Fear and Anger

Traveling the World with Kim Jaejoong and Jung Yunho

[ Nicole's POV ]


Jaejoong and I handed our tickets to the man at the booth and we walked into the famous and massive Tokyo Disney. Surrounding us were rides and activities that could promise a fun-filled day for anyone; but would most likely promise nothing for us today. We stopped walking and I turned to face Jaejoong. "Where are we going first?"

"I don't care." He said, expressionless.

I tried to make the mood happier by acting happier myself. "Let's go to the roller coaster!" I said cheerfully. Then we walked to the roller coaster and sat down on the ride. "Yay! I'm excited!" I childishly clapped my hands together softly. I expected some rude remark from him, but instead, Jaejoong's expression looked like he was completely unhappy. Not angry and annoyed like usual, just very unhappy. My cheerful expression morphed into concern and pity. "Jaejoong, are you okay?" He said nothing. "Hey. Jaejoong. Don't ignore me, you idiot. What's wrong?" He rolled his eyes, sighed, and still remained silent. "Jaejoong!" I said, yelling this time. "You seem even more discontent than you usually do. What's wrong--"

"Let's leave." he said with frustration.

"What? Now? But why do you want to... wait... are you scared of rollercoasters?" He didn't reply and put his hands in pockets. "Look, maybe there's still time to--" 

Before I could finish my sentence, the roller coaster started to move. Jaejoong looked forward with a terrified expression on his face as the roller coaster began to slowly rise to a peak. 

"Try to have fun, okay? It's not that bad." I smiled encouragingly at him. The ride began to accelerate down a long slope and I happily scream all the way down. I waved my arms in the air, smiled, and laughed. Almost too quickly, the ride was over. "See? Wasn't that fun--" my smile faded when I saw Jaejoong's face. He was absolutely horrified, and even had some tears in his eyes. He stiffly stood up and quickly got off the ride. I went after him and put my hand on his arm. "Jaejoong, are you okay?" He didn't reply, but just rudely pushed my hand away and continued walking away from me. "Jaejoong!" I yelled. "What's wrong with you!?" I stood in front of him and looked him angrily in the eyes. "Why are you so rude when I'm trying to be helpful?"

"I don't need your help. I don't need any of this ." He angrily shoved past me. "Go spend the day with someone who actually enjoys your company." he said coldly as he walked away. 

Now my patience was pushed past its limit. Out of impulse, I turned around and walked up to him. "Have this, you bastard!"With clenched fists, I struck him in the face with as much force as I could. Heads turned and stared at us as Jaejoong got up off of the floor. "You... I hate you," He said weakly.

"You are the most rude, conceited, inconsiderate fool that I've ever met in my life. I never want to see you again!" I screamed at him with as much anger as I could let out. 

"Fine. I'll just leave then." He walked away towards the entrance of the park. "Bye."

"Finally,"  I said under my breath. I decided to take this time to calm myself down from the anger. I went to a nearby stand and bought myself cotton candy. By the time I found a bench to sit on to enjoy my cotton candy, I was still stiff with anger. So much that my eyes began to tear up and my hands shook. Well, at least it's a good thing he left. I thought optimistically to myself. 

Then I realized that if he left, I had no other way of getting back to the hotel. There was a cab that was reserved specially to take us home, the same cab and driver who had driven us here. Jaejoong probably rode in that one to get home. I frantically stood up and ran to the front of the park. I looked everywhere for the taxi, but it was nowhere in sight. Finally I just gave up looking I sighed with frustration as I called Mr. Han to explain to him that Jaejoong and I didn't get along and he left early, leaving me with no ride back to the hotel. After a few minutes of him lecturing me, he agreed to call another taxi to pick me up. I apologized and thanked him, then hung up the phone. 

What a day.

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babysun576 #1
love it
do update :)
try using my advice, if u just write words, instead of a story it feels like an essay, LOVE THE STORY.
If u want an example, just check this out:
can i give u an advice? its JUST AN ADVICE i am not trying to be mean or y.
Advice: At times, add pics of the characters' clothes and the things that are around them it helps the reader imagine a bit better
jonghyunfan #5
haha I just found this fic and I am reading and loving it! I don't really ship Yunho and Hara together, but the story is good! please keep them coming. thank you!
ChickenPipi #6
Oh my! They are Happy and hurt at the same time. I know Gyul is aminor charactor but i didn't think that she would play a dead role. Anyways your fic is great. Jaejoong treats Nicole better and Yunho confesses to Hara. P,ease update soon
sooo... not exactly the way i thought gyuri would be in the story but at least shes here LOLLL<br />
jaejoong and nicole ftw!!! and yunho and hara buttt i like the jaejoong nicole paring better (:
miekoleiko #8
lol, love the “Damn it you guys, not now!” –slams door- line. i can actually see that happening. can't wait for the next update!
I'm still reading keke~~ <br />
Can't wait till Hara and Yunho get closer. Update soon and take your time with the story :)