Choosing a way













Name: Sun Hee

Age: 17

Facts: Sun Hee is a confused girl who goes in the same school as her first love and her current love. She met her first love years ago but she still have feelings for him. She met her current love during the english class the first day of school and loved him since the moment she saw him. It's been a long time since she met MinHo, they went to the same primary school were she was bullied. It was two guys who always said mean things to her. "You're so ugly" "Are you a pig or what?" "Don't you know how to talk?" was a few of many things she ofted heard. In the end she changed school.  He liked MinHo in the primaryschool but during the time in the other school she almost forgot him. But now, in highschool, she had meet him again. And that actually woke up feelings she never felt for him. In the other hand she have one of her bestfriends and current love Luhan. They can talk about anything, she loves him too but she doesn't know if he loves her. Wich of those is the right way?


Name: Choi MinHo

Age: 19

Facts: The past five years had Choi MinHo an one-sided love. He meet Sun Hee the first time at primary school and loved her since then, first it was a "childdess" love that he thought he could forget but then it grow bigger and bigger until he met her again in highschool. He is determinated to make her his no matter what. He knows that she like another one, the "english guy" is how he calls him. Luhan. Sometimes he's jelous of how Sun Hee can talk with Luhan. If he could talk like that to her he would be the happiest man on earth. He really wants to be with her, but... Does she love him as much as he loves her? 



Name: Xi Luhan

Age: 19

Facts: Luhan started in highschool when he met her during english class the first day. Since then he couln't stop thinking about her, Sun Hee had stole his heart. The short time Luhan had knowed her he already knew that he liked her. He slowly started to love her in silence while befriending her. They were good friends and could talk about almost everything, everything but them. Luhan wondered if Sun Hee felt the same about him but he's really insecure. How can you confess to your friend?


Hope you like it, I know that I'm working on another but this came to me totally random and I started to write it down... Dun know if I should continue though. <-- I decided that I'll continue :) Enjoy reading and sorry for bad english ^__^

Thanks to the awesome designer --amiee from the C L A S S I C A L Poster Request Shop!! (^o^) Check it out in this link:


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