The What?!

Moonlight Sonata

Min Hee Young/Amy's POV

"The what?" Jung Min asked

Everyone was staring at Hyung Jun with questioning looks on their faces.

"The Charmez is an all girls band that was very popular in America when I visited there, last I heard, one of their members had trouble with her parents and they forced her to quit, which caused the band to fall apart. Hyung Jun said

"Well that's not completely true actually, you see we didn't exactly fall apart, we just decided to take a break from the entertainment industry so we decided to make that story up to take a vacation and leave for Japan. Lokie said

"Really because come to think of it we haven't exactly heard you sing you know." Jung Min said

"Well we can't exactly sing here in the studio, and besides we are currently on a photo shoot and if we don't hurry up we're going to be behind schedule so maybe next time. I said

We started with the photo shoot which was conducted at the beginning, by out manager. It was a group shot so it wasn't that hard and of course there's always less pressure when you're shooting with a group. Then we proceeded with the couple shoots which was conducted by me.

The first couple I shot was Hyun Joong and Lokie. Good thing I already talked to my members about the plan for the photo shoot so basically I just let Lokie do her thing and it looked like she already advised Hyun Joong about it so it went smoothly just as planned. When we finished the photo shoot I saw Hyun Joong place his arm around Lokie. At first Lokie stiffened, but seconds later she relaxed then they continued to walk back to the changing rooms.

 Next was Jung Min and Lizzie. I had a feeling that those two already talked about what they were going to do before they even stepped out of the changing room. The moment they stepped out of the changing room and into the studio, their body went on auto pilot mode. They looked like they had absolutely no control with their body. It was then and there that I found out why Jung Min was called the y charisma. With his charisma and Lizzie’s flexible body they were amazing. When they finished Jung Min grabbed Lizzie’s hand and they walked to the changing rooms together, hand in hand.

The next one was Kyu Jong and Ginny. When the two stepped in front of the camera I can tell that both were nervous, although Ginny was already used to this, this was the first time she’s posing with a male model and I can see that Kyu Jong is feeling the same way as well but when we started Kyu Jong and Ginny pushed the awkwardness behind them and performed an amazing shoot. While they were walking back to the changing rooms I saw Ginny clinging on Kyu Jong’s arm and I secretly took a picture of it, just for me of course and I am not letting the public see it, just for blackmailing reasons.

The last one I shot was Hyung Jun and Andie’s turn. It was the first time that I’m shooting Andie with a male partner and I’m curious to see what she’ll do. So what I did was I just let Andie decide what they were going to do and just watched them work with each other. And who knows maybe Andie might learn to work with others, especially boys.  Towards the end Andie did something completely unexpected, while Hyung Jun was talking with me Andie suddenly hugged him from behind. I took a picture without either of them knowing and I kept it since who knows, maybe it will come in handy.

I was the last one to be shot. At first I was a little apprehensive since it was a while since I have to pose with a male partner and with Andie being my photographer, not helping. I was paired up with Young Saeng which was ok I guess. When we started Young Saeng seems to know what do so I just played along with him. When Andie placed the camera down for a bit I decided to turn things up a notch. When Young Saeng was talking with Hyun Joong I leaned forward and pretended to kiss him, I tried to stifle my laugh as Andie took a picture. Good thing Young Saeng didn’t notice it. I was staring out the window when all of a sudden a flash of bright light pulled me back to my senses. I turned to see Andie laughing at me. I glared at her and she immediately stopped, but other than that particular even it was fun. Just before I walked away I felt Young Saeng squeeze my hand as a thank you gesture, I  smiled at him in return. , then continued to walk away.

While looking through our picture I found something that made me giggle despite of myself. It was the picture of Young Saeng looking away while I was leaning forward and trying to kiss me. I really hoped that no one took this the wrong way, I'm not biased or anything I was just doing it for the photo shoot and nothing else. The last picture was something I wasn’t expecting. It was a picture of me staring out the window while to my surprise Young Saeng was pretending to kiss me. I smiled as I downloaded the picture to my phone.

Sin Mee Yon/Lokie’s Pov

Ok so here’s the thing, we get to Seoul, arrived for a meeting, met some new friend, Lizzie and I were interrogated by KARA, while Andie was stuffing herself with every food that we ordered in Samwon Garden, Ginny was staring at the floor, and Amy was dosing off in her seat. We had a photo shoot followed by a photo shot with SS501. Lucky for me I’m used to these kinds of shots so everything went smoothly. I was paired up with their leader which was Kim Hyun Joong, lucky for me I had experience because he has absolutely no idea what to do. After the shoot while we were walking back to the dressing room he placed his arms around my shoulders. When we entered the dressing room, he checked whether someone was around or not, then he held my shoulders and kiss me on the forehead, then he walked towards the dressing room. Good thing he has his back turned so he didn’t see me blush.

Ryu Choon Hee/ Lizzie’s POV

I was so excited to be in Seoul, new place, new friends, and new life. Loved Amy’s crib by the way, it was so amazing. It was more of a mansion than a house though. Anyway we were scheduled for a meeting as soon as we arrived. Then we went to a photo shoot for our promotions then followed by a photo shoot with SS501. I was paired up with Park Jung Min the group’s y Charisma. When we were waiting for Amy and Andie to get dressed Jung Min pulled me aside to discuss what we were going to don. Once we started the photo shoot everything went just as planned. When we were finished I started walking back to the changing rooms when all of a sudden Jung Min grabbed my hand and we intertwined our fingers, I had absolutely no idea why but that simple gesture made my heart race.

Cho Kyung Soon/Ginny’s POV

Wow, I’d never though that I’d get to visit Seoul. I’ve never been anywhere except Japan and America. We arrived at the airport and went straight for our meeting, which was basically like an interview, when we were asked where we wanted to meet the rest of the department Amy immediately suggested the Samwon Garden, all expenses paid by her. At first the president was shocked but after explaining to him Amy’s status he agreed. When we arrived we were greeted immediately by the president, and the first thing I noticed were the boys. It felt awkward being with them at first since I barely knew them so although out the dinner I just sat there and stared at the floor. Next we had a photo shoot for our promotions followed by a photo shoot with SS501. To be perfectly honest I just played along with Kyu Jong who I was paired up with. When we were walking back I accidentally tripped over a wire. I managed to grab on to Kyu Jong’s arm to stop me from falling. I mumbled apologetically as he looked at me, I hope he didn’t take this the wrong way.

Sam Eun Kyung/Andie’s POV

Ok so basically here’s what we did. We got so Seoul and we immediately went to our meeting with DSP Media. I stuffed my self with food during our dinner in Samwon Garden no complains there. We had a photo shoot for our promotions followed by a photo shoot with SS501 for a new program called “Perfect Pair”. The group shot was fun but during the couple shot, it was awkward. I was paired up with the group’s maknea, Kim Hyung Jun. It was really awkward at first since to be perfectly honest I’m really shy when it comes to boys. I was a little hesitant at first since it’s my first time. So I just did what I always did. Towards the end I wanted to do something completely unexpected so for our last shot when Kyu Jong was standing in front of me I crept up behind him and I hugged him. I saw Amy trying to hold her laugh as she took the shot. After that I waved goodbye to Hyung Jun before he turned around and went to the changing rooms. When he left I yanked the camera away from Amy.

“What? Amy asked.

“Well madam it’s your turn” I said

“I know that I’m just waiting for Unnie to come back.” She replied

“You don’t have to now because I will be the one to give you a photo shoot.”

I giggled while I aw Amy sigh. When the photo shoot started it was still a little awkward but after a while Young Saeng learned how to work with Amy. I guess Amy got tired of how things were turning up and decided to turn it up a notch because when Young Saeng was talking with Hyun Joong Amy pretended to kiss him. I tried to keep my mouth shut while I took the picture. Towards the end I noticed that a Amy’s mind was beginning to wonder off, with that Young Saeng decided to take that to his advantage by leaning over and pretending to kiss Amy, I laughed as I took the shot, when Amy noticed she shot her signature death glares at me which made me stop laughing but inside I was dying of curiosity on how Amy will react when she see this. I was also hoping that maybe Young Saeng might get Amy to open up her heart to others.

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Chapter 1: ooh? seems interesting so far~ will come back later for more :3
Plmokn #2
update soon
jungminbaby #3
please update soon
bad-but-good #4
please more scene of lizzy and jungmin :) PLEASE UPDATE SOON :D
Awww soo cutee ^^ can't wait rill the program starts!!! Update soon pllleaassee!!!
SSZE_A501 #6
I love SS501,<br />
update soon!