My Precious

My Precious

Chapter 4


Junsu drove his car faster than usual. Three cars followed behind as fast as him. They were heading to the park near Junsu’s villa. Not less than five minutes, all of them had reached the park. They immediately came out of their car and rushed inside the park.

“Heechan-ah!” Junsu called out when saw a female figure from a distance. He approached her at once. The girl looked so miserable, almost tearing.

“Are you okay?” Junsu asked.

“I-I’m fine...,” Heechan stuttered. “I’m sorry, Junsu-yah... I-“

“It’s okay, Chan-ah...” Junsu hugged her and patted her back. “I know you didn’t do it on purpose,”

Junsu pulled back when the other reached them. Some of them patted her back slightly, trying to comfort her.

“So, you didn’t find him yet?” Yunho asked. Heechan shook his head.

“Where is the last time you see him?” Changmin’s turn now. He was known as the smartest among them.

Changmin pointed at a place not far from they stood. “Is it that bench?”

Heechan nodded. “I told him to wait me there... But when I came back, he wasn’t there already.”

“Let’s split up! It’s gonna be easier to find him,” Junho suggested as he embraced Victoria.

“Fine. Let’s split up,” Yoochun said.

Then they split up. Yoochun and Changmin to north, Yunho and Jaejoong to east, Junho and Victoria to west, and Junsu with Heechan to south. They would meet again in ten minutes in the same place where they went.

Junsu was running with Heechan following him behind. They asked people about Yoseob, but no one had seen him. They went in to any store that they found in the way, thinking maybe Yoseob would be there. They searched in every spot that kid might have gone there. But once again, they found nothing.

Junsu was worried to death. It became worse since they didn’t find him yet. The bad thought started to haunt him. He wasn’t ready to lose that naughty kid. Not now at least.

Junsu and Heechan met the other at the place. All of them were same, still found nothing. Junsu scratched his head desperately. They looked at him sympathetically. They had never been seeing Junsu this miserable. Junsu was one type of people who hidden their feelings. If he could be seen miserable, then he must be really miserable until he unwittingly crossed his own line.

Junho patted Junsu’s shoulder, trying to lift his burden. “He will be fine...”

“We don’t know it, hyung...” Junsu mumbled.

“How about we search the park again?” Changmin gave an advice.

“Sounds good...”


A seven years old boy walked following the balloons seller. He was with 3 other kids. The seller stopped in the side of the street. The other kids were followed by their nanny or mother. They bought a balloon and left. Now there were just the seven years old boy and the seller.

“Ahjussi, can I have one?” The kid asked cutely.

The seller smiled at him and looked around. “Where is your mother, kid? You can’t be alone, don’t you?”

“I’m with my noona.” The kid looked around and found nothing. He stared at the seller again. “But I don’t know where she is.”

The seller was speechless. He didn’t know what to do to the kid. He couldn’t bring him home since he wasn’t rich enough to keep him. He also couldn’t find the kid’s family since he had another job waiting for him. He wouldn’t have money to buy the food for the next day if he didn’t go now.

“Ahjussi, you didn’t answer mine.” The kid pouted. He looked extremely cute. “Can I have one?”

The seller chuckled and took one balloon. “Because you’re cute, I’ll let you have one.”

“Thank you, ahjussi.” The kid jumped happily as he received the balloon.

“Goodbye, kid. I have to go.” The seller the kid’s head and left.

“God, please forgive me for doing this...” The seller mumbled as he left.

When the seller wasn’t seen again, the kid stopped jumping and looked around. He realized something. Something that always made him scary. Being alone. But now he was alone there.

“Noona...” The kid stared at a kid who played with his father not far from him. “Appa... Where are you?”

The kid kept looking around and threw his gaze at something across the street. He found his lovely daddy. Finally he found it. Without paying much attention to the street, he ran to the opposite side of the street happily with holding his balloon tightly. But unfortunately, He didn’t know that a car was heading right to his direction.


All of them eight –the TVXQ members, Junho and his wife, and Heechan- agreed to search Yoseob again around the park. They went to the place that wasn’t searched yet.

People started to recognize them with their disguise since they was long enough to be there and kept interacting with the visitor.



“Jaejoong-ah... we should run...,” Yunho said as he looked behind. There were some girls looking suspiciously at them.

“Yeah, we should go now before they know.”

Finally they ran away with hands holding each other tightly.



“No, I haven’t seen the boy that you described...” The woman shook his head and stared at them. “I think I’ve seen both of you...”

Changmin widened his eyes and whispered to Yoochun. “Hyung, let’s go...”

Yoochun nodded in agreement. “Thank you, Ma’am.”

Both of them walked away far from the woman.

Yoochun straightened his hoodie. “We shouldn’t get caught.”



Junsu kept asking people about his son, but he still found nothing. He was with Heechan. They were running to one place to another, just hoping that they would see Yoseob. They stopped running when they already reached the side of the street. It meant that they had been out of the park.

Some girls and women walked behind them, already recognizing Junsu’s celebrity status. They whispered to each other and some of them even took Junsu’s photos with their cell phone. But Junsu didn’t bother to stop them. His mind was already full enough with his own problem. He didn’t need to add another.

Both of them was looking around when they heard a woman’s talking.

“Oh My God! The boy is gonna kill himself if he wasn’t careful!” The first woman said to the second woman as they looked to the street.

Junsu and Heechan followed the women’s gaze. Junsu widened his eyes at once. His heart was beating faster than ever. He saw a boy whom he knew very well crossed the street running. He looked across the street and found the only thing that might made the boy interested. It was his big poster as a model for a clothes brand. The poster was as big as his real body.

Junsu felt his heartbeat stopped instantly when he saw a car was heading right to the boy’s direction. His mind was blank at once. He just knew one thing for sure. He didn’t ready to lose him for now and forever. No, he didn’t ready yet.

The boy stopped running in the middle of street when finally he noticed the car. He startled and unwittingly lost his balloon. He was still a kid, but he wasn’t that stupid to know that he would be hit by that car. Right when he thought that the car would hit him, he felt a pair of hands in his body and he couldn’t feel his foot again. He felt like flying and saved.

Junsu had rushed to the boy and saved him. He made dozens pair of eyes their eyes and almost got heart attack instantly. He also didn’t know anything. He just ran there and grabbed the boy up and hoped that they will be saved by God. That was it.

The boy looked at his saviour and smiled, already finding his father. Junsu shed a tear as he hugged the boy tightly. He made his own promise in his heart not to let anything bad happen to the boy. He promised. And as a man, he would keep his promise to the death.

“Yoseob-i, don’t ever leave me again...” Junsu whispered to Yoseob’s ear.

Junsu kissed the boy’s head and threw the boy again to his arms. “Dad love you so much, you know?”

Yoseob smiled widely. “Appa, I love you too...”

It’s just a simple word that both of them had forgotten. The older one didn’t want to admit it in the first place. But he knew he had to accept it one day. And today was the day. Finally he realized that he already loved his son. His son was precious to him. It’s called a connection between father and his son. And no one could deny it.

Yoseob said it in a low voice, but not low enough to be heard by the crown that surrounded them. People who were standing the closest to them could hear it clearly.


A black van came in to The Kim Entertainment. It must be one of The Kim’s artists. The reporters who had already waited outside the building surrounded the van. Some body guards secured the van and made a way to came inside the building.

Situation was getting worse when each TVXQ members came out of the van. The reporters kept asking them about the news, but none of them were answered. The members kept silent and walked inside the building. The situation got more uncontrollable when the last TVXQ member came out with a seven-years-old boy. The reporters took their picture at once.

Feeling uncomfortable, Junsu lifted up Yoseob to his arms and covered his face. When six of them finally inside the building, Heechan approached them. Her face looked strained.

“Mr. Kim is waiting for all of you in his room.” She said.

All of them could feel the tense up once they reached the second floor where the CEO room was. All of them could say that their big boss was angry.


“What are those, Junsu?” Kim Ji Hoon asked his son. He threw a magazine to him. Junsu’s name was written clearly in the headline news.

Xiah Junsu TVXQ already has a son.

Junsu bite his lips, not knowing what to answer. He completely realized that everything was his fault. If he didn’t do such a silly things after saving Yoseob, the fact wouldn’t be revealed. If that time he could pretend that he just saved the boy randomly, he wouldn’t be the headline news now. Just if.

But the sure thing was that time he couldn’t do that. Even that kind of tricks never slipped into his mind in that time. Everything just turned out fast enough to be understood by him. That time, he just did what his heart said.

“Are you gonna make yourself lose your carrier? Your carrier that you had been through everything to get it.” Ji Hoon said it in a sarcastic tone. “And if you don’t mind, I remind you, It’s not just about you... It’s five of you,”

Junsu kept his face facing the floor. “I’m sorry, dad... It’s not like what you think. I didn’t do it for any purpose.”

“Look at me, Junsu...” Ji Hoon said in a firm voice. Junsu lifted his gaze at once, looking straight to his father’s eyes.

“You’ve crossed your line, Junsu. We had a deal before and you didn’t do it. Now you’re just gonna make the company’s shareholdings dropping down drastically. And you damaged your own carrier, Junsu.”

“I’m sorry, dad.”

Ji Hoon sighed. “We’ll make a clarification tomorrow. I’ll make you a script line to what will you says in that press conference.”

Junsu frowned. He didn’t really get the last sentence. He knew his father very well. And he could tell his father was planning something bad. The script line was never being good in his father’s press conference. Every artist in this company could tell that for sure. And since it was his turn, he couldn’t help but felt anxious.









I'm so sorry to the long time update... *bow*

I've some test to be concerned...^^

And finally the weeks is over and I can update again...

I'l uupdate as soon as I can...^_^


Thanks for subscribing and waiting the story...

I really appreciate it... =)


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love your update :))<br />
pls update soooooooooon :)
pls update again :]<br />
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Poor SU! :((
pls updateee!<br />
i really love your stpry!!?
new reader here! pls update son :)))<br />
pls pls pls :) pretty please :_<br />
pls update again :]<br />
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OMOna! Where is HE?!
pls update again :]<br />
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Like the 2 chapters~!!!