The Last Day

I Just Want to Love You

Sun streamed into the apartment on the 5th level through the closed window casting its glow on the sleeping couple in bed. The lady stirred slightly and covered her eyes with her arm to block out the sunlight.

As the rays of the sun lightly warm her bare shoulder and cheek, she gave a satisfying smile and snuggled closer to the man beside her. Taking a deep breathe, she opened her eyes slowly. She planted a feathery kiss on the man’s cheeks and sat up holding the blanket close to her chest. Bending forward, she picked up the tee-shirt at the end of the bed and wore it on herself in a swift movement.

After stealing a quick look at the man to see if he was still sleeping, she quietly slipped out of the bed. Slowly she tip-toed out of the room and went into the kitchen.

As she took out the eggs from the refrigerator, she started humming a tune. She placed the eggs on the table top and starting taking out the coffee beans from the cabinet to brew fresh coffee. After making sure that the coffee was brewing and the bread were in the toaster, she heated up a pan to start frying the eggs. Throughout the entire time, her smile never once disappeared from her face.


With his eyes still closed, Yong Guk turned to his left and started feeling for the figure beside him. However after searching for a while all he felt was the bed sheets and the blanket. He opened his eyes and all that greeted him was the empty space beside him.

He sat up and started looking around the room to search for the person he was looking for. He closed his eyes and tried to listen for any movements from the bathroom with its door shut. A minute later, he was sure that there was no one in there.

Just as he was still wondering where his beloved might be, a whiff of food aroma sneaked up to his nose. He smiled at the smell and got off from the bed to don his boxers which was thrown on the floor beside the bed amidst the passionate love-making the night before.

As he walked though the living room to the kitchen he could hear the happy humming coming from the kitchen. Smiling to himself, he leaned against the door frame of the kitchen and watched as the figure busied around in there.


Yoon-eun turned the knob on the stove to switch off the fire and picked up the food from the pan to place it on the plate. She smelt the fragrant food smell and smiled to herself. Before she could pick up the plate to place it on the dining table she felt a pair of arms snake around her waist.

Without giving her any chance to react, Yong Guk placed his chin on her right shoulder and whispered in a y voice into her ear, “Morning baby.” Then he planted a kiss on her ear lobe. Yoon-eun turned her head and dropped a kiss on his cheek, “Morning.”

Before the last syllable escaped Yoon-eun’s lips, Yong Guk had already turned her around so that he could see her face. Looking at her smiley face, Yong Guk couldn’t resist his desires any longer. He leaned forward and captured her lips with his. Yoon-eun was slightly shocked by his actions but soon she was responding to all the kisses and everything slowly changed.

The temperature in the kitchen started to increase as the kisses got more and more passionate. Yong Guk’s hands which were on Yoon-eun’s waist were starting to misbehave as they move down her body. Since the moment he leaned against the kitchen door, Yong Guk already knew that Yoon-eun was not wearing anything under his tee-shirt. His hand reached the hem of the shirt and he slowly slipped his fingers beneath to touch her swell at the bottom.

Yoon-eun wasn’t any better. Her hands which were hanging on Yong Guk’s shoulders started to give him light massages on the back of his neck. Slowly it moved and touched his chest, her fingertips bouncing lightly as the heel of her hands rested on his body.

Just before the kiss could get out of hand, Yoon-eun pulled away. After she caught her breathe, she walked out of the kitchen with the plate of food in hand ignoring the pouting Yong Guk.

After setting the plate on the table, she felt the pair of arms around her again. Yoon-eun sighed and leaned against Yong Guk’s chest. “Do you intend to stay like this for the whole day until we are set to leave for the airport?”

“I wouldn’t mind. Actually even after we got on the plane and return to Seoul I still want to stay like this,” Yong Guk said and kissed the top of her head. Yoon-eun smiled slightly after hearing that but she did not show it. Instead she tugged at Yong Guk’s hands which were around her waist. After a while, she released herself from Yong Guk’s hug and pulled him with her towards their bedroom. Yong Guk smiled after realizing where Yoon-eun was pulling him towards.

As soon as they got into the bedroom, Yong Guk pulled Yoon-eun against him and started to kiss her. Yoon-eun wanted to pull away but Yong Guk’s kisses were just too addictive so she decided to let herself respond to it for a while. Before Yong Guk could get to her neck, Yoon-eun had already pushed him away.

“That’s enough. Time for you to go brush your teeth and have breakfast,” Yoon-eun chided and pushed him towards the bathroom.

Before Yong Guk got in, he stuck his head out again and called out to Yoon-eun who was tidying the bedspread, “You are not joining me? I’ll be so lonely in here.” Yong Guk pouted his lips and gave Yoon-eun the puppy look which he knew that she can’t resist. However he was wrong.

Yoon-eun looked up from what she was doing and stuck her tongue at him, “I’m not so stupid to not know what will happen after I step in there.”

Yong Guk laughed out loud and disappeared back into the bathroom. Yoon-eun, on the other hand picked up her clothes which was scattered on the floor from the night before and dump all of it into the laundry basket in the bathroom. She got out immediately after that and walked over to the closet. Picking out some clothes from there she dropped it on the bed then went back to the closet again. After choosing for a while, she pulled out a pair of pants and a long-sleeved tee-shirt.

When Yong Guk walked out of the bathroom all he saw was an empty room. He sighed and picked up the clothes which were on the bed. After a quick shower he walked out of the bedroom to see Yoon-eun sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper all refreshed from the bath that she had taken in the other bathroom.

Yong Guk walked over and sat on the armrest. He pulled her towards him and gave her a light kiss on the top of her head before rubbing his cheek against her hair. Yoon-eun folded the papers in her hands and leaned into Yong Guk’s chest comfortably.

After a few moments of silent intimacy, Yoon-eun stood up and announced that it was about time they had breakfast before the food turned cold. Sitting opposite from each other, the couple silently ate their food but once in a while they would share a knowing smile before they continued eating.

After breakfast, Yong Guk picked up both of their plates and went into the kitchen to wash it. Yoon-eun, on the other hand went back into the bedroom to continue packing their luggage so that they would be on time to catch their flight. While Yoon-eun was packing the luggage Yong Guk used the time after washing the dishes to obtain updates about the company’s progress from the stock market as well as from the reports sent by Youngjae and Daehyun.

He entered the bedroom after he finished his work and saw Yoon-eun placing the last piece of luggage against the wall. He smiled and walked over to her. “I see that you are all done. Want to go out for a walk? We still have five hours before we have to leave for the airport,” Yong Guk said while looking at his watch. Without saying a word, Yoon-eun picked up her purse and mobile phone from the dressing table and held Yong Guk’s hand.

Before stepping out of the house, Yong Guk grabbed his camera and wallet off the shoe rack and the couple was soon out on the streets.

“You really can’t leave your camera behind can you?” Yoon-eun asked as Yong Guk and her took a stroll along the Le Seine River where Yong Guk first laid his eyes on Yoon-eun.

“Nope, I can’t. If I leave it behind then how can I take beautiful pictures of you and the scenery?” Yong Guk said while he lifted the camera to his eye and snapped a picture of Yoon-eun with the river as the background.

Yoon-eun shook her head and with a smile on her face she walked away leaving Yong Guk behind. Yong Guk brought his camera to his eye again and started snapping shots of Yoon-eun. The couple spent the next hour roaming the streets of Paris. Although they never really talked on the way but they felt blessed. Yong Guk was constantly taking photos of the scenery as well as random shots of Yoon-eun. To him, it seemed like they have return to six years ago where he always took photos of Yoon-eun while she did her work.

Yong Guk placed the camera back into its place in front of his chest after he had taken enough photos. With a smile on his face, he observed Yoon-eun who was standing a distance away from him and was enjoying the wind which was gently blowing.

He walked up to her and held her hand. Yoon-eun looked at their intertwined hands for a moment before looking at Yong Guk’s smiling face.

“Finish taking your photos?” Yoon-eun asked with a smile on her face.

Yong Guk nodded his head and leaned forward to give Yoon-eun a peck on her lips. “May I have the honor to treat the beautiful woman beside me for a cup of coffee?” Yoon-eun chuckled at Yong Guk’s cheekiness and nodded her head. With a smile on both their faces, the couple made their way to the stretch of coffee houses lined along the river.

However, they passed by many shops but they didn’t stop. Yoon-eun was getting curious so she stopped Yong Guk, “Yong Guk, I thought we are having going to have coffee?” Yong Guk nodded his head. “Then why aren’t we stopping? We have at least passed by three coffee houses,” Yoon-eun asked after receiving Yong Guk’s confirmation.

Yong Guk kept his smile and said, “I have a special place in mind so what you have to do now my lady is just to follow me.” Yong Guk held onto Yoon-eun’s hand tighter and they continued their walk down the stretch of road.

As they walked, Yoon-eun found the surroundings changing to something which she was familiar with. The smile on her face widen because Yong Guk had indeed brought her to where she thought that it would be.

Sitting comfortably into the chair, Yoon-eun took the menu from the table. After hiding her face behind the rectangular piece of laminated paper, she couldn’t help smiling again. It had been years since she came here because she knew that this place would bring back old memories of her past with Yong Guk. However, she was more than glad to be able to be here now.

While Yoon-eun was still in her happy mood, Yong Guk had already placed the orders for them. When Yoon-eun placed the menu down and asked Yong Guk what he wanted, Yong Guk laughed. “Baby, if you had been hearing you would have realized that I have already placed the orders.” Yoon-eun stuck out her tongue and shrugged her shoulders, “Sorry. I was still thinking of what to get. What did you order for me?”

Yong Guk laughed and played with her fingers which he was holding on the table, “A piping hot mocha with extra whipped cream. I know how much you love having that during the winter.”

Yoon-eun gave Yong Guk a warm smile as their orders were served. For the rest of the time, they sat in the open area outside the coffee house sipping their coffee and ate the cake at the same time enjoying the beautiful view of the river. For them, it was a blissful afternoon which they hoped that they will be able to share together for the rest of their lives.

Time pass by fast, soon it was time for them to leave. Yong Guk asked for the bill and pulled out the cash from his wallet for the waiter. When he returned with the change, he placed he box of cake on the table as well. Yong Guk and Yoon-eun looked at him, puzzled. The young man just flashed a smile and pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. The couple looked over and saw the owner of the coffee house smiling and waving at them. The both of them gave a polite nod and Yong Guk picked up the box from the table. Waving farewell to the owner and the waiter, they walked back home hand in hand.

“Baby, how long have you not gone to Le River Café?” Yong Guk asked as they walked back.

Yoon-eun pondered for a moment then answered, “Around six years I guess. Every since you left I never wanted to go there.”

Yong Guk bit his lower lip and nodded his head in silence; he made a mental note in his mind to bring Yoon-eun and Jae Hwan there whenever they visit the country. He was determined to make up to the mother and son for missing out so much in their lives for the six years.

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Saabbrinaaa #1
Chapter 42: Authornim please update
jmayo81 #2
Chapter 42: Aww, this was sweet. I love how Yongguk is showing his love, but recognizing that he missed 6 years of their lives. But I'm proud of her, for letting him in & allowing him to "catch" up so to speak. Omg, who wouldn't love to fall asleep in Yongguk's arms? not even my bias & I'd love it ^_^ Also, the hand holding was too cute, I giggled... it was short & sweet chapter, that was able to speak volumes. Thank you for updating & look forward to them being home & beginning their new life as a family w/ Jae Hwan!!
jmayo81 #3
Chapter 41: This was like the PERFECT chapter for feels to be BUSTED!!! sheesh, the way you described her in the am, leaving him in bed, to him coming up behind her. Trying to restart something ^_^ Then just their super sweet moments between the 2 of them!!
ugh, just perfect, I can't wait for them to go back & spend more time together~ but I LOVED this chapter!!!!!!!, thank you for updating & can't wait for more~
jmayo81 #4
Chapter 40: Youngjae & NaHee, their love has so many sad points, but each time they got stronger & have such a sweet love! I truly loved the chapter & the backstory of what happened & how they met. Youngjae's words to her were SO sweet, my heart melted. Really loved this chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more!
jmayo81 #5
Chapter 39: T_T.... When I saw the title of the chapter, I went uhh ohh!!! YOOJIN!!??!!? Give Daehyun a chance! DAEHYUN don't give up w/out a fight, she needs to see she's worth it to him... I think!? haha They're so adorable together, but it's true. She may not be ready no matter how perfect he is, but is he willing to wait??? Great chapter! Thank you for updating & look forward to more <3
jmayo81 #6
Chapter 38: OMG... First off, in my few years on AFF, this is by far the nicest thing anyone has ever done!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH & WELCOME BACK <3333 When I saw you had updated, I literally squealed!!!!!! The wheels are starting to turn, Youngjae & Nahee have figured it out. And how cute without him even knowing it, he's playing with his grandson <3 (the feels) Uhh ohh, Daehyun is grumpy & judging by his reaction to her w/ Himchan, something is up! Loved the chapter & thank you so much for taking the time to update. Sorry you're experiencing writer's block (no indication w/ this chapter) Hope you're able to get past it ^_^ FIGHTING <33
jmayo81 #7
Just checking in again to say miss your story & hope all is well & we look forward to reading soon ^_^
jmayo81 #8
Just writing to say, miss your story & look forward to an update soon ^_^ hope all is well!
jmayo81 #9
Chapter 37: Welcome back! This chapter & the feels!!! you made this so unbearably sweet.. I LOVED IT!!! what he said towards the end about another baby... Ugh, too sweet! I'm so glad that they're going to try & I can't wait for his to tell his father! Not to mention, who doesn't love a man that can cook! Thank you for updating!
stevieortiz87 #10
Chapter 37: Oh goodness.....i....just....CAN'T!!! ugh I love this so much!!