


Everything comes from somewhere,

its origin.




But has anyone ever wondered,

where do stories come from?



Bedtime stories


“… and they lived happily ever after.” The middle-aged woman closed the hardcover storybook.

“Awww… one more story!” The young girl pleaded.

“Yeah, just one more!” Her brother echoed.

“No kids, it’s bedtime already.” She replied in a firm yet gentle tone.

Seeing that there was no room for argument, the duo clambered into their respective beds. Their mother walked over their beds and gave them each their goodnight kiss.

“Mommy?” The girl called out.


“One day, I want to be a writer, and write great stories like that.”

“Yes you will, my dear girl. Now go to sleep.”



Word count: 100




This is an entry for: 

x → infinity: an infinite writing contest

Graphic credits to: m a r v e l.ous »


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Redstarburst #1
Chapter 4: This was good. I like the fact that it's not romance it makes it very refreshing.
farabigail #2
Chapter 4: even tough this story isn't romance.
but i love it, especially the ending.
i allways love how the ending mention about few years later <3
i'll wait for your other stories^^
Chapter 4: Hehehe hwaiting with your contest !! <3
Chapter 3: So Suji is giving him inspiration but i'm really confused , is she seventeen or just seven y.o ?
Chapter 3: Suji is giving Myungsoo inspiration! :)
Chapter 3: xdddd Suji is awesome ahahah
sekaibaekarelife #7
Chapter 2: Plz update soon!
Chapter 2: MYUNGZY MYUNGZY MYUNGZY !! please update soon
Suzyelfs #9
Chapter 2: Myungzy myungzy....nice start of a story..plz update soon..
Chapter 2: He's gonna be her mentor...