Dinner with the girls

Moonlight Sonata

Heo Young Saeng’s POV

So basically the photo shoot went great. Not only did I get to see Hee Young again but I was paired up with her at that. At first it was very hard since I had no idea what to do, but in the end I managed to find a way to work with her and produced a great shot. While we were walking back to the changing rooms after the shoot, I noticed she was about to towards Eun Kyung, I tried to hold her back so I tighten my grip around her hand but I felt too nervous to say something so instead I just stood there when she turned around, she faced me then flashed a smile at me. I felt like I was melting inside but I manage to maintain a straight face. Ok I admit I didn’t really speak to her but hey I didn’t want to give myself away. For me it was enough that I get to see her. We started our promotions for the new program and the times at I got to see Hee Young were getting more and more frequent.  About a month before we started shooting for the new program we would already gather and talk about the scripts. We were already given advice beforehand to prepare for what we were going to do. As we went through the scripts I noticed that the activities got more and more exciting. The day before the shoot I was having a pretty good day until the manager of BitterSweet came and told us that the girls will be debuting the month after the program airs and encourages us to support them. That means I won’t get to see much of Hee Young after the program but I thought positively, that means I can hang out with them backstage or at the waiting room and for the first time I will be able to hear her sing.

After the meeting the girls immediately left the room, we followed as well I was the first one to get out and just outside the corridor I saw Hee Young, Choon Hee, Kyung Soon, and Eun Kyung huddled together, they looked like were arguing or something, when Choon Hee saw me standing there I heard her say,

“Try not so giggle when you see her ok you’re going to give us away, shhh, he’s looking.”

The other girls turned around to face me. They looked like they were trying hard not to laugh.

“Sorry for eavesdropping.” I said

“No worries. I just make sure you don’t say anything about it to Mee Yon.”  Hee Young said politely.

“What were you guys talking about anyways?”

“We were planning a surprise party for Mee Yon on her birthday next week. Wanna come? ”Kyung Soon said.

“Sure I’ll ask if we don’t have schedule that time.” I replied

“Alright, Just call us if you’re coming so we can fetch you.” Choon Hee said

“Great, see ya. Oh just so you know Mee Yon is coming.” I said

“Thanks bye, remember not a word.” Kyung Soon said.

“I promise, bye!”

I walked to the car and realized that everyone was already there waiting for me, I ran as fast as I could so as not to keep them waiting.

“What took you so long hyung?” Maknea asked.

I told them about Hee Young’s invitation to Mee Yon’s party and I asked the manager of we could come.

“Well it looks like you have a day off that day, good timing.” He said

“So guys are we coming?” I asked

“Yes.” The guys chorused.

“Wow they must really like you guys.” Our manager said.

“What makes you say that?” Kyu Jong asked

“Well you see those girls rarely ask anyone to spend time with them. They usually just hang out by themselves unless someone asked to join them.”

“Really?” Hyun Joong asked.

“Yup. But don’t get me wrong those girls are nice and very friendly, they just think that asking someone to join them is a little awkward.” Our manager said

“Well then it must be our charisma. Girls don’t like us for nothing you know.” Jung Min said while looking up.

I rolled my eyes at him and turned to face the window. I my Ipod and wore my earphones so as to drown out the sounds of Mal and Maknea bickering over nothing. I let my mind wander off, then I felt myself falling asleep.


I bolted upright. I saw Kyu, Mal and Maknea staring at me.

“Good he’s awake now it’s time to wake up Hyun Joong-hyung.”

They all turned to Hyun Joong as started waking him up, I laughed at the scene in front of me, Hyun Joong-hyung becomes dead when he’s asleep, and then joined in trying to wake Hyun Joong up. It took us almost 10 minutes to wake hyung up, then we all made our way up to our apartment.  It was almost 3 am when we got back so we were all tired. But even after all we’ve done Tom and Jerry still had the energy to bicker over the simplest things.

“Mal give my pillow back!” Hyung Jun shouted

“I don’t want to!” Mal shouted back.

“Quit shouting, its 3 am you’re going to wake up everyone within a 100 mile radius.” Kyu said

That was so like Kyu Jong, always sensitive to others, our forever center.

We all went to bed at about 4, after fooling around and bullying magnae.  We have a schedule at around 10 am tomorrow so at least we got 5 hours of sleep. Next morning we went through our usually schedule, we had a rehearsal until 12 then we met up with the girls at 1. When we met at their studio all the girls were eating, well almost all of them, Hee Young was discussing something with their composer and hadn’t notice us come in. When the girls notice us arrive they all stood up.

“Annyeong-haseyo oppas.” All except Hee Young said.

When Hee Young noticed that we already arrived she stood up and bowed to us.

“Annyeong-haseyo sunbaes.” Hee Young said.

Their manager stood up shook hands and lead us inside the meeting room, then he gestured to the girls to follow. We started discussing about what to expect during the one month program, and we talked about the airing schedule. Just then Hee Young nodded to the manager, then all of a sudden their manager stood up and half pulled half lead Mee Yon away. When the two left the room, the girls immediately went into conversation.

“So what are we going to do in the first place?” Eun Kyung asked.

“I have no idea, and it’s already 2 days from now.”  Choon Hee said

“Let’s just have it at my place, we’ll just have to find a way to get Mee Yon out of the house to get ready then just bring her back here when we’re ready.” Hee Young said

“Good point, but what are you planning to have?”  Kyung Soon asked.

“I haven’t thought of that.” Hee Young answered.

“How about a pool party we’ll just invite SNSD and Super Junior there.” Choon Hee said

“Good idea I’ll call them later, Hee Young you’ll be in charge of the food.” Kyung Soon said

“Sure leave it to me.” Hee Young said. Then she turned to face us,

“You’ll be coming too right?” She asked smiling expectantly.

“Yeah sure!” Jung Min said

“Great we’ll just fetch you at your apartment Friday night. Alright?” Eun Kyung said.

“Wait before we forget, how are we supposed to get Mee Yon out of the house to prepare?” Kyung Soon asked?

“I don’t know take her our shopping, or something.” Hee Young said

“Alright I’ll take care of it.” Choon Hee said.

“Good is everything settled?” Hee Young asked.

They all nodded, then Hee Young let out a fake cough, seconds later Mee Yon appeared along with their manager.

They all sat down and the manager told Mee Yon to tell everyone what they discussed. When they started I saw Hee Young winked at their manager, and their manager smiled back at her, which made me think that their manager was in their plan all along. When we finished it was almost 8 pm, good thing we finished our schedule early so that we’d have enough time to rest. We all stood up and started to walk out.

“Gosh I’m hungry!” Kyu said

“Hey guys since you already finish your schedule you wanna have dinner with us?” Mee Yon asked

“Sure why not.” This time it was our manager who answered.

“We all got in the car and followed the girls to a fancy looking restaurant. When we parked the car a bunch of chauffeurs lead us inside. They lead us to some kind of VIP area, where we sat down and the waiters just started bringing in food. The girls started eating but I just stared at the food.

“Eat up it’s not like its poisoned or anything. In fact it’s good.” Their manager said

I picked up a fork and tasted the closest food to me.  It taste pretty good, turned to look at the others Jung Min  and Hyung Jun was bickering as usual while the girls were giggling silently in their seats, to my other side Hyun Joong and Kyu Jong were stuffing themselves with every food they can reach. Our managers were in deep conversation with each other. For some reason I found myself staring at Hee Young, how she’d cover every time she’s laugh, how the little strands of her would fall in her face and she would tuck it behind her hair. After eating Hyun Joong and Kyu Jong started to join them in the laughing, I have to admit the laughter was contagious and I found myself laughing along with them the whole night. It was nearly 11 pm when we finished eating, we all stood up and I saw Hee Young whispering something to the waiter, then the waiter nodded.  We all said our goodbyes and went home; all in all it was one of the best nights of my life.

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Chapter 1: ooh? seems interesting so far~ will come back later for more :3
Plmokn #2
update soon
jungminbaby #3
please update soon
bad-but-good #4
please more scene of lizzy and jungmin :) PLEASE UPDATE SOON :D
Awww soo cutee ^^ can't wait rill the program starts!!! Update soon pllleaassee!!!
SSZE_A501 #6
I love SS501,<br />
update soon!