
After my shift ended, I closed the shop and went back home. I immediately jump onto my bed and let my body sink into the mattress. An image suddenly appeared in my head. Zhoumi. There is something really interesting about him, but I don't know what is it. I just don't get why he would smile to a person like me, and that was the longest conversation I had with a person for a year. Doesn't he get that talking to me was inutile? I'm not a person who really interact with other people. On the other side, there's something that I'm really curious about...Will he come back tomorrow? 

"Henry, you're thinking weirdly now...just sleep." I told myself, closing my eyes as I felt my own self collapse in a world of darkness.

-Next Morning-

I woke up, getting off the bed as I finished my morning routine and went to work.

"Good morning." I murmured as I stared at the unmoving scene in front of me, again.

All I could hear was silence. I stared at my watch. Five minutes have passed. I waited for a moment again and stared at clock. Ten minutes have passed. I kept on doing that when after I realized that I repeatedly look at the time for every five minutes. I have no idea why I was doing that as the image of him appeared in my head again. I was actually waiting for him to come in.

"What are you thinking, Henry. What. Are. You. Thinking." I spoke to myself.

Why does he have to keep appearing in my mind. I don't get it. I mean, he's just a customer. 

"Arghh" I ruffled my hair frustratedly. Wrong move. I quickly went to the washroom and fixed my hair again. I went outside and I saw the figure in front of me. That's right. Him. He came again.

"Hello!" He waved at me. My heart skipped a beat as he smiled at me. 

"H-hi. Um...What do you want to order?" I asked.

"Eh? I'm not here to order a drink." He responded. I raised my eyebrows.

"Um..not to be rude but why are you here then?" 

"Just...wanna know more about you. The thing is, I wonder if we could be friends...I barely have any..." He looked away as I saw him blushing. Wait. Is it just me, or he really said that he wanted to be friends with...me? And did I just saw him blushing? Wait. This is all wrong. He even said he barely have any friends...but his....appearance...why wouldn't he have any? I mean, he's friendly, he's good-looking, he's.....

"So...." My thoughts were interrupted by his voice. 

"Y-yeah, sure." I responded. He then started to ask tons of questions about my past. I usually never tell anyone about my life, but I somehow trust him. And whenever he smiles, I just felt special... As we kept on talking, I started to feel comfortable around him.

"So it's like this..Sorry to mention about your past.." I could feel the pityness from him, but I just responded with a smile.

"Nahh it's okay. The past is just the past. I want to focus on the present." 

We then talked about other things till night. We laughed a lot about certain events.

"I guess I need to go now.. I'll come again tomorrow." I nodded and pouted as he went out of the store. This moment...This is the first time I felt that someone actually cared for me and made me felt so special.



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