5. N's Story

The Red String

CHAPTER Four “N's  Story”


N was alone in Jisoo’s living room after he had unlocked the door himself. He was lying on the couch staring at the ceiling waiting for Jisoo to come home. It had been rather late into the day and Jisoo wasn’t home. This was driving N crazy. He always enjoyed bothering her and watching the way she reacts to her, but yet she always does what he wants.

“It was probably because of my string…” N said out loud as he looked at this hands pretending like he can see his own strings.

He sighed and let his arms cover his eyes. He let a tear drop from his eyes as he remembered his own past…




Even as a high school student, N was the biggest flirt in the school. All the girls swooned over him and all the boys wanted to be his friend. Jisoo learned when her mother asked N to pick her up from middle school and come home together since they were having dinner together. She wasn’t expecting to have all her classmates ask about her childhood friend like he was some celebrity the next day. But of course, being able to see his strings, Jisoo didn’t put any effort in getting N with any of her classmates. It was one day when she heard there was a transfer student in Jisoo’s class.


Her name was Yang Jiwon.


Jiwon somehow always hung around Jisoo. She didn’t find Jisoo’s ability to see the strings; she actually found it extremely amazing and asked her many questions.

It was when Jisoo invited Jiwon to her house and N’s family happened to have dinner with us as well. N had seen Jiwon for the first time. For some reason he felt like he had never felt such feelings before. The way she smiled and said her hellos to Jisoo’s and N’s family, the way her long black hair laid upon her shoulder, the way she giggled with Jisoo about something that he could not hear over the adults talking. Jisoo noticed it too, the way the string that was tied to Jiwon’s pinky was tightly attached to N’s pinky. After that day, N had constantly bugged Jisoo’s about Jiwon and he came to pick her up every day just so he can see Jiwon.

“You obviously know that he comes here for you, why do you act like you have no idea?” Jisoo asked Jiwon.

“I don’t think want to liking someone who is not worth my time. We both know that he’s not the brightest kid in the class and that he has the cleanest history…” Jiwon replied and Jisoo nodded in agreement as she chuckled.

When N had found out that the reason to why Jiwon was not giving a glance at him, he went school every day without creating , didn’t look at girls, and actually ranked high in school. Jisoo slowly noticed how Jiwon was wavering, though she knew that eventually Jiwon would fall for him even if it takes him years.

It took N a month after he changed for Jiwon to agree to be his girlfriend. Jisoo was more than happy to see how well they got along and how happy they looked. Everyone thought they were going to become high school sweethearts and get married.


That was before N got into college and Jiwon and Jisoo was still in high school.


It was a cold winter day. N was planning to propose to Jiwon so they can get married when she gets out of high school and Jisoo was asked to help. This day was no different. Jisoo met up with Jiwon, who thought it was going to be a normal Saturday hang-out with her best friend. They rode the train together and headed to the station that they usually get off for school.

When they got off, N was on the other side of the station holding up a huge heart shaped board that read “WOULD YOU MARRY ME?”

Jiwon looked with tears in her eyes and a giant smile. Jisoo was on the side watching the two happy couple.


But little did Jisoo see it coming…


Jisoo saw Ellin, one of N’s ex-girlfriends, on the train on that same day. Jisoo watched how she got on and off the same stations that they got on and off. But Jisoo tried not to think of it too much, it was a happy day. When they got off the station, she saw Ellin walk towards the exit so she just happily watched the couple. N was turning around so he can get to the other side of the station and Jiwon turned to go and greet him. Jisoo was going to leave the couple so they can have their time. But she saw Jiwon heading towards the train and not the staircase.


Jisoo saw their faces.

Jisoo saw the face of Ellin filled with anger and jealousy.

Jisoo saw the face of Jiwon filled with fear and worry.

Jisoo saw their strings tighten up, snap and fade away. 

Jisoo saw N…

His face showed no emotions.

What face can someone who lost the love of his life just before his eyes make?


Ever since that day, N didn’t talk to people. He rarely ate and all he did was sleep.

He didn’t go to school nor did he play his video games all night. He was just barely living. 

N didn’t talk to people because everything they said when they saw him was about Jiwon.

N didn’t eat because everything he ate felt like it didn’t taste the same without Jiwon.

N didn’t sleep because every time he closed his eyes, he would see Jiwon’s face.

N didn’t want to do anything because he felt like he was missing the biggest piece of his life.

Jisoo was the only person N allowed into his room. Jisoo knew why; she was the closest person to Jiwon and N, himself. Jisoo saw and felt almost the same things N felt and he felt like she was the only one that understood his actions. But honestly, Jisoo was getting tired of his acts.

“You need to get your out that door.” Jisoo said with a firm tone. “Or at least eat the food I bring you.”

“No.” N weakly replied.

“What is going to happen if you lay there moping about this for the rest of your life? Nothing’s going to change, Cha Hakyeon. Jiwon isn’t going to come back.” Jisoo shouted with tears in her eyes.

“Get out.” N retorted.

“No. You want me to tell you more. I can’t see your string. I don’t know why but I can’t see it anymore. But sometimes when I visit you late at night and you fell asleep crying, I see a faint line. The only time I’m able to see your string is when you are lifelessly sleeping and not thinking about Jiwon. So please at least try to get yourself back together. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to see your string again and if I’ll ever be able to help you find someone to replace Jiwon, but if you keep acting like this, I can’t do anything.” Jisoo went on explaining.

“This is my life. I do whatever I want with it. So shut up and get out of my room.” N sat up and said with his teeth clenched and his face up close to Jisoo’s. Instead of getting up and leaving, she brought her hands up to his face and caressed them as if she was touching a baby’s cheeks.

“This is the first time I’ve seen your face ever since that day.” Jisoo commented happily as she smiled slightly.

“I said leave.” N said trying to get her hands away but Jisoo frowned and squished his cheeks between her hands.

“You look uglier now that you are skinnier… You really should eat.” Jisoo complained before getting up and leaving.

“You’re annoying.” N sighed out before collapsing to the bed once more.

“Jiwon used to complain that you were too skinny and that I should get you to eat more and work out. That was before you stopped eating… she would hate the way you look now.” Jisoo calmly said before closing the door behind her back.

N opened his eyes when he heard the beeping noises from the door. Before he could hide or say anything, he heard the door close with a slam.


“I was going to do that, but you weren’t coming and it’s a bit chilly outside… Where were you this late?” N asked.

“It doesn’t matter where I was and stop trying to change the topic. I changed the passcode lock and you still got in! What am I supposed to do now?! Get myself a key lock?!”

“I know almost everything about you. If you think of four random numbers, I’m sure I’ll be able to get inside.”

“A key lock sounds like a plan, I will look into it.”

“I can just break in.”

“That’s illegal. I’ll just send you to jail.”

“Is that how you treat your childhood best friend?” N asked and Jisoo didn’t reply. Surprised, N looked up and found Jisoo standing in front of him looking at him with a frown.

“When was the last time you ate?” Jisoo asked putting his face between her palms and squishing them. “You look like you lost weight. Didn’t I tell you that you look ugly when you lose weight?”

“I ate at home for breakfast, lunch and dinner! I just came by because my mom told me come by and give you some food. Plus we have somewhere to go tomorrow.” N said pulling his head out from between her hands.

“Go where?” Jisoo asked.

“Something about grandma leaving for a trip and a company family party, I’m not sure. My mom wanted me to ask you about what you are going to wear so I can dress to match you.” N answered.

“Why is my partner always you?”

“Because we are told to be. We both don’t want to be there so let’s try not to make it so difficult for the both of us, okay?”

“I’ll probably head to the shop before I go, come pick me up in the morning and we will go pick something out together.” Jisoo answered. “Now, leave. I’m tired.”

“Leaving, leaving…” N sighed out as he left the house. N got into his car and sighed once more.


I wonder if she knows…

The reason why I got out of my room.

The reason why I ate and slept.

The reason why I visit her.

The reason why I know everything about her.

The reason why I was able to forget Jiwon.

The reason why I’m in love with my best friend.




 author's note 
Sorry for the horrible chapter but it's just a filler and all ^^
Hopee you guys enjoyed it xP
The story will get exciting soon ^^
OH!!! I don't hate Jiwon or Ellin... They are just people that came into my mind when I was making pairs for N.
Eunyoung will soon come into the story as well ^^

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melody66 #3
can you send me an email at [email protected]? I have an important favor to ask you.
Chapter 7: Patiently waiting for next update ^_^
Chapter 1: New reader here. One of the best fics I have EVER read!!Great job! {I love how you incorporated All The Kpop in this ^^} author-nim jjang!!
Chapter 6: I love this story and I'll wait patiently for the next update. Take your time and don't hope author-nim :) Lots of love <3
Chapter 6: Please take your time, we'll be waiting patiently :)
Chapter 6: It's ok take your time we'll be waiting for your next update!!!:)
Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
ilovekauai8 #10
Chapter 5: Woooooowww.....Woooooowww....Woooooowww... this is all I'm saying repeatedly!!