How to Earn Free Kpop Merchandise + Korean Cosmetics


Hi! So I know some people that are die-hard Kpop fans that really want Kpop merchandise but are unable to buy stuff because they don't live near a local Kpop store or are unable to purchase online for multiple reasons.

By participating in fanclubs and posting pictures/videos/links about your favourite groups, completing surveys, watching videos, etc., you can earn points. These points can be used towards purchasing basically anything! Giftcards on amazon, paypal, etc. You can also use them to purchase anything on, INCLUDING Kpop merchandsie and Korean cosmetics.

I recently recieved an Etude House nail polish I redeemed with points, this website really is legit.

I'm spreading this around because I think this will appeal to many Kpop fans! ^^


Please sign up using this link as I recieve points when you sign up too! (Copy and paste) :D


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Yes, I'm one of those people. I'm going to make one now