Chapter 1

The Absolutely True Diary of a Compulsive Liar

xxxxxx “Kim Eunmi,” the cashier read off of the sealed envelope, squinting his eyes a bit to see the small characters.

xxxxxx “Yep, that’s me,” the dark haired girl across the counter said, raising her hand a bit, as though attendance was being called. She bounced on the balls of her feet, excitedly waiting for the man to ring up the purchase. She had waited way too long to get those pictures developed; they were actually from Sunhye’s birthday party last month. Everyone had been bugging her to get them developed until she finally decided to yesterday.

xxxxxx “Six thousand, two hundred won,” the man read monotonously.

xxxxxx Eunmi frowned. This guy…no wonder no one comes to this store. Forking over the cash, she received the envelope and bid the man good-day. Giving him a short bow, Eunmi turned…and nearly smashed her face into some dude’s chin.

xxxxxx “Ah, sorry,” she quickly said, backing up and looking to see who it was. Oh my god. Eunmi’s eyes widened in shock as she came face-to-face with Kim Myungsoo. He was one of the popular guys at school, known by most as the cold, ice prince. He was hardly ever seen without either his group of friends, a pack of girls, or both. What the heck is he doing here?

xxxxxx “It’s alright,” he said quietly, already walking past her. I’m probably too plain for him to associate himself with, she thought, rolling her eyes and continuing towards the door.

xxxxxx Hey Myungsoo-ah! I’ve got your order all set up for you! I was wondering when you were coming.”

xxxxxx Eunmi’s head snapped back at that cheerful tone of voice, and she stopped walking toward the door. What the heck? She wondered, a little bit peeved at the clear difference in treatment. What did that guy do to deserve such good treatment???

xxxxxx “Thanks, Hyunwoo. Sorry, I was having problems with shaking off the others,” Myungsoo replied with what Eunmi couldn’t believe was actually a smile. What the heck is up with these guys?

 xxxxxx Realizing that she was beginning to stare, Eunmi left the shop, envelope in hand. Those guys…they’re just weird, she decided as she walked down the street to the subway station. It was a short distance, but Eunmi still wished for a scooter. Or even better, a car, but she wasn’t yet old enough to drive. Just another eight months, she thought to herself, side-stepping a running child as she followed the crowd down the stairs and into the subway. It was almost systematic after that. The girl had gone through the motions of getting through the gate and onto the right trains hundreds, if not thousands, of times.

xxxxxx Waiting in line for the next train to arrive, Eunmi took out the envelope she’d shoved haphazardly into her backpack earlier. Breaking the seal, she began to take out the pictures, anticipating how they’d turned out. She hadn’t used her camera in ages (hence the reason as to why it was still using film instead of being digital), and wondered if any of the pictures were even suitable for giving to her friends.

xxxxxx Wait. These aren’t mine.

xxxxxx Flipping through the pictures, Eunmi was struck by two things. Firstly, not a single one of those pictures belonged to her. But that was reasonable; they might’ve just accidentally swapped her pictures with somebody else’s at the shop. The second thing was much more shocking. Although none of the pictures belonged to her, Eunmi could recognize the person present in every single picture. Sunhye. Eunmi flipped through the pictures of her best friend in shock. Looking at the images, Eunmi almost missed it when the train arrived. There she was in science class, probably about to blow something up. There she was at the park, eating at a picnic with one of her boyfriends. And there she was, about to go into the dorm room she and Eunmi shared. , this dude’s a stalker, she thought, worriedly looking through the last of the pictures. Sliding them back into the envelope, Eunmi spotted something thin and dark.

xxxxxx "The negatives,” she murmured to herself, picking them up. If she remembered correctly, that shop would attach a label to a section of the film negatives that had your name on it, specifically so that the pictures wouldn’t get mixed up. (That didn't work out so well, huh?) Taking the negatives out of the envelope, she searched for that label. “Aha!”

 xxxxxx At the sound of her triumphant exclamation, several heads turned in her direction, and more than one person thought it necessary to shush her.

xxxxxx “Sorry,” she apologized quickly, bowing slightly in repentance. Looking back at the negatives, Eunmi squinted to see the name written down. “Kim…Myung…soo…?!”


So that was the first chapter. What did you guys think? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Haha, I just love reader comments, even if they don't even have anything to say. :3 Well, see you guys next time!

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yazias #1
Chapter 5: ahw. myungsoo should help her. ; u ;
Chapter 5: Yes sort of
xforeverwithyou #3
Chapter 2: Maybe Eunmi will make a deal with Myungsoo to pretend to be her boyfriend? Hehe this is really good!
yazias #4
Chapter 1: i like it so far. wootwoot.