meet the princesses

the princess, the warrior and a strange looking guy


Once upon a time in a far away castle, live a wise king of the northen area. He rule the people with fair hands. He lives happily with his queen. One day, the queen got pregnant. The king treated his queen really special. But when the pregnancy reach two months, the queen decided to take a walk with her horse to the lake.

She seems didn’t satisfy her adventure desire so she gone deeper and deeper trough the forest. She found a beautiful field of flowers.


She pick the red rose and then an old lady came out of nowhere, approaching the queen.


“beware, young lady. You will give birth to an evil and also the good side of the palace.”


The queen got scared and then the old lady smile at the queen, at that time, the queen realized that the old lady is a witch. She turn the field of flowers into a field full of skull and then she laugh maniacaly leaving the scared queen.

The queen ran to her horse and ride back to the castle.


After that moment, the queen began to ill. Her face become really pale. The king worried about her so much.

When the time of the baby born, the queen giving all the energy that she have to give birth of their beautiful twin baby girl. but sadly the queen died after giving birth. The king was sad, desperate and stressed. But when he saw his daughters, his stressed lessen a bit.




He decided to named her daughters Jung Yoona and the youngest one Jung Soojung.


The time passed. The king’s wound heal within the time. His beautiful daughter grow up to be two different girl. the people of the northen kingdom love their princesses so much. The king feels that he needed to give his daughter a mother, so he decided to marry a rich widow in the northen village.

The widow looks beautiful she brings her son along with her but the princesses didn’t like their new mother at all. She is beeing rude to the little princesses when the king is not around.


Ten years later, the princesses reach their nineteen years old. The king celebrate their birthday with a masquerade ball. Fom that party, the true adventure begins....




Soojung’s POV


“unnie, I dont like this ball” I sit on the princess thrown chair with my unnie next to me. I wear black mask and unnie wearing the white mask. I think people hardly recognize which one is me and unnie.


I don’t really like beeing in a ball with a glamorous dress. Even when I am look beautiful, its not the true one. The true beautiful is coming from my heart beeing who I really was... its not from a dress or a tiara or things like that.

“why? Its beautiful in here. Just enjoy it” she looks really georgeus with her dress, her mask and her tiara. But I still didn’t like beeing on this ball.

Its always like this. Me and her... we always never on a same thought. She loved reading, painting, spending all days on the library. But me? I love the forest, I love climbing the mountains, riding the horse, feeling the summer breeze crushing my face when I was on top of hazel. Hazel is my horse. Its the present from my father when I was ten. I love hazel so much. He is my partner of adventure.



I stand up from my seat and heading to the garden. I sit on the bench all alone, gazing up to the stars.




“soojung what are you doing here?”

“gazing the stars”

He sit next to me and smile.

“the stars is pretty, don’t you think so, dad?”

“yes it is... just like your mother’s eyes”

“which one?”


“which one? That one?” I pointed at the woman that I must call mother but I never called her that. And I open my locket and give it to dad. “or this one?”

He glance on the picture of mom. My real mother. I always keep the locket wherever I go, whatever I did. It feels like me beeing with mom all the time.

“you know, soojung, they are the same.”

“of course not. You will never understand”

I take my locket and then leaving him all alone. I walked to the ballroom. Everyone’s eyes were staring to me. Glancing and admiring.

I sit on my throne chair again but unnie wasn’t there anymore. I look at the ball and saw unnie talking to a man. Who is he? I keep my attention to unnie and the man.

“soojung, I thought you would never come in here again” I turn my head and I saw changmin smiled at me. He is my step brother. He always beeing kind to me and my sister.

“I was planning to gone straight to my room. But I have to appreciate the people that attend this ball”

“thats very nice of you” he smiled again to me

“It’ll be my pleasure if you want to dance with me” my eyes widen as I heard him asking me for a dance. Well all this time he is really nice to me just like my real brother but I just give him a cold expression everytime he asked me about something. Maybe just for this time I accept his offer.


he smile widely and then grabbing my wrist gentle. We dance along with the other at the ball following the rythm of the music.


“soojung you are so beautiful tonight”

“well thats dissapointing.”

“why did you say so? Its a compliment”

“because I look beautiful only tonight, at any other day you never give me a compliment, you always giving it to my unnie”


I always wear a simple dress everyday, i don’t want to ruin my adventure days because of heavy dress of kinds like that.

“because you never wear this kind of dress before. You should wear it more often”

“you know..the true beauty comes from inside, not from the dress.”

He speechless after I said that.





“I’m tired, let me go back to the throne chair.... hyung”

It is the first time I called him hyung. I did that to make his mood better. I don’t want to ruin his day just because of my words. I think it makes his mood really good, he started to smile widely.

I sit back on the throne chair with my unnie next to me.

“unnie where have you been?”

“just talked to that man. He is the prince of the western kingdom”

“really? I think our ball announcement spreading outside the northen area”

“of course it is. See the middle aged man over there? Its the king of the eastern kingdom”

“How did you know?”

“you should read the book soojung” she sighed and handed me her book. I think its a book about the kingdoms heir. I handed back the book to her.

“I’m not interested, its better if I met them in personally than have to read the book. Better to make your imagination real than to imaginate something that wasn’t even real”

She sighed again and pouting to me. I just stare at changmin who standing amongs the guest, I can see he is talking to the prince from the western kingdom.


The ball is really boring. I kept sitting on the throne chair until the ball reach its end. I head straight to my room and prepare to went sleep. I rest my head on my pillow. I can see the painting of mom on my room’s wall. I smiled after glancing on the painting and then I fell asleep.




The next morning I hurried to take a bath myself before my servant preparing my bath. I don’t really like when they enter my room without my permission even when they were bringing my breakfast. At least I wanna have a little privacy.

I wear a simple dress and a red ribbon on my black hair. I grab my bow and some arrows. Heading to where my unnie usually painting some scenery in the garden.

“good morning, unnie”

“good morning... where are you going to? Its still early soojung, you know dad didn’t like when you go to the forest alone” she talked to me without geting her eyes off her painting.

“just picking some flowers and I’m with hazel” I grabbed the apple in front of her canvas.

“hey its my object!”

“better to make it real than just imagining it on your painting” I wave and then leave.


“here here hazel” I give him the apple. He looks energic today.

“ready for a new adventure?” I his neck, he went straight to what I was thinking. He knows me well. He knows where I want to go. We’ve been together for so long. I know daddy forbid me to go to the forest alone, but as long as I’m with hazel, I’ll be save.

The morning wind crushing on my face. I feel hazel’s strong legs stomping on the ground. I’m heading to the fire smoke waterfall. Some people says that only the brave king could climb the mountain and drink from the waterfall.

Well now I’m gonna be the first princess to drink from that waterfall.



Yoona’s POV

The weather is nice this morning. I love painting in the garden of our palace. Its fresh in here and also beautiful.

I wonder where soojung heading to. That girl can’t even stay at the palace just for one day. Daddy is gonna be angry if he finds out that she leave this early, she is not even having her breakfast.

A few moments later, I smile seeing my painting is done. I better hang it on my room’s wall.


“its beautiful”

I turn my head around and saw a man standing right behind me.

“who are you, strangers?” I take a step backward making my canvas fall to the ground. I bend and picking up my canvas. Our hands met and my heart skip a beat. He tried to help me.

“I’m a warrior. I travel around the world and passing the northen area. I’m going to meet the king. But I interested at someone here. She looks really beautiful so I come to know her name” He smiled at me. “may I know your name, my lady?”

My face blushed hearing that he said me beautiful.

“my name is jung yoona” his eyes widen as he heard that I’m a jung.

“its pleasure to meet you, princess yoona” he bow at me and then smiling.

“me too” I flash him a smile. He looks handsome in his black hair. His smile is really warm.

“you’re still a stranger you know.. you haven’t told me your name” I smiled at him while holding my painting.

“forgive my rudeness, your highness... my name is liu yiyun”

“that’s allright.... well I’ll see you around, liu yiyun” I give him a warm smile and then heading to my room.

“your highness...”

I turn around sfacing him.

“its better to make it real than just imagining it on your canvas” he pointed at the painting of beautiful waterfall on my canvas. I glance at him, he bow and then leaving me alone with my puzzled face hearing soojung’s words beeing repeating and came out from his mouth.




“a little bit to the left”

“is this corret, my lady?”

“yes it is look perfect now”

“your paintings really looks beautiful, your highness”

“really? I don’t think so, leeteuk” leeteuk is my personal servant. I treat him just like my friends but he never stop calling me your highness even when I say not to.

“it is wonderful”

“well if you say so... thanks for helping me”

He nod at me and then he handed me a beautiful red rose.

“I picked it from the forest, its for you, my princess”

The smell of the rose is wonderfull, I love red rose so much. Leeteuk always know what I like and what I dislike.

“well thank you, its my favorite”

“i know” he smile widely knowing that I like the rose so much.



Leeteuk POV

She looks beautiful as always. Her skill at painting is been improved day by day. Her scent of rose is wonderfull.

I give her a red rose from the forest today. She looks really happy. I know that she love red rose so much. Well maybe I should pick more.

I heading to the forest again but I bump someone on my way

“so sorry”

“that’s allright”

“you? you are liu yiyun right?”

“am I really that popular?”

“I heard about you from the villagers, you’ve been helping them from the thief lately”

“just doing the right things” he smiled and then tapped my shoulder

“I gotta meet the king, see you soon”

I nod and then he leaved me. I heading towards the forest with my horse.



Soojung’s POV

My heart beating faster when I look down. I didn’t think that its gonna be this high.

I climb the wall of rock next to the fire smoke waterfall. I tighten my grip at the rock. I know that I’ll break my legs or even worse if I’m fall well I definetly not gonna fall.

I let out a smirk and then continue climbing slowly but sure.

But suddenly my foot slip from the rock. It is really slippery because of the water.


Luckyly my hand strong enough to hold the rock. So I continue climbing until I reach the top of the rock wall.

My heart feels like exploded when I see the scenery. The beautiful green forest from above and then the river. I can see everything..... the river just like sparkling from above.

I just standing until I realized that I haven’t finished my quest. I need to drink from the waterfall.

I take some water from the waterfall with my hands. Its lucky that I found this rock wall next to the waterfall. That I can climb and standing right next to the waterfall.

I drink the water. It feels so warm yet fresh.

“I did it....... I did it !! hazel I did it! Horaaay!” I smile at hazel, I can see him looking towards me. He is chewing the grass a little bit far down from the rock.

I was so happy smiling while drinking the water and then I saw something. A path.....

There is a path from where I standing. I think it leads to some place behind of this waterfall. I follow the path inside the wall of rock. Its lucky again that my body isn’t fat so I can pass trough this little path.


I ended up inside a cave. I roam my eyes. Its not really dark. At least I can see something. I roam my eyes while following the path. Keep walking....

And then I saw an ancient draw on the wall of the cave.

“wonderfull” I’m amazed by the drawing. I saw a draw of some humans, and a dragon. A red dragon. I think the humans trying to beat the dragon. But they were defeated.

I think this is the history of this cave.

I keep on my walking. I ended up on a wide place of the cave with a small sparkling blue lake inside the cave. I raised my brows when I see a rock in the middle of the lake and on top of the rock is a..... ummh... what is that......


My eyes widen as I see a beautiful diamond in the middle of the lake. The diamond is showing so many colors, more beautiful than a rainbow.

I went closer.... but suddenly I heard a roar, a loud one coming from above.

When I look above, I shocked, really shocked... I see....











A dragon




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Chapter 4: Nice story!!! Update soon^^
Chapter 4: Yiyun and Amber are pretty much the same person but somehow I really dont like Yiyun
Chapter 3: update update!!
Great story! :D
VanessaH2012 #4
Chapter 3: Good story!! Poor amber...