So Pretty

Forbidden Dreamers Graphic Review Gallery
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»So Pretty«

Impression (18/20) → It is very pretty!! But that blue is such a down fall. I don't think blue suits anyone's skin color LOL. However, I do like the fact that everything seems to fit together very nicely.
fonts & colors (15/20) → Wrong choice of font. I think a script or something more bubbly as a font would be better. The font you use suits more of a horror genre poster instead. It gives off a haunted feel instead of the "fluff, cute & soft" feel you were aiming for. The color of the poster is NEARLY perfect. I am telling you the blue layer just killed it. Try pink next time. Gives more of a bubbly feel and it makes the skin color of the girls come alive.
Texture & stocks (19/20)→ This part you did SUPER well. I love the cutting and placement of the characters including the backgrounds. There was beautiful yet simple element that made this graphic become graceful but cute and modern at the same time.
Pictures (25/25)→ Amazing photo choices. I don't think you could've done better!
Overall (13/15)→ Amazing. I love this piece of graphic very much. Just the blue...that REALLY made me sad LOL. I think it is a very professional editing piece and you really showed your graphic editing skills as a designer. Keep up the amazing work~

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Chapter 45: thanks for the review^^
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for the review ><
I really love it :D
HaeriLuvsU #4
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So how do I credit you for a poster review? Like a blog post? :DD