Don't Go

Don't Go

"Hi.... It's been a while... How have you been ?.." I said as i laid the flowers next to him 

"As for me....Things have been a little rough lately, but i've been doing my best... I promised you that i would find happiness even after you-..." I stopped as i suddenly found my tears falling from my eyes. 

"ehe.. I'm sorry.. I know i said i would never cry in front of you anymore.." I tried to say as more tears dripped from my eyes. I smiled weakly and looked at him 

"It's been a tough 2 years you know?" 


Happy anniversary baby..
Come over at 6 okay? I have a surpirse for you ;)

Love _____ 


It was our 2 year anniversary. I made him his favourite food and even a little surprise ;) 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I was preparing dinner until i heard a knock on the door. I walked towards the door and opened it, only to find Suho panicking and about to cry. 

"Suho What's wrong? What happened?" I said panicking 

"_____ I need you to go with me... To the hospital..." He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder 

"What? Why???" I said almost yelling 

"It's.... Baekhyun...." He said as tears fell out of his eyes. My jaw dropped and i quickly grabbed Suho's hands and dragged him to his car. 

I the engine and raced to the hospital. I parked the car quickly and ran my hearts out to his room. 

I walked in only to find Baekhyun laying down on the bed with a bouqet. My jaw dropped and tears fell out of my eyes as i stood in front of the lifeless-like figure. 

"H-hey b-baby.... h-happy.. an-niversa-ry,." he said with a weak smile 

"I-i love y-you s-so much....... P-please do-don't c-cry....S-smile j-jagi-jagiyaa" he struggled to say as his eyes flutter shut

"N-Noo.. NO! DOCTOR!! WHERE IS THE DOCTOR!?!?! WE NEED HELP!" i yelled as held on to Baekhyun's hand

Half of Exo rushed out of the room to find the doctor. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

After about an hour or 30 minutes, the doctor finally came out to give us some news. We all stood up curious to know what is wrong and what is his condition like 

"I am sorry to tell you but he has blood cancer and..... I'm afraid that he cannot be cured" 

My knees fell on the ground as did my tears. 

"He was trying his hardest to stay awake just to see you..... it seems like he had it all planned out" he said as he handed me a letter

"He is now in a comma.... I'm very sorry miss.." he said and walked away 

I looked up and saw 11 blurry figures standing before me as my tears filled my eyes. One of them held out his hand and pulled me into a hug. Even without seeing who it is, i knew. It was Luhan. He rubbed my back as I poured my eyes out on his chest. 

*How can this be? He made a promise..... *

No matter what happens to me... or us... always remember that i love you... from the bottom of my heart.... 

*Is this it? Will my first love be my last???* 

After I calmed down a bit, I sat down and opened the letter. Here reads :

To the love of my life,

Hi gorgeous, Please don't cry, it'll just make me even more sad. 

I'm so sorry that i didn't tell you about my condition... 
The truth is that I've had this cancer for two years now, 
I found out last year, the end of last year.
I kept it from you so you won't have to worry about me
i wanted this year to be my goodbye to you and so it wouldn't be all about me.

Baby, you are the reason for me to fight this cancer
Please don't give up on me and please don't let me give up on myself

I love you from the bottom of my heart, and i intend to keep my promise... But --
Please wait for me, baby

I placed a hand over my mouth as tears started to roll down my cheeks. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  

It's been a week and Baekhyun is still in a comma. I never left the hospital since i found out. The boys have been taking shifts to stay with me. 

I'm glad that he has such nice friends who cares about me. 

I did the usual thing, I sat next to him while i read him his favourite books and talked to him. I slept while holding his hand so that if he wakes up, he would know that i've been with him all along and that i didn't give up on him or us. 

I felt a cold touch on my cheek that woke me up. I lifted my head and found him smiling weakly at me. 

"Hi gorgeous" he said as he ran his fingers through my hair. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it against my chest. 

He wriggled out of my grasp and brushed my tears away

"Don't cry baby... Smile for me... " He said weakly 

"But what if--" i was interrupted by him

"I promised you remember? I told you.... that you are the reason.... for me to fight this... So please..." He said. I noticed that his heart rate was suddenly decreasing

"No no no Baekhyun... stay with me... I love you... stay with me.... remember... you promised...." I said as i grabbed his hand 

"Kris!! Find the doctor! Kris! Please!" I yelled out causing Kris to barged in the room and ran out as soon as he saw Baekhyun's condition

"________ Look at me......... look at me...." he said as he cupped my face. His eyes were full of tears, sadness and guilt

"No baekhyun... please... don't look at me like that... please..." I said as the tears from my eyes won't stop

"I-i love you s-so m-much......... But.... i'm s-sorry i c-cant k-k-keep my pro-promise...."

"No... please..... Baekhyun..... Don't give up.... don't give up on us.... please... " i said in between each sob  "Kris! Please! Hurry!" I yelled out at the door 

"I...i'm...s-sorrry.... I want....t-to... keep... m-my..promise... but my body.... it won't let me...." he muttered as his heart rate was dropping dramatically

He cupped my face once more and looked at me with tears rolling down his cheeks and with a smile, the smile that i fell in love with

"Baby... Promise me one thing... When you visit me, don't ever cry... Because i want you... to remember..... that i left knowing... that so many people loved me... so many people... cherished me... even better, I found you.... and i fell in love with you... you were the one.... who was able to changed my life.... for the better... you were the one who gave me strength when i needed it... you are the one i fell in love with.. " he said before his hand slipped out of mine 

"NO NO NO Baekyhun please! NO! STAY WITH ME! PLEASE! DON'T GO! NO!!" i yelled as the doctor and nurses barged into the room and Kris pulled me away. 

"Please! doctor! please! don't let him go! please!!!" 

"i will try my best miss" he said as i was dragged out of the room and was pulled into a tight hug.

"Baekhyun please... don't leave me.... don't go...." i whispered as i poured my eyes out against Kris' chest

After a few minutes, the rest of exo arrived and the doctor stood before us. 

"I am... very sorry...." 

I turned around and hugged the closest member and cried like a baby. 

After all the things we went through, he left this world.... he left me... I won't be able to see him anymore... his eyes... his smiling face... his warm touch... He wont be able to be with me when i need him....when i need a shoulder to cry on... he wont be here....... he won't be here with me.... 


"I'm sorry! I shouldn't be crying!" I said as i wiped my tears from my face. I looked up to see all the flowers i left him

Here lies Byun Baek Hyun
Truly talented and l
oved by many
May he forever rest in peace

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nattstar #1
Chapter 1: This is sooo saddd D: Nice story,though :)
Chapter 1: This is too heart wrenching,author-nim.Good Lord my heart D;.But I like the flow of it though. (Y)
Chapter 1: Nice story! But ....too sad for me.
Chapter 1: this story making me cry so hard
Chapter 1: Your story is so good but why did u make it soooo sad! I'm crying my head off !
Chapter 1: Nooooo my bacon is gone :'(
elzankent #8
Chapter 1: This give a heartbroken, pain, sorrow, and hurt at same time. T T Ohh no, my Baek!
Chapter 1: :( i'm really crying right now author-nim!!! <3 <3 <3