How It Started PT 3

Alienated Infection [On Hiatus]


Ok, so this is chapter three!~ This is a tad bit longer than the last chapter, just a little bit. Oh, and these are the groups in EXO by the way.

(Suho, Chen, Lay) (Chanyeol) (Luhan, Kris, Xiumin, Lay) (D.O, Kai) (Baekhyun)

So there are the groups and stuff. Tell me if you like this chapter? (It's one day late and but still, hope you like it!~)

- ladyttalgi


A Few Minutes Before Luhan's Team's Incident at Gruvia's - With D.O and Kai





thought Kai. 

They've been stuck in traffic ever since they had left the training centre 45 minutes ago. Apparently, six vehicles collided in an intersection because of this hoard of people who wouldn't get out of the way.

"How long do you think this is gonna last?" Kai asked D.O. He shrugged and told him that it could take a few hours. D.O turned off their hover cycle and pulled out a knapsack full of food. The past few months, D.O had been obsessed with making these old Japanese lunch boxes, and for that, Kai was grateful.

D.O leaned back and stretched his legs.

"You thinkin' we should've followed Chanyeol's way of getting to Bacon-hyung?" joked Kai. Kyungsoo snorted and grinned.

"Now way in hell, not risking crashing and losing our precious  teleportation expert over here,"




He the hovercycle again and moved forward a few feet and stopped.

Kai groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"This is gonna take forever!"

"We should probably inform adjussi about the traffic," suggested Kyungsoo. Kai contacted Suho through his eye gear and told him about their situation.

"Ah, I see. Just make sure to be on scene within three hours," stated Suho and shut off their connection. 

Would've been nice if they could use teleportation for a small task like this thought D.O.

"Man, a space slug could beat us to Baekhyun at this rate!" More honking blared from behind them. Kai pause for a second and slowly grinned from ear to ear.

"Say, aren't we technically part of the government?" asked Kai.

"In a way, yeah," D.O knew Kai had an idea. "What ever you're thinking of Kkamjong, it's not going to work out know?"

Kai just totally ignored him and continued.

"So, we can just turn on the siren and go through everyone!" 

"With was good reason? I'm not turning them on on until you give me a good reason to,"





Kai cleared his throat while D.O moved the hover cycle a few more inches.

"Well, as I was saying, we could, you know, check out that collision sight?"

They could get in some trouble for this, D.O thought. 

He sighed, Kai wasn't gonna give up, he knew. Well, might as well. Who the hell cares anymore.

" . . . Fine." Kai smiled with a triumphant look on his face. D.O the sirens. And the two slowly zig-zagged through the tangled mess of vehicles towards the crash site.



Same Time with Suho, Lay, Chen



Oh gosh, Suho thought. I'm gonna have to hit him if he doesn't stop apologizing.

His left eye twitched uncontrollably.

Lay was still saying sorry after he felt like he was to blame for forgetting Baekhyun, which he was.

"I'm so sorry for having a bad memory! If I didn't have this useless brain of mine, we wouldn't be wasting precious training time like this!"

"Yeah, but that useless brain of yours has saved EXO's lives countless times!" said Chen, he was trying not to get Lay depressed. Once Lay got depressed, it was a dark and long journey to get our of, like when he had to break up with his girlfriend. Chen shuddered remembering that incident a few years back.

"Well apologies aren't going to help us right now so please drop it," said Suho. "Anyways, Luhan's and D.O's teams are going to be late so it's just us and Chanyeol who will arrive on time."

"Shouldn't we check on Chanyeol?" asked Lay, he knew Chanyeol didn't do well on tasks that had personal connections.

"Well, he needs to report problems on his own, and we are just picking up Baekhyun. Remember?" Lay winced at that blow. "And anyway, we'll arrive on site in approximately 22 minutes,"

Lay and Chen sighed, there was no use arguing against him, it would just be a big waste of time.

"Any word from Luhan's squad?"

Suho shook his head.

"The last time they contacted us was just 10 minutes ago telling me that they were heading to Gruvia's,"

"Aw, I want some food too!" complained Chen. Lay on the other hand shivered. He had had some bad experiences at that place. The first time he had went there, he had joked about Juvia's partner's stripping habits and the next second he had a bowie to his neck ready to slice it open. Good for nothing military training, he thought. That lady was a psychopath!

That was one memory he wanted to forget but couldn't. He remembered about that instant every time he saw the colour blue.

"How do you think Bacon's doing?" Suho asked no one in particular.

"Well, he should be well off if he has a gun," Suho and Lay nodded to that. They both thought that the guy had the eyes of a hawk.


"Incoming call from Tao. Answer or decline?"


"Answer." Chen told the hologram. Luhan's group flickered on the screen. They were quite a sight to behold. Luhan got even paler (if that was even possible), Kris was covered in dark substance that looked suspiciously of blood, Xiumin had a dead look on his eyes, and Tao looked even more tired that usual.

"What the hell happened to you guys? Were you run over by a hovercar and dropped in a ditch or something?"

Luhan put on a strained smile.

"Something like that," he chuckled but there was a hollow pang to it.

Lay asked their group what had happened.

Kris sent them the video that Xiumin had took from the store's security cameras.

It showed everything.

From Tao vomiting to the gun shot that still shook Kris to the bone.

A deafening silence passed by. It was only a minute but it seemed like an hour.

" . . . Have you told the higher ups about this yet?" asked Chen. If he had said it any quieter no one would have heard him. Tao shook his head and Lay gulped.

"H-How about the owners of the store?" he asked with a timid voice. Killing ruthless aliens who would attack them was one thing, but seeing that video was just . . . Lay couldn't find the right words to describe it. Suho put the hover car on autopilot so they wouldn't crash.

Kris flashed a tiny grin, it was the first time they had shown a hint of a real smile the whole call.

"Well, they're still exactly the same. I would think they've gotten even more weirder actually,"

"Hey now! Juvia is not weird!" yelled someone from behind the screen. 

"Yes, yes you are," said a male voice, it was Gray Fullbuster, the other owner of Gruvia's.

I guess they were part of the military at one point actually, thought Suho. No need to worry about them.

"Those . . .  things, were zombies weren't they? asked Xiumin. Everyone knew the answer to that, but no one wanted to accept it. The virus that the government was using to wipe out the aliens had spread to mankind.

"Yes, those things were zombies. And I have a feeling those aren't going to be the last we'll see of those things,"



Outside of the Merchant's Square



"!" a boy yelled while he kicked the force filed in anger. His best friend was in there and he couldn't do anything about it. The police wouldn't do anything about it! They had thought he was just pranking them.

Those bastards! He thought in his head. He kicked the force field again for a good measure.

"I need help, I need someone who can help me," He was frantic, running around the force field. (Which was a hard job considering it was like a mile in radius)

"I know, she would help me!" And with that revelation he ran off east to the square.

He's waiting for me, he thought.

I can't let him down.



Ok, so disclaimers first!

I don't own EXO (sadly), or Armin, or Juvia and Gray. So there! 


Here's a gif of Bingu Tabi~


And here's a gif of GD uh, yeah.



- ladyttalgi

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Chapter 3: wow. i hope baekhyun'll be safe.
this story is going more and more interesting!
Chapter 2: Rofl nice gif Kris~ ;D And Juvia Lockster sounds AWESOME^^ A kick girl? *o*
Update ASAP. ♥

Chapter 1: coooolll!! i really like this stuff.
ohmagash, is that ipo thing an ipod?