Chapter Twenty Seven.

Dragon's Mark

Her vendetta was clear from the beginning. Kill everyone involved with her parents’ killing, now it was time to fulfill her vendetta. Now, it was time to play.

Sarang gathered her knives, slipping them in the spots underneath her knee high combat boots. She tied her hair into a tight ponytail and focused her attention on getting her grandfather. Tonight she was going to end things, and she didn’t want anyone else involve.

Sarang knew that her grandfather was hiding out in this old building that was long abandoned. Sarang knew he was getting money from Eric, the man she killed in that club. Apparently Eric along with another one of their friend, a friend Sarang already eliminated, created an offshore account for her grandfather to use as backup in case of emergencies.

Sarang knew that Lay couldn’t find this account before 126 hours ago her grandfather had just withdrawn every penny from the account and deactivated the account using Eric’s name.

Lay also didn’t know about the abandoned warehouse because it was under the name of Chloe Lin, a black market dealer who was also involved in the death of Sarang’s parents. Sarang poisoned her drink six months ago and Chloe was now ten feet under fresh European soil where she was buried.

Throughout her teenage years Sarang had spent a large amount of her time searching for those involved in her parents’ death. Now everybody involved was dead

Now her grandfather was the only one left.

Sarang pinned back a piece of her bangs and turned around to face Kris who was sleeping tenderly in her bed. She didn’t know how that happened but he insisted of keeping a close watch on her, or whatever that was supposed to mean.

Sarang didn’t blame Kris, not one bit because he was as much a victim as she was. He was totally oblivious to the whole operation had grandfather had set up

He somehow slipped into her room a few hours ago and never left. He ended up falling asleep next to her in her bed.

Warm butterflies fluttered in her belly as she thought about how sincere he was when he insisted that he couldn’t sleep unless it was next to her. Sure, when he said those words they were awkward, but what else did you expect.

The two couldn’t go from practically hating each other to being not-so mutual partners to lovey dovey idiots through the flick of the fingers. They were moving forward and for now that was all Sarang needed. So she prayed that she could return to him after this was all over.

She walked over to the bed and stepped closer to his sleeping form. He only wore grey sweat pants and a white muscle shirt. His blonde hair was messy and he had dark circles, which she knew she was partly the cause of.

Besides that he looked heavenly, she studied his features, his thick eyebrows, his sharp jaw, his high cheekbones, his plump lips, god how could someone look so perfect. Sarang couldn’t help herself as she ran her fingers up his arm before running them through his soft hair. Quickly and quietly she leaned down and pecks him on the lips before pulling away.

She took in a deep breath and exhaled deeply before stepping away from him.


“What do you mean she’s gone?” Luhan asked, obviously distraught by the turn of events. Everything seemed so perfect 12 hours ago. Now everything was falling apart again, the story of his life, never creasing circumstances that rattle him to his core until he is nothing left.

“What do you think I mean, Sarang’s gone, she must’ve snuck out last night when I was sleeping.” Kris replied running his fingers through his hair. He wasn’t sure how to feel. For once he thought things were going to finally be okay. He thought that he had Sarang, he was sure she was going to stay. She told him she would stay, was that all a lie?

His thoughts were eating him up because so many questions were engulfing him. Why would she disappear like that? Why didn’t she tell him?

His thoughts turned bitter when he realized this must be how she felt each and every single time he left her, didn’t show up, or didn’t help her. After all the things he did to her, after all the times he hurt her, she stayed despite the fact that he hurt her. Now realization was hitting him, she left him. Sarang left him, just like how he left her so many times in the past.

Now he was getting a taste of his own medicine, and he didn’t like it one bit.

“Hold up!” Lay shouted typing away, the screens of his computers flashed black before a list of incoherent numbers and letters appeared. “Let’s find out where she went.”

“She looked like she was ready to fight an army.” Chen commented, appearing from nowhere. He just looked through the security tape from last night. He didn’t regret putting up so many security cameras now. “She left last night a little after four. She was armed, knifes, guns, you name it.”

“Why would she need all this?” Luhan asked, “…Unless…No…” Luhan was silent after that as he questioned if Sarang would really pull a stunt like that.

“Hello! Not everyone can read your mind, not that they would want to, it must be really complicated in there.” Chen shouted, frustrated and slightly annoyed. Luhan rolled his eyes.

“You don’t think she would,” Kris questioned having the same thoughts as Luhan.

“She would.” Luhan affirmed.

 “You think she went to Chairman Lee.” Lay asked typing on his keyboards at the speed of light.

“I know that she did.” Kris answered.

“How can you be so sure?”

“It’s what I would do.” He knew how Sarang thought, because it was exactly what he would do. He would kill the Chairman without bringing those he cared about into harms way. He would carry the weight even if he became the selfish idiot. He knew she would do the same thing. It helped knowing that she didn’t leave because of him, but because she felt like she had to rid them of her grandfather.

On second thought, no it wasn’t better, she was being stupid. Just plain old stupid.

Sarang was going to walk into the lair of the beast alone. She could get hurt, she could get kill. Wasn’t she scared of that at all? No, she wasn’t because if she was she wouldn’t had just disappeared like that.

“We’re going after her.” He affirmed knowing damn well he couldn’t let her go. Not again. 


Sarang knew her grandfather, which meant she knew he couldn’t hide out somewhere that only had one entrance. He needed multiple entrances for easy getaway.

For Sarang however, she picked the most difficult yet least expected one. The main door was heavily guarded which was a big no because she knew everybody would be alerted if she was detected. She was dead after all thanks to Xavier’s big mouth. After all surprise was on her side.

There were two side doors, they were smaller and less guarded but she couldn’t risk the chance of word getting to her grandfather. So she came in from the entrance he least expected.

God bless the man for picking a single story building with a glass roof top because the second the sun rose she put her plan in action.

Sure dawn wasn’t her prefer choice of attacking but a girl only has so many options when a certain Dragon was watching over her. Besides, maybe the guards were tired by this hour which meant she could take them out more easily.

None of them saw it coming. They only realized what was going on when the glass roof in the place came falling down, shattering into a million pieces before an apparently dead, and extremely pissed-off heiress came flying down from above. Hell broke loose the second she threw a flash grenade.

The first hour guards that were stationed at one of the side doors tired attacked her but Sarang managed to avoid all their attacks easily and managed to end them even without breaking a sweat.

After that she maneuvered her way inside the building, happy she was able to find the blueprints for the place before she arrived.

As she ran into a darker corner she was nearly killed when a blade came flying her way. She managed to duck seconds before the blade impaled her, instead it flew into the wall behind her. Without hesitation she grabbed one of her guns tucked under her thigh hoister and aim it at the guard, pressing the trigger without a blink of an eye. The silencer was on, so no one was warned, though she could only assume that her grandfather knew something was up.

She ran pass the dead body running into the next hallway. Where the hell was her grandfather?

She stumbled forward when a bullet flew pass her, glazing her arm and leaving a small bloody cut. She reacted by pulling out one of her blades and with the most precise accuracy she threw her knife into the skull of the guard in front of her.

Like a domino effect she was able to take down half the guards. Her grandfather however was her main target.

It wasn’t until she heard a loud blast coming from down one of the hallways did she stop in her path. Diverting her originated route she ran into the direction of the blast. It’s often said to run away from danger, but here she was, running straight towards it.

She was taken aback however when she arrived to her destination because it wasn’t her grandfather she had found. She was the one being found.

“God damn it Sarang!” Luhan shouted when he saw her standing there dumbfounded.

“Of course…Lay.” She stated meekly throwing the techie a glare, but he was occupied at the moment. Of course he would find her. Typical EXOM decides to enter through the main entrance which meant now the entire building knew they were here.

“Sarang duck!” Xiumin shouted, Sarang reacted quickly by running behind out of the pillars as bullets ricochet in her direction. She stole a glance back to find that there were more guards at the front entrance than expected. Whist the other two entrances only had about half a dozen guards the main entrance had four times that amount. EXOM was taking them down with ease though as she watched Luhan stabbing one of the guards multiple times until the body was bloody and mutilated beyond recognition. Chen and Lay were working hand in hand to kill anyone who moved within a one meter distance from them. Xiumin was using guns the whole way out, shooting anyone who wasnt EXO. 

She didn't see Tao or Kris but she had other problems to worry about when half a dozen new guards appeared. 

“This is why I avoided the main entrance.” She hissed through gritted teeth.

“You know how I love making a big entrance.” Someone commented. She flipped her head around only to be pushed back against the pillar with such a strong force she swore her knees would collapse. Warm lips connected with hers as she was pulled into a hungry, passionate kiss.

She reacted by grabbing onto his neck, pulling him closer to her before she ran her fingers through his hair. His hands ran to her waist before positioning themselves there.

Sure she’s kissed Kris before but this kiss was hungrier and more rushed than any of their previous kisses. He kissed her like he’s spent a thousand years without her, he kissed her like he couldn't live without her. His tongue explored every corner of , occasionally nimbling on her lower lip.

He bit her lower lip hard causing her to flinch back as she pulled away from him. His arms were wrapped around her waist and she knew there was no way she was breaking free from him.

Slowly he connected his forehead with hers and only now did Sarang realize he was breathing heavily. He was worried about her. His eyes were gazing at her with concern and care and she felt like he really did care.

“Never ever do anything like this again." He ordered sternly trying to sound amgry but he sounded more worried than angry.

“I have to do this,” was her response, and she knew it wasn’t the one he needed. “He killed my parents Kris. I need to do this, and you can’t stop me.”

“That doesn’t mean I won’t help you. He’s tried killing me too remember.” Kris brought up.

Before she could retort back though their conversation was cut short by the new force that entered the scene.

“Young, sweet love, how adorable.” The voice of the devil spoke. Sarang looked to the corner of the room to find her grandfather standing there with that devious smirk on his face and another two dozen guards behind him.

Sarang’s first reaction was to smash his face into the brick wall but before she could move a pair of soft hands shifted her face back to him. Kris was looking at her intently and knowingly. He could feel how stiff her body had become and he knew what she was thinking.

He pulled her closer to him so he could bend down and whisper into her ear. “We do this together, understood.”

“Understood.” She replied before that infamous smirk of his appeared.

“Good because we’re killing that bastard.”




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Chapter 30: Reread this amazing story again . Last read years ago. i found this story again bc i lost it long ago. Still its not bored reread this masterpieces! 😊
KimHyeJoo #2
Chapter 30: I’m glad he died. Gosh. He’s so cruel
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 19: No omg sarang TT
KimHyeJoo #4
Chapter 10: My heart ache for her :(
KimHyeJoo #5
Chapter 2: So exciting xD xD
This is one of my favourites, i absolutely love it that i just keep coming back to reread it ❤
Chapter 30: After so much push and pull, finally they're together. I felt so giddy inside. Sarang is really a strong character though
Chapter 30: She deserved the happy ending, and so is Kris. Both had too much in their life.
Chapter 30: Finally Happy Life for her
Chapter 30: I really loved this story..I loved Sarang so much..she is strong and independent..not like other FL some damsel in distress..though Kris behaved like a jerk a lot but still can't hate him for that..though I still blame him for not saving her earlier and let her get ..but this is a mafia au so yes..I loved the friendship between Sarang and Luhan too...thank you for this awesome story..