getting along with everybody

the princess, the warrior and a strange looking guy

Amber’s POV


I open my eyes and stretch my arms. I saw the fire os already put out...

I sit while crossed my arms. Yiyun and that girl still fell asleep.

I put in a deep thought... what am I doing here? What am I gonna do?

I remember something. They say that this cave will guide me to my destiny.. I still get this beautiful diamond on my pocket. I squeeze my pocket.

Maybe its all about this girl. she is the one that I first saw back there. So I guess that’s it...

I’m gonna follow her to find my destiny...

I hope its the right thing to do. Beside, I don’t even know how to get back to my time.


“good morning” the girl awake and smile. I don’t think that she is bad at all but its just... well I don’t really like beeing near a girl. they are confusing and worse. A girl from my time broke my heart back there. So I’m not interest on my romance life after that. Screw that to hell......


I didn’t give her a smile or even to greet her back. I don’t care if I look impolite or else. I just don’t wanna fall for anybody.....


“a smile would be nice” she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

“what’s your name?” I coldly asking her

“haven’t I told you back there? You should refresh your mind, old man”

“hey I’m not an old man”

“old maaaan~” she blows raspberry at me. Great now this girl is teasing me. I rolled my eyes at her childish behavior.

“you’re a childish type of princess”

“childish princess better than an old man that fall from the sky” she shoot a glare at me.

“at least I’m not the one who snore last night” I let out a nasty smirk

“what?? No way I wasn’t snoring!”

“you are, just admit it”





“oh you all already awake?”

I stare at yiyun. He stretch his arms, geez he really look like me. Everything except his hair. Wel if I make my hair black then we will have no difference.

We stay quiet for a moment...

“so you haven’t told me your name yet”

“I’m amber, amber liu”

“liu? I’m a liu too”

“I think I fell from another dimension. I’m not supposed to be here... I think this is five or six hundred time before I was born”


“so you are from the future??” soojung widen her eyes.

“yeah I guess so.... yesterday I found a stone, I think its a diamond. Some people said that its a diamond that could guide me to my destiny, it guide me trough a cave and suddenly I ended up here stuck somewhere and on a different dimension. I don’t know how to get back to my time...”

“incredible.... do you still have the diamond?”

“yes I am, here” I handed him the diamond that I found earlier

“it is wonderful.....” yiyun gazed at the diamond

“this stone have guided me to this cave, to you and soojung”

“princess soojung” she said coldly while shooting her glare at me.

“whatever.. well I think all I can do now is to follow you guys whatever you do, I maybe will find my destiny along with you two”

“allright then..” yiyun smiled and handed me the diamond.. somehow I think soojung’s eyes know something about this diamond...


“what do we do now?” I asked them

Yiyun stares at soojung. She have an annoying looks

“I don’t wanna going back to the palace”

“why?? Whats going on?”

“she ran away from her father and her step mother”

“what?? Really? Such a childish things to do...” I crossed my arms and soojung give me her icy looks

“I’ve said I’m leaving. There’s no coming back...” soojung hungs her head low. I think she had regret to leave her palace. Maybe she is angry with her parents or kinds like that.

Then we heard the sound of some horses legs stomping on the ground. someone is gaining on us. Yiyun take a look outside.



“its the guard of your father’s palace, lets hide deeper inside the cave!”

We hurried hiding inside the cave along with two of our horse. Soojung bring some kind of box with her. She hold it tight.

We hid ourself behind the rock. I heard what was the guard speaking




“I can’t believe our queen made us did this”

“yes... I don’t think that the king knew about this order”

“why would she order us to kill our beloved princess soojung?”

“she have said it. Princess soojung betrayed the northen kingdom.”

“do you really believe her??”


 Its dark, probably be raining soon, we should get going searching the princess”



And then the guards went away. I can see soojung shed a tear there but she hide it from us. She hold her box really tight.

“that’s it!! Lets go, I’l bring you to my castle” yiyun take soojung’s wrist. I followed them of course.

“you said you were a traveler right? How come you have a castle?”

“listen, I am a traveler but I also the heir of the western kingdom. The second son of the king. The first is liu donghae, my brother, he is the next king. He was the one in charge beside dad, my dad let me be a traveler as long as I always send him a message and take care of myself”

“why don’t you tell me and my dad??”

“you don’t need to know. Its not important”

“hey guuuys~ we better hurry up before the guards found us~” I clap my hands to wake them from their serious talking.

“oh.. right”

Yiyun hop on his horse, followed with soojung that hop on to her horse. I just staring blankly at them.

“what am I supposed to do? Walking??” I put a flat face, soojung just giggled at my funny expression, somehow I felt realease seeing her smiling rather than crying.

“of course not, here let me tie you on one of hazel’s legs” soojung just laugh at what she have said. I shoot my glare at her, that nuts girl been teasing me all the time.

“come on ride with me” then soojung give me her hand, I grab it quickly. Luckyly I have learn to ride a horse before with my grandfather. I can see from the corner of my eyes that yiyun is staring at me and soojung.

I wrapped my hands on soojung’s waist. She ride the horse very good. Her scent is really nice.... I love her scent, I can smell her hair... its vanilla... nice.

I got drunk by her scent. The smell of her hair, her milky skin, her long neck.


I smirk and then tighten my hands on her waist. I can imagine her pink cheek right now. It’ll be sweet if I can kiss her pink cheek.








What????? What am I thinking???

I loosen my hands on her waist. Stupid amber! Losing control all over her! You don’t even know her! What a stupid me




Soojung’s POV


I ridewith amber since there is no horse left for him. At first he didn’t touch my waist, maybe he is confident not to fall from the horse..

Then I gasp when I felt his hands wrapping my waist. My heart beating faster, I can feel his face above my shoulder.

Relax soojung.... its just a ride, nothing more.

But then I felt his hands tighten wrapping my waist. I can’t help it, my heart beating faster and faster


And then he loosen his hands that wrapping my waist... phew, that’s better. I tried to focus on the road without even thinking that he was really behind me.

We ride so fast. Its been hours since we ride. The western kngdom is really far away from my kingdom.

I missed my father and unnie so much. I hope nothing terrible happens at the kingdom back there. I wish god look after that two beloved person. I’m so sorry that I’ve said those stupid words. But I’m a princess, a princess should not take back what she have said. I only could get back when father come for me.





Finally, we arrived at yiyun’s kingdom when the night fall. Its almost as huge as my castle.

He lead us inside his palace. We bow at his father. Yiyun explain everything, I’m happy that his father understand. He ask us to have a dinner with him and also with yiyun’s brother

“I’m happy that we have such a beautiful honored guest” yiyun’s father smile at me. He looks so nice. I just shyly smile at him

Well of course when the first time he saw amber he looks really confused. But when we explain that amber was just our friends and just a coincidence that he looks just like yiyun, he understand. He even consider that amber is his son as well. He treated him just like yiyun.

Donghae keep stealing glances at me. He looks kinda alike yiyun too but not as much as amber. He seems a loner type of man. He didn’t speak to me or yiyun at all.

“thank you for the feast your majesty, Its more than dlicious” amber thanked the king and smile

“you are beeing too polite, just call me dad.” The king smile widely at amber

“but are y...”

“I insist”

“allright, ...... dad”

I just smile seeing the king was beeing really nice to amber.


“the servant have prepared your room yiyun, amber and princess soojung. Your room is on the left side of the kingdom. We meet again on breakfast time” the king give us his happily smile

“oh and glad to have you back my son” yiyun’s dad tapped on yiyun’s shoulder.




Yoona’s POV


I was about to calmed soojung when suddenly I saw her with yiyun. My heart really ache seeing yiyun hugging soojung... I know that he was only comforting her but why did he have to hug her like that? Why didn’t soojung push him away?

I see those look on yiyun’s eyes. I hate it... I like you, liu yiyun...

Why did soojung always have everything?

Dad always care about her more than to me. She is braver than me. She can go wherever she wants. Discovering something new but I was too scared not to obey daddy’s rules or even my step mother’s rule... even I have to share my throne with her. Dad was decided to make me and her the future queen. He will never let me be the only queen....

And now, when I like someone, she also have him first... what about me?

I’ve dreamed of someone... some noble man that’ll married me... someone that I like...


I felt really desperate. I love soojung so much, but my love for her keep fading away if this is continue...

I love yiyun even at my first sight....

“jealous aren’t you?”

“step mother??”

She give me her evil smirk.

“I know you are jealous of her. She always get everything.. but you got nothing”


“haha look at them, they really making you jealous in purpose wasn’t they?”

“what did you want, mother?”

“well, I can give you anything that you want if you obey all of my rules. I’m not asking much.”

“sorry, I’m not interested.” I leave her behind and heading to where dad is

“hahaha how long you wanna live in your pathetic dreams, yoona?”

I look at her eyes. She show me her careness. She do care about me. I leave her behind. Maybe I’ll think of what she have said...



“daddy I’m sorry” I sit with daddy at the dining room. He still sitting on the dining chair. He seems having a headache again.




“yoona... she makes me confused. What did she wants after all??”

“I think she wants you to understand about her, daddy”

“I just worried about her, her savety”

“you worried too much dad” I hug her from the back. He my hand.

“why didn’t her beeing just like you, yoona?”

“she is not me dad... she have her own ways”



“nonsense! She is beeing brutal day by day. Who is she?? A princess or an animal??” my step mother suddenly intrigued the conversation.

My dad only stare blankly at her.

“you should give her a punishment, my husband... just let her leave the palace... sooner or later she will get back here”

“maybe you were right..... I’ll let her away for a few days.”

“yes... you do the right things”

My father and my step mother walked away to their room. I walked sadly to the garden sitting on the corner of the fountain. The fountain is really beautiful, it looks like sparkling beacuse of the light from the stars.




“your highness” leeteuk bows before sitting next to me.

“leeteuk... what am I supposed to do?”

“just be who you are. Everybody loves you the way you are.” I smiled sadly at him

“but how about soojung?”

“I know princess soojung is a tough one. She will survive outside the castle. She is with yiyun after all”

“what?? So yiyun is going with her??”

“yes, is that a problem?”




“...... nothing.... its great, I’m no longer need to worried about her again” I fake a smile to leeteuk.

“here” he give me a bouquet of red flowers. They look beautiful and smells so good

“thank you leeteuk, it sure brighten my mood”

“your welcome, my princess”



We have some chat while sitting on the corner of the fountain. I like how he tried to make me smile. But deep inside my heart I still wanna meet yiyun. I want me and him to have a chance to know each other. Maybe he will fall for me if we get to know each other..

“I think its time for me to get back to my room”

“allright your highness. See you in the morning”

“umh... thank you again”

“no problem. I’ll always be there for you. don’t be sad okay?”

I smile widely at him and then walk to my room. I saw step mother walking towards the pantry.

“mother, what are you doing?”

“getting some tea for your father of course, honey”

“umm about the last thing.....”

“do you wanna to take my offer?”

“I think yes, mom”

She then my head. I can feel that she know about what I feel and what I want. Maybe this is the time that I’ll start to love her as my mother...



“good girl.. I’ll get him for you.. all you have to do is just following my order, understand?”

“yes mother”




Krystal’s POV


“easy easy” I the baby dragon’s head. He is really cute. I gigled while watching him starting to walk normally again. Her cute growl makes me smile widely. But then suddenly he bite my hand.

“ouch! Hey don’t do that”

He just growl cutely and jumping on the table cheerfully. I began to think that maybe he is hungry. I didn’t give him food after all, of course he is hungry.

“just wait here okay” I lift him and put him on his box and a pillow inside. I smile at him before open my room’s door and closing it again before I left to the pantry.

I am not letting anybody go near the baby dragon, not even yiyun. I never tell amber that I keep a baby dragon inside a box that I always carried everywhere. Maybe he is confused.. well I don’t care at him and what’s in his crazy mind..

When I arrived at the pantry, some of the servant looked confused seeing me on the pantry in the middle of night.

“y-your highness, is there anything we can do for you??”

“can I get some meat and a glass of milk? I’m very hungry” I smile awkwardly at them. They just nod and then give me a plate of meat and a glass of milk.

“let me carry this to your room, your highness”

“no no, I can take this with my own. Just thank you”

“a-allright, let me know if you need anything, your highness”

I nod and hurried heading to my room. I stared at the milk while hurried walking and I didn’t realized that someone was standing in front of me. I bumped him accidentally. The milk splash to his chest and the meat fell to the ground.

“s-sorry, I didn’t mea...... you???” I saw amber’s face. I know it was him because his hair is light brown even when he was wearing yiyun’s chlothes.

He silence while tighten his grip. I’m scared at that moment.

 “I’m sorry, it was an accident” he seems really mad at me. His face is red, his eyes is staring right to mine.

We stare for a moment and then he leave me alone. What happen to him? He change.. I think he was nice kind of man, but I guess I’m wrong...



I get another meat and milk while the servant cleaning the mess that I made.




“here, you are hungry right?”

I place the meat and the milk near the box. The baby dragon is happily enjoying his meal, well tomorrow I have to return him back to his mother. The journey will take a long time and energy. I guess I better get to sleep.

I lay my head on the soft pillow. The bed is really huge, I think yiyun is choosing the best room for me.









I smell the morning breeze. I getting up from the bed and opening the window. Its so light. The sunshine is making the lake near my room were sparkling.


I heard someone knocked the door.

I open the door. Its yiyun.

“soojung, your dad is sick.. you need to go home..”

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Chapter 4: Nice story!!! Update soon^^
Chapter 4: Yiyun and Amber are pretty much the same person but somehow I really dont like Yiyun
Chapter 3: update update!!
Great story! :D
VanessaH2012 #4
Chapter 3: Good story!! Poor amber...