The Aftermath


The next day Megan woke in a bit of a haze. She crawled out of bed and did her morning routine blindly not knowing where to go from here. She said good-bye to every one last night and hadn’t received a text or call from any of the boys or the Manager. The only person to tell her anything was the secretary of KBS (the rude one from her first day). She told her to come in today to clean off her desk or else by noon they would be chucking everything left over into the garbage.

It’s not like Megan had a lot of things on her desk. In fact she had been in the office around five times since her first day. Barely anytime at all really but she still wanted to make a good impression leaving and decided although she had no real personal belongings there she’d still tidy it up for the next person.

She hopped onto the train with a backpack on her back (just in case she had to grab some things). The ride was lonely and her phone didn’t make one noise still. Maybe it really was all an act and they were just being friendly for the show?

But it didn’t feel that way. She hoped it wasn’t that way.

She got off the train and walked to KBS studios. She ascended the stairs she first saw the boys at, opening the doors into the foyer where she met her staff for the first time, she nodded to the secretary who informed her to drop off her pass on the way out or else there would be a fine (wasn’t she lovely?). And finally she arrived at her desk.

Her fellow colleges were nowhere in sight. It was a Saturday after all she didn’t expect them to be in today. She set down her backpack with a sigh and began to clear off the scattered papers in drawers and in the little file folders on her desk.

She picked up the celebrity photos she “had-to-know” as the PD had told her first day. Megan smiled at the memory. She honestly thought she was going to be interning at this place for a few months and maybe catch a glimpse of her favourite boy group. Never in a million years would she believe anyone that told her she would spend three months with them and have the time of her life.

Well HAD the time of her life.

She gathered the pictures and prepared to throw them in the recycling.

That’s when a letter fell out of the little stack of pictures.

It had her name written on it in neat Korean letters. She picked it up and looked at it curiously.

I hadn't gotten any letters while I was here had I? It looks unopened… Did I forget something!? Did someone hand this too me and I didn’t get around to doing it?!

Instantly she felt a pang of guilt and regret. How could she have forgotten about a letter?! She was barely here as it was and when she did come in she forgot to do her job? Fantastic impression that must have made.

She sighed and opened the letter guiltily.

Mine as well know what I missed.

She opened the letter up and read through the Korean writing (she had gotten quite good at it).

She re-read the letter.

She read it one more time.

Okay maybe ONE MORE TIME.

Her breathe caught in . The room felt small. Her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest.

Then her phone went off.

She answered it without even looking at the caller I.D., she didn’t need to. This persona had his own ringtone on her phone, curtesy of himself of course.

Hey.” Jonghyun’s cheeky grin could be heard from the other side. It was hard to miss. “So I’m guessing you saw the offer?

Megan’s heart sang at the sound of his voice. She couldn’t believe this was happening. “Yes. I saw it.

Annndddd??” he pressed her cheekily, “Will we be seeing soon then? We have lots of things to go over with you. Manager-nim was prepping ALL night. We honestly thought he had a date this time around.

Megan laughed; her hand was shaking from excitement. “Of course I’ll be over right away!

Good! There’s already a taxi waiting for you outside. Can’t let our new PR rep travel by subway anymore.

Megan’s cheeks flushed with joy, “I’ll be right over…sir.

Jonghyun’s smile could be felt through the phone, “See you soon.

They hung up and Megan stood with the letter clutched in her other hand.



Her adventure was just beginning.


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Hello all my readers and thank you so much for following hey_bb!! It has been a long time coming the end of this epic story! I have worked on this for 6 years now and every year it got harder and harder to complete. Originally it was made out to be 70 chapters or more but it was impossible for me to keep up with that massive of a story hahaha

My life has drastically transformed over the years and with growth came improvement. The story from when it first began till now has changed in style, grammer, and tone. I didn't even know if she would eventually end up with Taemin or Jonghyun (Even Key and Minho were considered in the earlier days!). I can't thank everyone who has read this or will read this, enough for coming on this journey with me and seeing it through to the end!


Thank you ever so much and I hope you enjoyed hey_bb!! <3

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rrnadrow #1
Chapter 34: I vote for Jonghyun!
ShineeWG65 #2
Chapter 27: Awesome as usual! :)
ShineeWG65 #3
Chapter 19: Update please!! :)
ShineeWG65 #4
Chapter 18: This is such a cool story! Please update soon!

Ah, if only real life was like in your story ... tv show...editing.. money.. apartment.. pretty boys.
You really took on a lot of work with this story... and by sticking so close to the actual show. Admirable!

Jia you~
Come on! Update!!! I'll give you a cookie!!!!!! I love it so much! UPDATE!!!!!
You haven't updated since last year!!! Hurry up!!! I'll give you a burnt cookie! I can't cook...But I LOVE your story!!! Please update!!! :D<br />
LOVE IT!!!! Please update!!! I am no longer a silent ninja reader beacause of you! So update!!!!
I just found/read through all the chapters of this story today, and I really like it! The story line moves along a a good pace, there isn't a lot of heavy drama so it keeps me hooked, and the plot is interesting and written well. I really hope you choose to continue writing this story and update soon. No rush. I completely understand how lack of feedback/busy schedule/whatever could prevent you from writing frequently. I just want to say I hope you update this great story, and keep up the great work!! ^_^
OMG!<br />
OMG!<br />
I'm so sorry!<br />
I don't know what'S wrong with my account but it didn't show any updated fics...just today<br />
the baby pics were so cute, now I can imagine little Megan painting pictures of Taeminnie with her wax crayons^^<br />
next up is the soothing baby challenge...I already lmao when I think back what Key did XD<br />
great chappie and I like how the story has more flow now that you changed the style a bit 8D<br />