We were known as the Charmez.

Moonlight Sonata

Ok I have to admit even I thought this chapter but enjoy it anyways.

Heo Young Saeng’s POV

I know I should be practicing but my mind kept wandering off. I couldn’t keep my focus on what I should. My mind kept on day dreaming on what would happen this afternoon when we would start our first photo shoot with BitterSweet.


We were fooling around our dormitory when our manager called us together for a special announcement.

“We were invited to be guests on a new show called “Perfect Pairs” where we will be matched up with our newest family member BitterSweet.” Our manager said.

Hearing that we will be working with Hee Young made my eyes brightened. I sat straighter to hear more about this new assignment. We discussed on what the main point of the show was about. Basically they were just gonna put in a house together and make us go through challenges, challenges where we will be paired up with BitterSweet. Then they will what couple will develope.

“How long will the program last?” Maknea asked.

“About a month or so.” Our manager said

“When will we be starting?” Jung Min asked

“Well the program doesn’t start for about a month but we will start preparations later this afternoon.”

“Preparations?” I asked

“We will be having a photo shoot this afternoon for its promotions.”

I tried my best to maintain a neutral face; I guess I did well for the other members didn’t notice that inside I was so glad to have a reason to see Hee Young again and secretly praying that I end up with her.

*End of Flashback*

“Hyung, hyung are you alright?” Kyu Jong was shaking my arm violently.

They were all staring at me all with concerned looks on their faces. I had only just realized that I was just staring at outer space and I didn’t even hear the other members calling my name.

“Yeah I guess my mind just wandered of on it’s own for a while there.” I said

“Well you better pull it back in its right place co’z we better get ready we have a photo shoot later remember.” Hyun Joong said

I remembered our schedule; we were supposed to be there by 2:30. I checked my watch it was already 1:00. I pulled myself back to reality and started getting ready. At exactly 2 our manager came to pick us up and bring us to our venue. When we entered the studio the first thing that I set my eyes on was Hee Young posing in front of the camera. She looked cute with her hair tied up in a pigtails and she was wearing a pink shirt with a white necktie, white skirt and matching legwarmers. She looked like a girl who just walked out of a manga. When I looked at the photographer, he or rather she was wearing the exact same thing except it was blue, and she had her curly brown hair tied to the side of her head. When she placed the camera down I saw she had stormy grey eyes, so I figured she was Eun Kyung their lead rapper. I watched her as Hee Young walked away and Eun Kyung tried to take a picture of her but Hee Young placed her hand on the camera lens and continued walking. I just stared at them messing around that I didn’t even notice the other members calling me. Only when Jung Min elbowed me then I realized that everyone already left for wardrobe and hair. I followed Jung Min to the dressing rooms and there we found the other members of BitterSweet eating. We exchanged greetings and after a while Eun Kyung and Hee Young showed up.

“So how was it.” A girl with green eyes and black hair, their leader Mee Young asked.

“It was so much fun.” Eun Kyung said

“Yeah, you enjoyed making a fool out of me.” Hee Young said

The girls shot a dark look at Eun Kyung.

“What? I didn’t her pictures were actually the best out of all of us. And it was not because it was me who shot it. Really.”

They all gathered around the monitor checking out all the pictures, we were invited to take a look too. Indeed I agreed with Eun Kyung, Hee Young’s pictures were far the best. The others looked like they were forced to do it but for Hee Young, it looked natural.

“Alright enough of this you two get dressed so that we can start.” The blonde girl with brown eyes said. Choon Hee I think that’s her name.

I watched as the two girls went to change. I stood there for a few minutes until I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see who it is, it was our stylist and it was our turn to get fixed. When we came back we saw all the girls were ready.

“Where did you girls buy those dress, I want one too!” one of the make-up artists said excitedly.

The girls giggled, Hee Young on the other hand blushed.

“Hee Young-shii was the one who made it. She is always in charge of what we’re going to wear in times like this, along with Choon Hee.”

Everyone in the studio was gaping at the two girls, Choon Hee beamed with pride, while on the other hand Hee Young buried her face in her hands.

“Is it true?”

“Well yeah, ever since we were in America, we were always the one designing our outfits and we make sure it fits our personality as well.” Choon Hee said

“You guys were popular in America?” Maknea asked

“Yup, before we went here to Seoul we also performed there loads of times.” The girl with brown eyes and black hair said, I’m guessing her name was Kyung Soon.

“Really I don’t recognize you.” Maknea said

“Well we were known by a different name that time.” Choon Hee said

I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

“We were more known by a different name in America; there we were known as the Charmez.”

“You mean...”Maknea was about say something but stopped.

“I’m Lokie.” Mee Yon said

“And I’m more known as Lizzie.” Choon Hee said

“My stage name is Ginny.” Kyung Soon said

“They call me Andie.” Eun Kyung introduced

“And I’m Amy.” Hee Young said lastly

From Maknea’s reaction I can tell that they were very popular there. I wasn’t really a fan of international idols but if there’s anyone who knows a lot about them it’s Maknea.

Ok so I found out that Maknea seemed to be most familliar with American singers that's the reason why he knows BitterSweet/ Chamez

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Chapter 1: ooh? seems interesting so far~ will come back later for more :3
Plmokn #2
update soon
jungminbaby #3
please update soon
bad-but-good #4
please more scene of lizzy and jungmin :) PLEASE UPDATE SOON :D
Awww soo cutee ^^ can't wait rill the program starts!!! Update soon pllleaassee!!!
SSZE_A501 #6
I love SS501,<br />
update soon!