

Anon E and Anon Hyun you two had really similar requests and I normally don’t do this but since I can get two requests out of the way and it would be hard for me to come up with two really similar ideas, I decided to combine it! I really hope you guys don’t mind that I did, I really do!!! If you guys mind send a message and I’ll try to come up with something else for you! This me killing two birds with one stone.  And double update for the night.

Anyways I hope you two E and Hyun enjoy and everyone else too!


{Remember: requests are open but they might be closing soon you guys.}

*I was so tired when I was writing this I wrote ‘Luhan grabbed your mom’ instead of ‘Luhan grabbed your hand’ lol. And wrote Sehun instead Luhan OMO that’s a typo too, but you guys got it though lol)

Just you and me – Luhan

“Just a few more,” You whispered your eyes never leaving the laptop screen and your finger never removing itself from the track pad, and the ‘alt’ button.

“Yes!” You screamed clapping your hands in glee, “I finally reached the post limit! I can go to sleep in peace now!” You said stretching your arms.

You really needed to find better things to do with your nights then be on Tumblr and try to reach your text post limit. Well you usually did, but Luhan was busy with schedules right now since EXO had – finally – comeback with their new album(s) XOXO.

 And since he was busy that meant you couldn’t wait until he came home to watch random movies on Netflix and cuddle and kiss and eat lots of junk food. It was how you normally spent your nights.

But now he was busy.

And you had to spend them on Tumblr reaching your text post limit.

Not that you minded really.

But Luhan was so much better than Tumblr.


Nah, most times.

You let out a sigh and looked at the clock.


Damn Luhan was pretty late tonight.

You got up from your spot on the floor and closed the computer, going in to your room you grabbed a change of clothes and hopped into the shower for a quick one.




“Luhan was that you?” You asked coming out of the bathroom, drying off your hair with a towel. “Luhan?” You called again when you heard shuffling come from the kitchen.


“What?” He yelled and you stopped in the doorway, you stared at Luhan surprised by the way he had yelled at you.

“I just wanted to know if you were home…” You said.

“I’m home can’t you see?” He snapped.

“Luhan are you okay?” You asked quietly walking up to him slowly and placing your hand on his shoulder. “Hm?”

“Oppa are you running a fever?” You asked when your hand went to his check and you felt that it was warmer then usual. Luhan slapped your hand away,

“Don’t touch me!”

“What the hell is wrong with you Lu Han?”

“Nothing’s wrong with me! Why does there have to be something wrong with me?”

“Because you're acting like a total brat right now,”

“So now I’m a brat?

“Luhan what the hell is wrong with you? I don’t need this attitude from you, you’ve been like this for a while now and I’m getting irritated by it. I'm use to people leaving me, having them around for a while or a long time and then just leaving me. I'm use to that, so if you wanna leave then you can leave, I'll always remember you though, I remember everyone that leaves, but don’t keep us together when you’re sure we’re over and with the way you’ve been acting its pretty much implying that we’re not an item anymore. So if you wanna leave you, you can just go.”

Luhan let out a sigh and grabbed your hand, “I’m sorry, I’ve just been so stressed lately, I didn’t mean to slap your hand away Bǎobèi, I’m really am sorry,” He mumbled resting chin on your shoulder and nuzzling his face in your neck.

“It’s okay… you guys had your comeback, you’ve been busy but you need to take care of yourself too, you know? Don’t stop taking care of yourself,”

“I’ll take care of myself better,”

“Oppa how about you take a shower and I pick out a stupid movie, order a pizza and put random food on the table and some sodas, huh? Like we used to.” You said and Luhan frowned a bit.

“I don’t like how you said ‘used to’.”

Yes or no, Luhan?”



Its six in the morning, hey bed, I think I wanna nap in you…

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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 1: love it...
kpopmaniic #2
Meh Likey!!
gwiyeon_fox #3
Chapter 1: Awwww... I think this is kind of true :D Lulu and the other EXO members being stressed out lately with all their stage performances and interviews...
Chapter 1: AWEEE.. I really like it :)
crazyexotic #5
Chapter 1: poor lulu... stressed out
Chapter 1: nice story author-nim.. ^^