You're mine



Minhyuk BTOB ~ Pretty Boy

- kind boy

- not very smart

- love to tease Gayoon

- a good friend to Junho 2PM

- a football team leader


Gayoon 4minute ~ 

- a cute girl

- searching for a true love

- a good friend to Sandara and Yoona

- hate Minyuk 

- a very smart and intelligent girl


Writer's POV (Point Of View)

Hi! Thanks for reading my story.. Minhyuk and Gayoon were chosen by me as the lead character because I think they are cute... Yes, they are cute.. But, that doesn't mean that they look good together.. hahaha 

Anyway, I'm sorry if my english is broken ... :D





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YoonYoung950 #1
I LIKE IT SO FAR (☆∀☆) Pls update soon (ಥ_ಥ) Btw I love this pairing ♪v(⌒o⌒)v♪
Chapter 9: Aw! Minhyuk is so sweet!
I like the story so far so please update soon!