rain sound

Forbidden Dreamers Graphic Review Gallery
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»rain sound«

Impression (10/20) → I think this poster would fit better in the "horror" category lol. I keep thinking of zombies eating brains when I see this poster. I didn't really like it.
fonts & colors (10/20) → The font was nice because it had a touch of rain on it. I didn't like the colors though. I think you should go with the traditional gray, brown, black, white for angst.
Texture & stocks (18/20)→  Since it is a gif, this category is graded differently. I like the layer you put on top to add this effect of a blur.
Pictures (23/25)→ The pictures were nice and I still think of adding zombies! LOL
Overall (10/15)→ Focus on one theme when making a poster will help. PS. ADD ZOMBIES LOL!
Bonus (3/5) → Thanks for requesting. The link to your review is by clicking on the picture of your poster.


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Chapter 45: thanks for the review^^
Chapter 35: Thank you so much for the review ><
I really love it :D
HaeriLuvsU #4
How can I request for a review?
So how do I credit you for a poster review? Like a blog post? :DD