Chapter 2

The Absolutely True Diary of a Compulsive Liar

xxxxxx "Another order of ddeokbokki," Eunmi said, poking her head into the kitchen. It wasn't too busy since it was only four o'clock. Students were getting out of class, but not too many people her age tend to frequent tofu soup restaurants. Sure, they offered other foods as well, but kids liked to just stop by street vendors and grab a bite there. It was fast and still quite tasty.

xxxxxx "Wah, that's three so far! How many plates does that guy intend on eating?" Standing at the counter chopping vegetables was Yoon Doojoon, assistant chef. Now in his second year of college, he worked several hours daily at the family restaurant, living in the apartment upstairs for convenience.

xxxxxx "I don't know, but it doesn't look like he's gonna slow down any time soon, either," Eunmi responded, about to head out. "You might want to prepare a fourth serving while you're at it."

xxxxxx Sighing, Doojoon turned to drop some rice cakes into a pot. Leaving him to it, Eunmi backed out of the kitchen.

xxxxxx "Woah!"

xxxxxxCatching her foot on something behind her, Eunmi instinctively flailed her arms out to try and grab something, anything, to keep her from falling. Sadly, there was nothing to hold onto, and Eunmi fell with a clearly audible thump on the hard wood floor.

xxxxxx "Ow," she groaned, holding the back of her throbbing head.

xxxxxx "Omo, Eunmi-ah!"

xxxxxx That voice sounds familiar. Eunmi looked up to see Sunhye rushing towards her. Despite the fact that she was still dressed in their school uniform, the brown-haired girl looked immaculate. Eunmi, in her plain black waitress uniform, couldn't help but feel jealous.

xxxxxx "Are you alright?" Kneeling beside the fallen girl, Sunhye quickly checked her friend for injuries. "I didn't mean for you to fall; I was just planning on sneaking up on you," she explained worriedly.

xxxxxx "It-it's fine," Eunmi said, starting to sit up.

xxxxxx "Ah, don't try to overstrain yourself," Sunhye said, looking around. "Maybe I'll get Auntie to help?"

xxxxxx Eunmi shook her head. "No, I'm fine. I barely even felt it," she lied, getting to her feet while still holding her head.

xxxxxx "Don't lie," Sunhye said, getting up as well. Peeking into the kitchen she greeted, "Hi Doojoonie! You should join us at the table."

xxxxxx "Wait, Sunhye, we're working right now," Eunmi protested. Nevertheless, she allowed herself to be pulled over to an empty booth. "We can't just-"

xxxxxx "There aren't too many people," she interrupted, gesturing towards the only patron left in the shop. Ddeokbokki guy... "Anyways, isn't it more fun to hang out with me?" Sunhye grinned sweetly.

xxxxxx "Eh," Eunmi joked, pulling a face.

xxxxxx "Yah!" Sunhye reached over the table and hit the other girl lightly.

xxxxxx "Woah, violence." Doojoon stood at the end of the table, watching the playful exchange. "Now scoot." He slid in next to Eunmi, not entirely gently pushing her towards the wall.

xxxxxx "Yah! You can't just push me, you know!" She protested, glaring at the guy. Despite the fact that he was four years older than her, the two were friends since childhood. His parents had taken her in when her own decided that parenting just wasn't their thing.

xxxxxx "Aw, cute," Doojoon said with a laugh, ruffling Eunmi's dark brown hair, furthering displacing the bun she had so meticulously made that morning. "I think you forget that I'm bigger than you."

xxxxxx "Dummy," Eunmi muttered, turning away from him. Using the reflection from the silverware, she tried to fix her hair. Letting out a sigh, she eventually deemed it unrecoverable and instead pulled out the hair tie, letting it flow down in very slight waves.

xxxxxx "Anyways, do you guys want to go see a movie later?" Sunhye said, clinking two chopsticks together as she waited for their response.

xxxxxx "A movie sounds pretty good, actually," Doojoon agreed. "I'll just leave early. Mom won't mind. How does six sound?"

xxxxxx "Eh, I was actually going to visit my parents before going back to the dorm," Eunmi said, tracing the grain of the wood table. "You know, so that they don't get lonely."

xxxxxx Sunhye nodded. "Yeah, I can see that. But graveyards are scary at night, so make sure not to dawdle too much."

xxxxxx Eunmi nodded. Of course, her parents weren't actually dead, but Sunhye and Doojoon didn't know that. Actually, she wasn't sure if they were even alive, so for all she knew, she was telling the truth.

xxxxxx "Oh yeah, didn't you say that you were going to go pick up the photos?" Sunhye brightened up at the thought. "Can I see them?"

xxxxxx Oh . Eunmi had almost completely forgotten about the photos. Should I tell her? No, there's no way Sunhye would take something like that lightly. She'd be completely scarred. But then what do I tell her? I lost them? But I'll be getting them back, hopefully...

xxxxxx "Are these the pictures from your party last month?" Doojoon asked.

xxxxxx Sunhye nodded enthusiastically. "Eunmi promised me that she'd go get them developed yesterday."

xxxxxx "Um, about that," she started, carefully choosing her words. "I didn't get them back today. The guy said that there was a problem, and that I needed to come back tomorrow."

xxxxxx Sunhye's face fell, and for a moment, Eunmi thought that she'd believed her. But then her friend's expression hardened. "Eunmi, tell me, did you even go to the shop yesterday?"

xxxxxx Taken aback, Eunmi was lost for words. But that silence was filled by Sunhye's words.

xxxxxx "You know, I've really had enough of your lying. You never even told me that you worked here; I had to find you myself to figure it out," she snapped, her frustration obvious. "Why don't you just give me the film? I'll go do it myself."

xxxxxx Eunmi frowned. "But I really did take it in yesterday! There's just a problem with the pictures, so I have to take them back tomorrow!"

xxxxxx "Girls, girls," Doojoon said, trying to mend the situation. "I'm sure-"

xxxxxx "Doojoon, don't you get sick of it, too?" Sunhye asked. "It's become a habit for Eunmi."

xxxxxx "It is not," Eunmi said, frowning at her so-called friend. "I barely ever tell a lie!" At that, both Doojoon and Sunhye started to laugh, although to Doojoon's credit, he did try to muffle it. "I swear, you guys! You don't need to laugh at me!"

xxxxxx "Eunmi," Sunhye wiped away a tear at her eye. "I just want to know one truth about my best friend. Just tell me anything. I want to be able to trust you, I really do, it's just hard."

xxxxxx Furrowing her brow, she tried to think of a truth. Any truth. But before she could thoroughly mull it over, acted. "I have a boyfriend."

xxxxxx At that moment, the restaurant was dead silent, and both of Eunmi's friends turned to stare at her. A second later, the noise from the kitchen acted up again, and the patron continued to eat, but her friends still stared. Crap crap crap. Why did I say that? Stupid mouth. But come on, you guys, it isn't that shocking, is it? I mean, I'm seventeen! I should've had my first boyfriend a long time ago!

xxxxxx "Since when?" Doojoon finally said, struggling to laugh. "I've never seen him. Are you sure it's not one of your kpop idols you're talking about?"

xxxxxx "No!" Eunmi said, hitting his arm with her fist. "You guys better believe me!"

xxxxxx "Call him," Sunhye said.

xxxxxx "He broke his phone today, so he said he's going to buy a new one," she responded, the lies flowing naturally now.

xxxxxx "What's his name?" Doojoon asked, suddenly very interested.

xxxxxx "Myoungseo," Eunmi responded, saying the first name that came to mind.

xxxxxx "How old is he?" Sunhye asked.

xxxxxx "He's our age!"

xxxxxx "Then why don't I know him?" Sunhye wondered.

xxxxxx "Because he's in a different class," she said, shrugging. "I wasn't sure, since he's my first boyfriend and all, so I didn't bother introducing you guys." Eunmi could tell from the look on her face that Sunhye was trying to process all of the information. And then...

xxxxxx "OH MY GOD. EUNMI, YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND!" Sunhye squealed, almost knocking over the table setting. Turning to Doojoon, she said in a voice that struggled to remain calm, "You can leave now."

xxxxxx Doojoon looked at her. "What the heck? Why?"

xxxxxx "Girl talk," she replied curtly, waving him away. With a sign, he got up from the table.

xxxxxx "Fine, I needed to check on the rice cakes anyways," he said. "See ya at six, then."

xxxxxx Sunhye made sure that Doojoon was back in the kitchen before she turned back to Eunmi. "I can't believe you would say that in front of him," she scolded, shaking her head. Eunmi was shocked. Weren't you the one that was nagging me about telling you a truth?!

xxxxxx "I don't get it," Eunmi said, unconciously pouting.

xxxxxx "You wouldn't. You know, you might get good grades, but you're pretty slow when it comes to love," Sunhye said, shaking her head. "Anyways, when do I get to meet Myungsoo?"

xxxxxx "Um, his name is Myeongseo," she tried to correct, but to no avail.

xxxxxx "Yeah, Myungsoo. Anyways, when to I get to meet him?" Sunhye asked eagerly. She was like a little puppy, asking for a treat.

xxxxxx "Tomorrow should be fine," Eunmi said before her brain could think it through. No, no, no! How the heck am I supposed to find a boyfriend in less than a day? Oh god, I'm so screwed.

xxxxxx "Yay!" Sunhye clapped excitedly, beaming with glee.

xxxxxx "Excuse me? Can I have another one of these?"

xxxxxx "Yeah, I'll be right there," Eunmi called over. Getting up from the table, she said, "I've got to get back to work."

xxxxxx "Oh yeah, okay," Sunhye said, lost in daydreams about what kind of guy Eunmi's first boyfriend was. Shaking her head, Eunmi walked back to the ddeokbokki guy, taking out her notepad to take his new order. Great, now how the heck does one go about getting a boyfriend? Ugh.


Chapter two is done. Did you guys like it? Tell me in the comments! I'll try to answer all of them! This chapter was pretty long...I don't know if I can keep doing that. Short author's note since I'm all out of ideas as to what I should write. See ya!

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yazias #1
Chapter 5: ahw. myungsoo should help her. ; u ;
Chapter 5: Yes sort of
xforeverwithyou #3
Chapter 2: Maybe Eunmi will make a deal with Myungsoo to pretend to be her boyfriend? Hehe this is really good!
yazias #4
Chapter 1: i like it so far. wootwoot.