A Messed-up Library

A Messed-up Library

“Jae hyung!!!!!!!!!!!!” a high pitched dolphin voice broke the silence.

“Shhhhh!!” Everyone in the library shushed Junsu and gave him the evil glare.

“Sorry…” Junsu ducked down and sat on the floor next to JaeJoong’s feet.

“Told you to not follow me.”

“No, you told me to be quiet.”

“I knew you weren’t going to be in the first place.”

“Oh thanks for your confidence in me,” Junsu said sarcastically.

While JaeJoong looked for his books, Junsu sat silently talking to himself.

“Why did you come to the library anyways?”

“What else?”

Junsu rolled his eyes… “Ah, right..”

JaeJoong peered over to the bookshelf he was at smiled to himself.

Junsu looked up at him brother and shook his head. “I’m gonna go find my Chunnie~”

“Yeah, sure, ok,” JaeJoong said without even looking his way.

“Alright, 5, 4, 3, 2….” JaeJoong counted. Just as he was about to count to one, someone appeared. “1.”

“Hm..? What?” Yunho asked as he pushed up his glasses.

“Huh? Oh. Nothing.” JaeJoong smiled sweetly and turned his back on Yunho.

Yunho shrugged and turned to the bookshelf.

They stood back to back in silence.

Yunho took the book from the shelf and stacked it on his already book pile in his arm. (if that makes sense haha) He turned around and saw JaeJoong reaching as high as he possibly could for a book.

Yunho stared at JaeJoong’s back looking at how his uniform shirt lifts up when he reached for the book.

He gulped. “Do…do you need help?”

JaeJoong stopped what he was doing and turned around. “Hm? Oh no. I can do it!”

He continued reaching for the book.

“What book do you want? I’ll get it for you.”

“No, I can get it myself.” “Ah, can’t let my cover blow,” JaeJoong thought.

Yunho tilted his head to the right in confusion.

“Ah, I got….it…come on!!” JaeJoong’s fingertips brushed the edge of the bind of the book.

“Here, I’ll get it for you.”

“No, I’ll get it for myself!!”

Yunho(being taller) took the book before JaeJoong could finish his sentence.

JaeJoong (because he was trying to reach the book) now has his left foot on a book shelf and his right foot on the shelf above it. (basically hanging on the shelf)

The shelf started to lean for JaeJoong’s weight caused it.  (im sorry for making him sound so fat….-_-ll)

Next thing JaeJoong knew was he was falling, and he jumped off the shelf onto Yunho who was just wondering what he was doing, and the whole shelf fell.


JaeJoong opened his eyes slowly not wanting to face reality.

The whole library was in a domino effect and the shelves were all tumbling down. (starting from that one, not whole library XD)


With little room between the fallen shelf and the floor, JaeJoong crawled out followed by Yunho.

The librarian stood there with her arms on her hips and her eyes on fire.

“Um…I can explain..”

“No need for explanations. Why do you have to cause trouble everywhere you go?” She rubbed her temples.

JaeJoong remained silent and pouted.

“Jae hyung!!!!!” squealed a dolphin voice. “Hyung hyung!! I heard the commotion. Are you ok hyung?? Are you hurt??? Hyung??”

“No I’m fine.”

“Oh, no you’re definitely not fine,” the librarian said. “Look at all the books?? You’re going to stay after and organize them until you finish whether you like it or not. I’m going to talk to the principal.”

“Hyung!! Why do you always get yourself in trouble?” Junsu said. He shook his head a little and stopped when he saw Yunho standing next to his hyung.

Whispering to JaeJoong, “Let me guess, you’re not upset because you have to stay after school, but you embarrassed yourself in front of him?”

JaeJoong lifted his head up and snapped. “Bingo, you know me well, Su.”

After school……

“Uh, how am I supposed to finish?”

“I would help you hyung but I have soccer practice…sorry..”

For the next few hours, JaeJoong mumbled to himself while picking up all the books.

“Aish, its 6? I didn’t have dinner yet…and…I DIDN’T CALL MY MOM YET!!!!!!!!!!”

“It’s ok, I called.”

JaeJoong turned around and saw Yunho leaning on a shelf.

“Don’t lean on it, it may fall.”

“Like you’re the one to tell me.”

JaeJoong blushed remembering his embarrassing moment…

“Here, didn’t you say you were hungry?” Yunho tossed JaeJoong a bento and sat down.

“I thought no food and drinks allowed….”

“There’s only the 2 of us anyways.”

JaeJoong ate in silence as Yunho flipped through some of the books that were still lying on the floor.

After a while…

“ So I was wondering…Why were you at the library anyways?”

“Er…” JaeJoong almost choked on his food as he tried to think of a good reason.

He can’t just say, “Because I wanted to see you.” That would be pure stupidity.

“Because you wanted to see me?”

And now he can read minds…

JaeJoong stared at Yunho with wide eyes and tried to swallow his food.

*cough cough* “Uh hum…right…sure…” He said trying to not sound so obvious that he was nervous.

“Oh, I was wrong? I thought you wanted to see me too.”

Too? TOO!?!?

“Too?? You wanted to see me too?” JaeJoong placed his bento down and turned towards Yunho on his knees, his eyes sparkling.

“I thought you said you weren’t here to see me.”

“Huh? Uh..right…”

JaeJoong slumped back down and picked his bento back up.

“Wait, then why are you here right now?”

“Er…” Yunho picked up a book and hit JaeJoong’s head with it. “We better finish.”

JaeJoong pouted…why is he so confusing? But that’s what attracted him to Yunho in the first place. He smiled as he picked up the book that brought their fate paths together…

“Why are you smiling at a book?”

“Huh.” He quickly put the book back down. “I’m not. You’re not even helping.”

“Yeah I am.”

“What are you doing then?”

“Wait for you so you won’t have to walk home alone.”

“Yah!! Not helping!”

Yunho laughed and ran around as JaeJoong chased after him.

What is this book you ask? Well…I’ll tell you next time XDDD


OK I got into the mood for writing and this is what I get...-cries- >.< I’m sorry again for the fail -_-lll

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh imma cry from all my fail stories now…

I’m sorry for the failed questions at the end and everything…I tried to make it a cliffhanger type and it failed XD haha

I love the word fail...*off topic*

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Chapter 1: Continue,,,
saludlang #2
Chapter 1: cute and clueless jaejoong is so adorable~ >,<
Poor Jaejoong xD That must've been embarrassing
babymichiie #5
Your story is okay.. but I don't get the ending?<br />
I don't think there's an ending? O_O<br />
Anyways.. you will be better.. just more practice! ^^