Reach Out

≄ βaby Don't Cry

She was something every little kids adore. A mermaid. Living in what was believed a fairy tale. Told by the one who lost their youths to the one that loved happy endings. The cruelty of its truth swallowed as it turned into something out of delight. Yet one day each youth will discover the truth; her sacrifice as well her death. How she vanished into nothing but foam leaving her into nothing, not even in a blink of an eye.




         A little mermaid she was, fifteen. In the depth of the sea, living a different world. Truly different than how a human lives his world. Yet, fate had been set. For her to rise up, for her to see the other world. For her to fall in love. With a human, with a male in which she saw as a perfect one. A prince, to be exact. She admired him. How he would command his people in a somehow gentle way, how he would take a stroll just by the shore, looking at the fairly wide ocean that seemed to carry wonderful mysteries, how he would occasionally sing when he felt like it. His voice, his voice is something she adore. One of the few things that seemed to get her tangled in an unexpected.. tale.





        Oh how she certainly wants to talk to him. A simple greeting would do, just so he would look at her, use his voice on her, only her. Just that once. Oh how she wished for it. She knew just how to make it come true. The Sea Witch. The one that could cast any spell by any request, with something in return, of course.




        Should she? Was she willing to take the risk? Why of course. Anything for her prince, her wish, her love. And so, swimming to the Sea Witch's lair was precisely what she did. Sure enough, it sent a wave of shock to the witch to see such young mermaid sacrificing such a valuable thing. Persistence and determination showed in the little mermaid's eyes as she told the witch her wish. " My voice in exchange of legs ," she said. She knew , her voice was oh so precious. It was something every sea creature loved to hear. Something the Sea Witch too, wanted. " Very well, my dear. But remember, for you to keep those legs forever, a marriage with the prince is the price to pay. " She agreed, reluctantly, not quite optimist about the marriage, but she will have to give it a try. And so lights emitted around her as everything magical happened. A human shall she be.




        It's been a month. She had been trying to tell the prince. But how could she? She couldn't speak, not without a voice. Write? She was not even a human in the first place. All she knows is that she loved him and he likes, just a like, her.




        News broke out. He's engaged. Engaged to a princess of another kingdom. A tradition all prince should follow. He has to do it. For the sake of his kingdom. He couldn't just leave his kingdom to be a chaos. Yet. He too couldn't forge ignorance towards her. It was something sacred, just between two people.




        The night before the day her heart will die and be crushed, she was distracted ; interupted by a strange, familiar light from her window. As she casts a glance towards it, the sea which she was facing suddenly was slightly glowing. She doubted anyone would have seen it. Right then, she heard a voice. Her voice. Telling her she failed. She knew the consequences. Soon, when the bells chimed, she'll turn into foam. Disappear. Be gone. And the only way for her to avoid that was by either stopping the marriage or by killing him. What could she do? She can do neither of them. To which she had found herself, doomed. She was scared. She didn't want to die, not in this way.




        Meanwhile, it was mutual for the latter. He was actually leaning against her door. A strange force made him to. His own feet was acting as if they were not apart of him; practically dragging him there. He heard it. Every single thing. He did sense something awfully weird coming from her but never did he thought of this. Oh how fate held so many surprises for him. His stomach lurched as he took in all the information. She was going to leave him, he knew. Either by him dying or her.


He will eventually lose her.




         She took slow, short strides towards his bed. Her hands shaking as the knife in her hand threatened to fall.Little did she knew, he was looking at her the whole time. She fell on her knees, tears staining her face knowing she could never bring herself to do such cruelty to the one person she cared in her life. He soon spoke, asking her to kill him. He wiped her tears, as he pulled her into his embrace , whispering ;




"Don’t hesitate another minute please take away my heart

Yes, the sharper the better, the night that even the moon has closed her eyes

If it were any other man, if it were a single verse taken from a comedy

Burn all the scars you’ve exchanged for that love



Baby don’t cry tonight after the darkness passes

Baby don’t cry tonight it’ll become as if it never happened

You’re not the one to disappear into foam, something you never should’ve known

So Baby don’t cry cry my love will protect you"









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can i just creys ok