Awkward Bonding

I'm Not a Sasaeng Fan!

You walked back inside the dance room. Everyone noticed how stiff you looked. Min Ah ran up to you and whispered, "Aeri, are you okay?" Inside, you felt embarrassed. Embarrassed because you thought you were expecting something. Not that you wanted to happen, you thought he was going to do something right then and there. 

"I'm fine." You replied looking straight ahead. Luhan walked up to you after, "Uh, Aeri? Wanna go out for some bubble tea? To calm you down a bit?" Luhan offered. You nodded stiffly and followed Luhan out the door. 

"Anyone else want to come?" Luhan asked. Min Ah, Tao and Baekhyun decided to go. Sehun was about to so he can tease you a bit more, but when he said he wanted to go, you changed your mind on going. So he stayed instead. 

"Oh yeah, Aeri. Our place kinda got messy..." Suho said with shakiness added to his voice. "I'll clean it up." You replied like a robot. You went inside the van with the others and head off the a bubble tea place. You entered the small cafe and ordered. 

After everyone got their drinks, you all sat down at a table. It was awkard since you made the atmosphere feel that way. No one was talking. "Um..." Baekyun coughed. You didn't let go of your gaze with the wall. You were so out of it. 

You were thinking about why he teased, why was he that close, did he want to do something, but mostly: what if he did it? Your expressionless face looked scary to the others. "Aeri.." Min Ah frowned as she nudged you. You looked at her once you snapped back to reality. "Are you sure you're okay? Ever since you came back inside you've been acting weird." She worried. "Yeah." Everyone else at the table agreed.

"I'm fine, I promise. I'm just tired." You lied to her with a reassuring smile. She believed you and so did everyone else. 

You came back to the dorm and you and Min Ah went straight to cleaning. Usually you sat around and relaxed a bit before cleaning, but you wanted to get out of there before you see Sehun. Too late.

"Yah. Sasaeng. Wash these." He demanded as he threw down a basket of dirty clothes. You grabbed the basket and got up, not looking anywhere but the floor. "Yah. If you don't stop looking down and actually watch where you're going, you're gonna bump into something." He said before he walked away. 

"Tch." You looked at him walking away. Why am I acting this way anyways? It's not like he kissed me or anything. You thought to yourself as you harshly threw the clothes into the washing machine. As you turned around, with your chin up, you bumped into someone. You looked up, and to your surprise, Sehun was standing right in front of you. "What to you want?" You coldly asked. He didn't answer but passed you a piece of paper. 

It was a note: To Aeri and Sehun, Aeri we've decided to leave and go out to eat. Sorry about that. But we decided to do this because Aeri, you've been acting weird and you and Sehun argue a lot so we decided to let the two of you bond. -EXO & Min Ah


"Okay, I'm done writing the note." D.O set the paper and pen on the coffee table. "Let's go everyone." Kris called.

"I don't wanna go!" Luhan whined. They had to literally pull Luhan out of the room and into the car.


"You mean.. it's just us two? Here?" Your voice shook, he nodded. Oh god no.. "Finish cleaning, sasaeng." Without thinking, you threw a couple clothes at him. He turned around with an angry look. You just stood there and smirked. He picked up the clothes and threw them back at you right in the face. 

Within a few minutes, dirty clothing were scattered on the floor. Your heart raced everytime you heard Sehun laugh when you threw clothes at him, he felt the same when you laughed. The two of you never made eachother smile before besides the dance.

"Okay okay stop.." You rested for a breath. "Look what you did, Sehun. Now I have a bigger mess to clean up." You complained. "You started it." He said with his back facing you, picking up the clothes. You smiled a bit at the fact the Sehun was helping you clean.

You got up and began to pick everything up. Afterwards, you and Sehun both started to load the washing machine with the remaining clothing.

As Sehun was fiddling with the buttons on the machine, you walked over to the kitchen to start on the dishes. In a way, you felt glad that EXO had left you and Sehun alone. So you smiled to yourself, or so you thought. "What are you smiling about?" Sehun interuppted your thoughts. You were startled and dropped a glass cup on the floor. "Stupid sasaeng." He said while he bent down to pick up the broken pieces off the floor. 

"Oops. Mianhe." You apologized and helped to pick it up. Before picking up a broken piece, Sehun grabbed you wrist. "You'll hurt yourself. I got it." He let go. 

After he cleaned up the mess, you continued to wash the dishes. 

"Onto the living room!" You declared and walked in. There were books lying around everywhere. "I didn't realize EXO were bookworms." You whispered to yourself. You noticed the bookshelf before but you thought that they were there just for show. 

When you picked up the two books and headed to the shelf, your OCD kicked it. "These books aren't in alphabetical order." You twitched. You took every single book off the shelf and began to put them in alphabetical order. 

You started from Z to A since you couldn't reach the top shelf. After about twenty minutes, you reached to the last ten books remaining. You couldn't reach the top and you didn't want to ask Sehun for help. You thought that he might tease you again for being short, which is most likely.

You went into the kitchen and grabbed a chair. You placed the chair in front of the bookshelf and grabbed about five books. 

"What are you doing?!" He asked you, attempting to scare you. It worked. You were startled and jumped back so far off the seat that you fell. 


You sat up rubbing the back of your head, "Ow.." Your eyes were shut so you opened one eye and peeked upwards. You saw Sehun standing there looking at you. He didn't catch me? "Stupid sasaeng." You heard him say before he picked up the books and put them away. 

You got up and dusted yourself off. He looked at you for a second at you tell he was about to laugh his off cause he just saw you fall. You clicked your toungue and walked away from him, heading to the rooms to finish cleaning. 

You stopped when you felt a vibration coming from your pocket. It was your phone. 

"Yoboseyo?" You answered. "Oh, Junhong oppa." Sehun's eyes shot towards you, trying to listen in on the conversation. 

"How'd you get my number?" You asked curiously.

"Oh, uh... I asked your friend Min Ah." He said with an awkward tone. 

"Oh, okay. What's up oppa?" 

"I was wondering i- beeeeeep." You looked over at Sehun who just took your phone and hung up. "Yah! I was on the phone!"

"You have a job to do." He held the phone above his head and you attempted to get it back.

"Yah! Give it back!" You jumped up and down trying to grab the phone. Your bodies were so close together that you and Sehun began to blush. But that didn't stop you.

He started to walk forward, trying to go to his room. You were walking backwards still trying to reach for your phone. "Get out of my way." Sehun threatened. "NOT TIL YOU GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" He sighed. 

As you were stepping backwards, you slipped on piece of clothing that Sehun forgot to add to the load. When you fell, you brought Sehun down with you.

You panicked once you felt Sehun's lips on yours. OH MY GOD. THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING. You freaked out and immidiately pushed Sehun off. Both you and Sehun's hearts were about to jump out at any moment. The two of you just... kissed. 

"Here.." He said quietly. Sehun handed you your phone back with out looking you. "Thanks.." You also replied with a quiet voice. It was awakard. The situation just broke the awkward scale. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean too..." You apologized. 

"It's okay. It was an accient." Sehun was kind of behind you, with his back facing yours. You wanted to die of embarassment. 

"I'm gonna go finish cleaning." You got up and dusted yourself off. 

"You go do that..." He got up as well and paced through to his room. What the hell just happened...


Was that a bit too cliche? Lol.

I couldn't think of another way to make them kiss accidently.

Oh whale. I tried. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Expect an update soon!


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VivianH0723 #1
Chapter 1: Ok don't get me wrong liked where story is going but 1. You would let a sasaeng in your dorm and 2 taxis but I mean I understand you must somehow get the story going
amyrazamani #2
Chapter 37: OMG!!! I really ship her with our maknae sehunnnn!! Love that couple so much!
LiveLoveDream #3
Chapter 37: Plzzzzzzz update!!!! !!!!
Pls update.....
Chapter 37: OMG! ASDFGHJKL! Please pick Sehun. The two would make a pretty cute couple and always sends the excited jitters at my spine....
Pls update soon....
_Lillian_ #6
Chapter 30: Omg I hope she picks Sehun ! I ship her with Sehun the most , they are such a cute couple ~
Chapter 37: The real story begins now..omg i can`t wait to see who she will pick and i hope you will surprise me like you did on the plot twist and hoping also Aeri will not doing stupid thing..i hate the kind of girl like that..always get confuse..
Chapter 37: oh may UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM
JannaMin_ #9
Chapter 37: wow too much tension a fight scene is coming up
Chapter 37: wow! tension everywhere ....
Go, Sehunnie o/