Ignoring Taemin

An Arrange Marriage with you, wasn't a mistake after all??


Your POV


I was so annoyed with Taemin. How dare he.....


"No matter what she said or done you shouldn't have done that!!"



He's taking Krystal's side without even knowing how devil that girl is!.


I decided not to go to our room because I don't want to talk or see him.


He's also getting on my nerves.


I Hate Him!..


I Hate Krystal.



I heard Taemin knocked on the door.


"Jagiya, please open the door"


Huh?! Jagiya? He still have the guts to call me like that after what he had done?.


I just ignore him.


I don't want to talk to him.

He still need to realize what he had done.


I know I was wrong to slap Krystal but she was taking it too far.

She wants to ruin my marriage.


And that Taemin, just took her side without knowing that.



[Hours have passed]

*stomach growls*


Aigooo...what am I going to do??


It's already 2pm.


I haven't eaten anything...


And now, I am already hungry...





I went to the door.


I was holding the knob.


"Aigoooo..______ FIGHTING!" I said to myself.


I open the door and I was surprised to see Taemin sittiing on the floor, hugging his knees.


He stand up, when he saw me.


"At last you came out" he said.


I just ignored him.


I didn't came out to talk to him.


I came out because I am hungry and I want to eat.



"Yah! Don't ignore me please??!"

"You want to eat? Eat the food that I prepared .. :)"


I completely ignore his presence.


The food that he prepare was still on the table.

He just put cover into it so, it won't get dirty or something.


I open the fridge to get what I can cook.


I saw eggs.


I guess an omelet will do for my hungry stomach.

I don't want to eat the foods the he prepared.


Taemin's POV


She's competely ignoring me.

I keep on talking but I'm not receiving any answer.


Even the foods that I prepared, she ignore it.


What should I do??


She's now eating and it seems that I am not existing.


"Yah, will you please talk to me?" I said.


She just continue eating.


"Jagiya~!" I whined like a little child.


"Will you please stop talking?! Can't you see? I don't want to talk you! You're so annoying!" she said ing angry tone.


I pouted. "Arasso. Mianhne. I won't disturb you anymore".


Then I left her alone in the kitchen.



That's the first time that she raised her voice to me.

She's really mad at me.


What did I do to make her mad at me??


If she didn't slap Krystal, this wouldn't happen.


Aissh..I don't know what to do!..

Your POV


Did I just raised my voice to him??


That's what he get for being so annoying.




Until when are we going to be like this???..






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Chapter 53: Aigoooo it's beautiful story !!!! I like it ♥
22 streak #2
Chapter 53: Jaejoong is nuts!
Cuttie Taemin
ahhhh omfg taemin! >.<
Chapter 53: Baby Store?! Hahahahaha. I love this!
Chapter 54: i love it!
And its better if you make a sequel lol *jk

its cute when the twins ask about 'baby store' XD
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 53: Kyaa so cute!!! And lol at the last part "Baby Store" hahaha
Kpop596 #7
Chapter 1: Hey you know the phrase 'sshi' you only use it when your not not close to one another or if your strangers
Chapter 54: The story was really cutee and I like ur story :) Nice Work!¡!¡!¡!¡
I finish reading it in a day~
Chapter 54: Cute story~ :)
Chocolatiina04 #10
Chapter 53: Aawww this story was cute! ^^