



The young man walked aimlessly in a field filled with bright flowers and green grass, as his heart clenched at the thought of his loved one. Hot tears streamed down his face as precious memories flashed before his eyes. 'why did it have to end this way?' he thought, as he looked up at the cloudless, blue sky. His face contorted in pain as more memories flooded into his mind. Their first meeting, first kiss, surprising her on her birthday, her laughter, the way her hair shone in the sun, the way her eyes twinkled when she was happy, and last but not least, her brilliant smile that could brighten anyone's day. He fell to his knees, clenching his head in pain as the heartache worsened with each memory. Suddenly, a hand gently touched his back, interrupting his sobs. As he looked up, the first thing he saw was her beautiful smile. The young man quickly stood up in astonishment. 'This can't be real', he thought. He raised his hands to cup her face while his own was frozen in shock. A smile broke out on his tear stained face. "It's you! You're back", he whispered as he gently caressed her face. Her kind smile remained on her face as she raised a hand to hold his. "Please, sit down Mr. Jung. Sit down and take your medicine. It will help you relax and decrease the chance of you hallucinating again", she said. The young man stepped back as his arms dropped down to his sides. The cloudless, blue sky had disappeared to reveal a plain grey ceiling, the green grass dissipated into tile flooring, and the flowers had turned into drab furniture. He was guided to the bed where he was forced to sit down. He looked up, hoping to see his loved one, but instead saw his nurse, a tall blonde woman in her forties. His smile quickly turned back into a frown. Tears threatened to spill as he struggled not to think about her. He consumed his medicine and the nurse left. After the nurse has exited the room, the young man glowered at the two­ way mirror in his room. He wondered who was on the other side and if they were entertaining themselves by watching him suffer from his heartache. But, what he didn't know was that on the other side of that very mirror stood a young brunette. Tears streamed down her rosy cheeks as she watched him in pain. She gently pressed her hand against the mirror yearning to return to him. Alas, it could not be for she would only cause him more pain and vice versa. Their relationship after all, is what really put them both in this hospital. Because, their relationship was nothing more than a mere illusion. Their relationship was nothing but fiction. 

Phew~ okay so that was it ^^ I haven't written in a while so I am a bit rusty... I hope you liked it though! Any thoughts? Constructive criticism is extremely welcome so please comment :)


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