It's been a while

Depressing Life


The next day, you wake up early in the morning. Unexpectedly, your family is nice to you today.
You showered, dressed up and decided to go downstairs. Your parents greeted you "Good morning _____, had a nice sleep?" You're confused and replied, "Umm yeah I had a good sleep" suddenly your mother shouted "_____-yah, I cooked your breakfast eat it, arasso" "Nae, umma." Today, it felt like the best day of your life. It's been years since you felt like this. You're so happy today! 
After you finish breakfast, you parents asked you to sit with them on the sofa. "So ______ we've been thinking to ask you about the young man you've been dating" your father said. You're shocked when he says that. "So what's his name?" "Uh, his name is Baro he's in the same class with me" "Ah, I bet he's a really nice man" "Yeah, he is appa. He's gonna pick me up later because we're gonna hangout with Amy and his boyfriend Harry, can I go out?" "Of course dear, no worries" your mother said. After that, you went upstairs and dressed up.
From : Baro Oppa <3
Annyeong! I'm here already~
To : Baro Oppa <3
Okay! Come in i'm gonna introduce you to my parents.
You hear the bell rings. It's Baro. Your father opens the door and say "I bet you're Baro the young man that ______ is dating" "Um, yes uncle, annyeonghasseyo i'm Baro, ______'s boyfriend" "Come in Baro" your mother said. You hear their conversation while sitting on the stairs and you can't stop giggling. "So uncle, aunty can I go out with ______?" "Of course, but make sure to take care of my daughter okay?" Your father said. "Of course i'll take care of _______ uncle, we'll be going now, annyeonghasseyo" 
*In The Car*
"So, oppa how was your conversation with my parents?" "They're nice" "Yeah? So you're not scared of them?" "Nope, not at all" "Hahah okay oppa" "We need to fetch Amy and Harry right?" Baro says. "Yeah, Amy told me that Harry is at her house already so we need to fetch them at Amy's house" "Oh, okay then." When you two arrive at Amy's house they quickly enter your car. "Amy-sshi do you wanna hear something happy?" You asked her. "What is it about?" "I introduced Baro to my parents and they liked him!" "Really?! Wow congrats Baro!"Amy says. "Woah congrats bro!" Harry said to Baro. "Thanks man" Baro replied. 
The four of you are going for a double-date so, you guys went to the movies, went shopping, playing, karaoke-ing and more!
You and Baro are sending Amy and Harry at Amy's house. "So Harry, you're staying at Amy's place tonight?" You asked Harry. "Yeah, cause there's no one at my house so i decided to stay at Amy's place" After you dropped Amy and Harry at Amy's house, you and Baro wave goodbye and say "Have fun guys!" Together.
*At your house*
"Oppa it's already late don't you wanna stay here, tonight?" You asked Baro. "Is it okay?" "Wait, i'll ask my parents wait here okay?" You go in your house and ask your parents about it. "Umma, appa, can Baro oppa stay here tonight because it's already late" your father and mother discuss about it for a while and say "Sure he will sleep in you room" your father said and you just say okay. You're shocked at your dad's confession though. You go outside and tell Baro about it. "Oppa my parents said okay and you're gonna sleep in my room" "Jinjja?! Your parents said yes?! And even allowed me to sleep in your room?!" Baro says in disbelief. "Yes they really said yes and yeah I didn't believe that also but, they said yes though." You take Baro's hand and invite him into your house and your room. "Wow nice room you got ______" Baro says. "Thanks? Hahah" "So where do I sleep?" Baro asked you. "Beside me maybe? At least I'm not sleeping alone today, please oppa" "Arasso, your parents are okay with it?" "Yeah, they changed now." So you and Baro sleep on your bed side by side for the whole night and you feel really safe and secure by having Baro sleeping beside you while hugging you.
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Chapter 3: Harry and Amy are so cute!! Hehe, this chapter was good~ usually when admins write they aren't really THAT good, but I thought this chapter really cute^^
Chapter 2: update soon! looking foreword for the next chap!
marlimacha21 #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
zoeyhanson102 #4
Update soon looks good my fave b1a4 member