nervous sweaty hands

hold hands?

“omma! Look, those hyungs are kissing each other”


The mother and child quickly walked ahead of the alley, ignoring the two intimate boys.

Changhyun were so surprised he unconsciously pushed jonghyun away while his left hand swung fast across changjo’s cheek. Slapping the boy so hard that the sound had echoed across the alley’s brick hard walls.  After a good ten seconds he had realized what he had done, trembling with fear as he peeked at the maknae.

“ooohh I’ve done it this time. Aish im so dead”

Changjo who was slapped hard fell on his hips as he shakes his head. The bump from the fall he had just a while ago was still stinging but the smack ricky had gave him made the younger lad sees star twirling around his head. Then he smirked mischievously and scratches his not-so itchy head.

“oh no! Did I hit him too hard?”

“changjo ya, how many fingers do you see?”

Changhyun nervously held up three fingers in front of jonghyun hoping that the boy didn’t hurt his head that bad. The thought severe concussion or even a few snapped veins from the neck had made ricky scared as hell, almost to the point of wetting his pants.{ “omg did I just made the boy I liked retarded…..?!”} ricky thought to himself.


“mwo?! How much choi?!”

“I said none. Nothing”

“ ooooh ma gawdddd otoke. I need to call the ambulance! Otoke my boyfriend is blind!!!

The elder got up, walking back and forth probably experiencing a mental breakdown. Jonghyun who was innocently sitting smiled sheepishly at his worried boyfriend, bursting in small giggles at times at how adorable ricky was.

“ ya ..yah! haha you’re so paranoid omg, your maknae here was the boy who made Gangjoe bleed okay”

“I can handle a little more than a wimpy slap arasso. So sit down and relax”

“then why you said none?! Choi jonghyun are you kidding me?!”

“nope. Im serious, I see none……”

“cuz all I can see is the idiot’s face in front of me looking all scared and worried”

“I guess I am blind. Im blinded by your face yoo changhyun…. don’t come so close next time”

“I swear you’re making me crazy”

The younger boy stated how he hated the way changhyun’s face made his heart race but instead he has no idea that there was another person who almost lost his mind because of him. Yoo changhyun flushed ears says it all as he looked away shyly avoiding the maknae’s sharp intoxicating gaze. The elder boy silently walked ahead as he told jonghyun to follow him to the clinic. The kiss was great and the confession was sweet but the fact that blood was still dripping off changjo’s forehead made ricky nauseous. Then they head home as the day was getting darker….

The silence was killing jonghyun. Ricky stopped talking the moment changjo’s cut was stitched up. Jonghyun didn’t know what was the reason behind ricky sudden silent treatment.

“aishh calling me “my boyfriend” and seconds later totally ignoring me….”

“gosh talk about emotional”

The maknae rolled his round eyes as he heads to the shower and slamming the door. He was angry, being confused and patient was never his trait anyway so the way ricky had treated him made him feel like he didn’t matter. But actually ricky was just tired. The elder lad was tired, from the accident, from the kiss everything that happened that day. He needed time to process his mixed up emotions and worries and most importantly guilt.

Guilt was eating over changhyun’s mind.

“ aishh if only I was a bit more careful, he would not ended up with that huge scar on his forehead”

"and he's so good looking too ...*sobs"

Changhyun whispered as tears flooded the boy’s round hazel eyes again. This time escaping themselves from the brims of ricky’s eyes successfully. Then the boy took his large pillow and covered his flushed face and puffy eyes.

“im so sorry jonghyun’ah”

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Chapter 5: Ahaha that's so cute! Changjo totally trolled him! Poor Ricky worries so much... Don't cry, Changjo will be fine!
Chapter 4: Damn that maknae... He tricked Ricky! Made him cry too! But still, it's cute! :)
Chapter 3: oh my i hope he doesn't die
Chapter 3: Omg! Is he ok!? Damn that guy riding that bike!! Watch out next time! But Changjo!! I hope he's ok.
Chapter 2: Oooh ChangRick action on Twitter! Hehe cute chapter!
elf_lover18 #6
Chapter 1: Woohoo update plss :)) it's so cute!!! Changrick yeah!!!!
ne9sa2ko #7
Chapter 1: *o* teentop just released their new mv and you update this story....
I don't have words to express how happy I am right now *** <3333333