting a glass of water when his phone kept going off. So I finally went to it and it was an alarm. An alarm for a lunch date!”


A LUNCH DATE!” we all exclaimed at the same time.


“Does it tell you where this lunch date is?” Key asked curiously. I already know what he’s thinking, I have a feeling I should put my socks on…


“Mmmhmmm it’s called Chicken Country”




“Ummmm I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration hyung- ” I began, but stopped once Onew turned to glare at me.


Jeez this boy, he seriously does love it that much.


“Okay then let’s go kids~” Key got off his bunk and started grabbing our disguises from the drawers.


“Awwww really? We just got back though and that interview as so early…” Once again another evil glare was shot my way.


What? Was I really so evil? I just wanted to sleep! Aish! This girl is already a problem and I haven’t even met her.


 We got off our beds, Minho looked like he could really care less to go anywhere either so he didn’t even bother with shades. We all put on our jackets and then put on the ‘disguises’ that somehow were seen through ALL the time….why do we bother?


 Taemin had a black wool scarf wrapped around his mouth a bright blue muffler with fuzzy ends on his poofy hair. I had on my jacket the hood pulled up to cover my blonde hair, a pair of black aviator shades and a red scarf around my mouth and nose.


 Key, being Mr.Fashion, had a pair of straight across lady gaga like glasses on him, a thick olive green scarf and a newspaper boys cap hiding his hair. What a guy….


 Onew and Minho were pretty low key. Minho didn’t bother with sunshades, he had a thick navy blue scarf and a black beanie covering some of his long brown hair. Onew had a fuzzy green toque, a thick black scarf as well and a pair of regular shades on his nose.


 All in all we totally looked suspicious but this is how we dressed to go out….sigh. 


 We made our way and one of the hyungs in charge of us for the time being drove us to the area this Chicken whatever was located at. Taemin and Key seemed to be the most excited. Minho looked curious and Onew was ecstatic….but not about the spy mission.


 I was a bit curious I mean I get to finally see the person that’s SOOOO much better than us that takes up all his time. I mean I know he’s already in his 30s and still single so it’s to be expected that he’s looking a girlfriend. But he can’t just ditch being a manager too!


 We arrived at ‘Chicken Country’ Onew was beyond excited to get in there but Key very nicely explained that it was a spy mission and we couldn’t be loud or distracting…by nice I mean he wined and nagged the entire drive here.


I was annoyed.


Lack of sleep and now going on one of Key’s adventures was not what I wanted and was leading to a brutal headache.


“You okay JongHyun?” Onew asked me.


As much as he loved chicken s came first.


“I’m just tired is all hyung. I’m okay.” 


 Onew sighed in understanding and we headed into the restaurant. We were ushered to a table in amongst the hungry patrons. Sitting on the side by a window we scanned the room for manager-nim. 


Suddenly we saw him get up wrapping a scarf over a girls nose and mouth.


Was that the mystery girl?


A black hat was pushed over her wavy chocolaty brown hair as she was being hastily pushed out the door by manager-nim.


I tilted my shades to get a better look at the girl that was walking away, she looked around our age….isn’t she a bit young for manager-hyung?


As I tipped my shades she turned and looked in our direction. Her big dark brown eyes met mine and a tingle ran down my spine.


 She hastily turned around and left the restaurant. She didn’t look Korean, who was she?? I was so caught up in my trance that I didn’t hear the waitress asking us our orders till Minho nudged me in the shoulder.








 As the girl and manager-hyung left the building the boys couldn’t help but stare after her.  They were all curious, and they couldn’t help but notice that she looked exotic. Not Korean at all. Not as far as they could see anyway.


After the waitress had taken their orders the boys discussed the possibilities.


“Do you think that was manager-hyung’s girlfriends just now?” Taemin asked quietly breaking the awkward silence that befell them.


“I think so. Why else would he be here with a pretty girl?” Minho replied.


“Don’t you think she looked a little young for a 32 year old man. She can’t be much older than us at most.” JongHyun mentioned as he took a sip of water.


“Maybe she was an internet bride?” Onew suggested.


They all turned at him like he was crazy.


“What?! It was just a suggestion….”


 “Don’t say useless things Onew-hyung, it’s not good to put these kind of things in young Taeminnies mind” Key scolded.


Taemin rolled his eyes a bit, he was the baby of the group yes but he DID know about other things…not a ton but he wasn’t stupid.


“Well from what I could see she seemed very pretty” Taemin piped up.


“Ya she was pretty I guess, if manager-hyung chose her and he likes her we can’t judge.” Key said, he was losing interest in the girl now. She didn’t seem as exciting as he thought.


“Maybe we should have manager-hyung invite her over for dinner or something? Get to know her better. Meet the family?” Onew suggested.


 The boys mulled this over. She was different that was for sure and too young for their manager. They just didn’t know now. They decided to drop the subject for now.


Why was she such a secret?






Sup kiddies~


Although....a lot of you are probably older than me >.> *ahem*


 So I know this chapter isn't the most EXCITING or AWESOME chapter ever. But I felt you needed to know what was going on SHINee's side of things :) Always good to know what's going through their minds ;D


 I'm moving on Friday to my university :DDDD YA!!!! So I won't be updating friday. Instead I'll be updating on THURSDAY. And won't be online for a little while.


 As well chapters will be coming out only ONCE a week. I'll pick a day that they'll be showing up on. I think it might be Fridays or Mondays. With my course load and the scary amount of work everyone keeps saying I'll have I want to focus 100% on it and not let my story suffer either. So once a week it'll be updated starting September.


Next chapter will be fun I think :) It's 10 PAGES LONG ON MICROSOFT WORD! HOLY SHEEEEEEEEEEZ!!


Ya I already typed it ;D


OH AND THE POLL IS CLOSED EVERYONE~ Thank you to all that voted, however by 1 POINT one of them one ;)


I really hope you liked this chapter! I tried hard to get the feel as to what the boys would ACTUALLY react like...a little exagerated of course!




Please comment and tell me how you think this story is going! Is it too long? Do you want shorter chapters? LET ME KNOW!



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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 34: I vote for Jonghyun!
ShineeWG65 #2
Chapter 27: Awesome as usual! :)
ShineeWG65 #3
Chapter 19: Update please!! :)
ShineeWG65 #4
Chapter 18: This is such a cool story! Please update soon!

Ah, if only real life was like in your story ... tv show...editing.. money.. apartment.. pretty boys.
You really took on a lot of work with this story... and by sticking so close to the actual show. Admirable!

Jia you~
Come on! Update!!! I'll give you a cookie!!!!!! I love it so much! UPDATE!!!!!
You haven't updated since last year!!! Hurry up!!! I'll give you a burnt cookie! I can't cook...But I LOVE your story!!! Please update!!! :D<br />
LOVE IT!!!! Please update!!! I am no longer a silent ninja reader beacause of you! So update!!!!
I just found/read through all the chapters of this story today, and I really like it! The story line moves along a a good pace, there isn't a lot of heavy drama so it keeps me hooked, and the plot is interesting and written well. I really hope you choose to continue writing this story and update soon. No rush. I completely understand how lack of feedback/busy schedule/whatever could prevent you from writing frequently. I just want to say I hope you update this great story, and keep up the great work!! ^_^
OMG!<br />
OMG!<br />
I'm so sorry!<br />
I don't know what'S wrong with my account but it didn't show any updated fics...just today<br />
the baby pics were so cute, now I can imagine little Megan painting pictures of Taeminnie with her wax crayons^^<br />
next up is the soothing baby challenge...I already lmao when I think back what Key did XD<br />
great chappie and I like how the story has more flow now that you changed the style a bit 8D<br />