My Precious

My Precious

Chapter 3


“Yoseob-ah, let’s take a bath!” Junsu said as he took Yoseob who was playing with his toys to the bath room.

Five minutes later, Junsu showered himself when Yoseob was playing in the Jacuzzi. Junsu couldn’t take Yoseob to wash. The kid always played and ran around in the bathroom and ended up in the Jacuzzi. He took his toys without Junsu even knowing.

After Junsu showered, he came in to the Jacuzzi. “Yoseob-ah, you want to take a bath or not?”

Yoseob shook his head and still played with his toys. “I want to take a bath only with Heechan noona!”

“Aish, really...,” Junsu whined. He threw his body to the Jacuzzi. The water spread everywhere. Yoseob stared his father with a deathly one. Then he played again with his toys.

Suddenly Junsu got an idea. He smirked. “You like Heechan noona, right?”

Yoseob nodded enthusiastically as he turned his head up. He stared his father with questioning look.

“If you don’t want to take a bath, she wouldn’t want to be around you. You will smell like trash. How is that? You still don’t want to take a bath, huh?” Junsu hold his laugh. Ah, he hoped that Yoseob would believe that. It was his last try to make his only child want to shower.

“Aniyo... Heechan noona won’t do that.” Yoseob insisted and pouted. He didn’t bother to look at his young father eyes. It must be pleaded eyes, he thought. And that pleaded eyes usually would win. But he would never let his young father win again for this time.

“Ah, really... Why do you want her so badly?” Junsu gave up. Why raising a child was so difficult? It even was more difficult than hold a concert. Those thoughts kept playing in his minds.

“Heechan noona loves me. That’s why I wanted her.” The kid said innocently while looked at his father.

“Why? I love you too... Why you don’t want me?” Junsu said with his innocent face desperately. He put a little cute aegyo and the result was he looked so damn cute. The kid laughed hard at once. That innocent face always won especially in moments like this. Always.

“You look so cute, dad!” Yoseob said between his cute laughter. “Why did you never feel ashamed to do that?”

Junsu couldn’t help but chuckled looking at his child. “You like that?”

He took Yoseob out of Jacuzzi and brought him to the shower. “It’s time to shower now!”


“Junsu-yah, it’s your time to wash the dishes,” Jaejoong said as he stood up from the dining table like the others.

“Are you sure? I think I’m in Wednesday,” Junsu said confusedly. Today is Monday. It meant that he still have two days left until Wednesday.

“Ya, how could say that you’re in Wednesday? You changed your day to Monday, didn’t you?” Yunho joined the conversation as he stood up and ready to leave.

Junsu still thought. He scratched his hair slightly; didn’t remember about changing the day.

Yoochun smirked. “They were right. You said you want to do it in Monday.”

“So, you don’t have any reason to not do it.” Changmin added.

Junsu almost agreed to do it until Yoochun burst out his laughter. The others also laughed. Seconds later, he realized that they were just teasing him. That’s why he didn’t remember anything about it. How coul d he remember something that he even never did it?

“Ya! You really... I almost say yes,” Junsu whined. “You would be very happy if I did it, didn’t you?”

They kept laughing for a while. Actually they all knew that today was Jaejoong’s time. But since Jaejoong first, everything just flew like water.

They were always like this. The four members teased Junsu in many ways. They always had a way to . Otherwise, that was not wrong to tease someone who could be teased easily. It was just funny teasing someone like him. Moreover, Junsu never got angry. He considered this like a funny thing just like them.

After having breakfast, they prepared themselves to diving, except Junsu. Since Junsu had a kid, he won’t leave his kid alone in the villa. The kid was too young to diving. So both of them decided to stay in the villa and playing; maybe playing the sand in the beach.

“So, you won’t come, right?” Yoochun asked. He got his shirt out of his body. The three others had been topless like him.

“Ne... Just go diving quickly! Before I change my mind,” Junsu gave a glass of juice to Yoseob. Living with Junsu, the kid had to follow his young healthy father’s habit. He should drink juices everyday which was specially made by his cute father.

When Junsu pushed the others to go; they heard some noises from outside. It was like someone coming to the villa. But as far as they remembered, they hadn’t invited anyone to come. They stared at each other; wondered where the noises came from.


One second...


Two second...


Three second...


Then suddenly two people showed up from the living room. “Anyyeong...!”

They were Junho and Victoria embracing each other and walked to them. They looked so intimate such a lovely couple. The strangest thing was that they kept smiling until the members greeted the new bridesmaid. Wait... didn’t he was spending their honeymoon abroad? Moreover, how could they know that the members were here? The members didn’t tell anyone for sure, except... Heechan?

“Ah, hyung...!” Junsu approached his twin and hugged the new bridesmaid slightly. The others patted Junho’s back slightly and bowed a little to Victoria.

“How are you my baby brother?” Junho asked after greeted the others. Victoria and the rest of members chuckled hearing that nickname. That name was Junsu’s child nickname which was still used by Junho, especially for teasing him.

Junsu punched Junho’s arm slightly and pouted. “Ya! I’ve told you to stop calling me by that name.”

“Where will you go? Diving?” Junho sat down on the couch with Victoria. He saw the three of the members was topless and just wore a short. Diving was the first thing that came up in his mind. The members and Junho often got diving together in the past when they were in the beach.

“Ne... Just the three of us. Junsu has to take care of Yoseob.” Yoochun answered.

“Yoseob? Who is that?”


“So, how was your honey moon, hyung? You looked so happy after that.” Junsu asked to his twin as he laid down his body on the sand. He used his hands as a pillow for his head.

Junho sat down beside him; hugging his knees. “It was wonderful.”

“Oh, I haven’t told you, right?” Suddenly Junho remembered something. Junsu saw his twin with frown on his face. “Victoria is pregnant.”

Junsu sat down at once with his brightly smile. He hugged his twin and patted his back. “Oh, really? Wah, congratulations, hyung.”

“I’ll congratulate her later. She seems busy playing with Yoseob.” Junsu said as he pulled back his body and looked her over his twin’s shoulder.

Victoria and Yoseob were playing the sand not too far from the twin brothers. Fortunately the villa had a part of the beach which was private, just for the people in the villa. That was so great for them who wouldn’t want their holiday exposed.

“How is dad? I haven’t met him after I came. He’s so busy and then I decided visiting you here first.” Junho laid down his body beside Junsu. “Is he mad at you or what? Tell me,”

“Yeah, as usual. He told me that...,” Junsu’s talk was stopped by his cute child’s scream. The twins turned his head quickly to Yoseob. But he found nothing wrong. Just they looked at ... Heechan? One second later, the brain realized that Yoseob was calling Heechan as ‘noona’ for exact.

Junsu and Junho stood up and approached her. They gave a slightly hug to her and chatted for a while. Actually Junsu was the one who told her to come. That’s why he didn’t look so surprise.

“Finally, you come... You’re going to stay, won’t you?” Junsu asked.

“Sure... I’m not going to not obey my boss order.” Heechan joked cheerfully; received a big laughter from the couple.

Yoseob stood up and ran to Heechan. Heechan gave a warm hug for him.

“Ya, Yoseob-ah! I’m your dad, but why you always sticking with her and not me?” Junsu joked, pretending to be jealous.

Heechan squatted and kissed Yoseob’s cheek. “Because I’m better than him, am I?”

The other laughed hard. Whoever he/she was, they would always be bullying him. They did like teasing him. They liked it very much until didn’t know when they would stop. Maybe it would be forever.


Heechan was making something in the kitchen when Yoseob ran to her excitedly.

“Noona....!!!” He jumped a little to see what Heechan made was. “What are you doing, noona?”

“I’m making an ice tea. Do you want some?”

Yoseob grinned and nodded. “Ne, I want some! I want!”

“Ne, I’ll make some for you. By the way, why do you so excited?”

Yoseob grinned cutely, showing his beautiful white teeth. “You promised me something, noona. Do you remember?”

Heechan thought for a while. “Did I? When is it?”

Yoseob pouted. “You promised me to take me playing in the park. It was four days ago.”

Heechan chuckled and squatted. “Aigoo... I forgot about that.”

Seeing the pleaded eyes in Yoseob, Heechan sighed. “Fine. We’ll go to the park today, if your father agrees.”

Yoseob jumped a little in excitement. He never went to the park for a long time. His mother was always busy working in the hospital and his father couldn’t go to the public place because of his fans. That’s why his only hope was just Heechan.


“Yoseob-ah, you’ve already playing in hours. Don’t you feel tired?” Heechan sat down on the bench panting hard. She just chased the boy after running around from one place to another place.

“Not yet, noona...,” Yoseob ran to her and laughed hard. “Noona, you look funny...!”

Heechan chuckled. “Satisfied, huh? Come on, how about finding something to eat and then let’s go home?”

“Let’s take a picture first, noona.” Yoseob snatched the camera from Heechan.

Heechan smiled and stood up. He hold the boy’s hand and walked together. When they passed an ice cream counter, Yoseob asked her to buy some.

“Noona, I want ice cream.”

“Sure, but we’ll go home after this.”

“Ne... I promise.” Yoseob smiled to her sweetly. “Noona goes there and I’ll wait here.”

“Okay, don’t go anywhere. Wait for me here!” Heechan walked across the road and went to the counter. Yoseob waited here patiently on the bench. Seonds later, there was a man selling the colourful balloons. He passed Yoseob with pushing the bicycle. There were many kids following the man. And Yoseob decided to following the balloons seller. He was just a kid who was very easy distracted by something interesting in their eyes.

Three minutes later, Heechan came back to the bench where she left Yoseob. She noticed that the boy was nowhere in sight. Her heartbeat was so fast. He couldn’t what would happen to him if he was missing. She turned around and scanned everywhere yet she still couldn’t find him. She ran around the place and searched near the bench worriedly. But he still couldn’t find the little boy.

She was worried to death. Where is the boy? He’ll be dead if something happens to the boy.


“Junsu-yah, can you stop moving around? You make me dizzy...” Yoochun nagged Junsu who just got back from the kitchen without bringing anything.

Junsu ignored him and just laid down on the couch. He didn’t know why, but he felt worried. Suddenly he thought about Heechan and Yoseob who went to the park. How if they had lost? Or if something happened to them? Ah, Junsu felt crazy just thinking about that. He scratched his head desperately.

“I think he is worrying his pet in home, don’t you, hyung?” Changmin teased.

“Aish, you little... When did I say that?” Junsu reached Changmin and hit his head playfully. The others laughed looking at them.

Suddenly, Junsu’s cell phone rang loudly. Junsu quickly grabbed it and answered.


“Junsu-yah, Yoseob... He is... He...,”

Junsu straightened his back at once, making twelve eyes focusing on him. “What’s wrong? Just tell me slowly,”

“Yoseob is missing. He wanted an ice cream, so I went to the counter... But when I came back...,”

Junsu froze. Now he realized why he couldn’t stop thinking about them. Maybe it was something that called parent’s instinct.

“It’s okay. You try searching him in every place both of you had gone before, okay? I’ll be there in minutes.”

“Ne...” Heechan paused and took a deep breath. “Junsu-yah, I’m sorry...”

“It’s okay, Heechan-ah...”







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love your update :))<br />
pls update soooooooooon :)
pls update again :]<br />
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Poor SU! :((
pls updateee!<br />
i really love your stpry!!?
new reader here! pls update son :)))<br />
pls pls pls :) pretty please :_<br />
pls update again :]<br />
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OMOna! Where is HE?!
pls update again :]<br />
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Like the 2 chapters~!!!