Chapter 5

My Turn to Love You


HEEEEY^^,: the paragraph written on the foreword page (which i had already deleted)....... just forget about it okay? lol i had a change of mind about the process of their soul exchange. :) ENJOY THE CHAPPIE!♥
When Kyuhyun reached the hospital where the caller had told him to go to, he practically barged into the emergency room's double doors as he was immensely nervous about everything that's going on. But when the nurses held him still, telling him that there's still an operation on-going and it was restricted to come in, he didn't have the choice but to relent.
Feeling all in misery, Kyuhyun trembled as he carefully settled on one of the few seats intended for waiting.
He hated it. . . the fact that he's waiting for Seohyun to come out of that room in a horrible state. Moreover though, it pained him the most thinking about the possibility of Seohyun dying. Because if there's one thing he's most afraid of, it was apparently losing her.
"Your friend met an accident. She's on a critical state, I'm afraid." He remembered the police informing him as every muscle on his body tensed up while his thoughts seemed to shuffle in extreme worry.
"Seohyun-ah. . . W..Why were you at Incheon?" He inwardly questioned as his sight went in a huge blurry state after a few more moments.
He couldn't help it. He needed to cry, sob, and release all of his emotions because it would surely eat him up inside if it takes long. And as he frustratedly put his hands on his head while his face was lowered hideously, he grabbed a bunch of his fringe and clutched it tightly, making every nerve on his head become agitated as well.
The thing that Yonghwa most feared of had apparently happened inevitably. Scenes of him promising his bedridden father that he would never let anything bad happen to Sooyoung, came flashing back into his memory. On the cores of his heart, he felt a painful thud which he thought was given by his father: a punishment for breaking his promise.
"I.. I'm sorry, Appa."
All those time, he was restraining himself from tearing up as he gazed at his sister's dreadful state. A few grazes were on her pale face as a thick roll of bandage was wrapped around her head.
"Sooyoung-ah... forgive oppa." Yonghwa firmly closed his eyes, letting a droplet of tear spill out as it travelled down to his cheek and finally fell on Sooyoung's face. Yonghwa gently caressed her cheek as he swallowed back all the threatening tears he sensed were coming.
He was blaming himself. . . He shouldn't have made her drive. . . shouldn't have let her use the retarded car. . . If only he knew what's going to happen, he would surely not go back for that freaking guitar.
But all of it was his fault. Not the damaged car nor the forgotten guitar and not even the car she crashed into with. He was the one who hurt her.
Above everything that had happened, he was still very much grateful that Sooyoung was alive, breathing, and was going to wake up sooner just as the doctor had informed him.
"Just sleep for awhile, Soo. Once you wake up, I'll surely cook all your favourites." Yonghwa sniffed as he pulled the blanket up to her chest. He gently patted the part of her head where her fringe was messily twisted before leaning in to kiss her forehead.
"Recover fast. Oppa will always stay beside you." He whispered before slowly moving back and breathing in deeply as a smile crept up on the corners of his lips, trying to think the most positive.
"W..Where am I?" Sooyoung mumbled as she roamed her sight on her surroundings, wondering where the hell could she be and how did she get at that place.
It was a beautiful garden, a place which was impossible to be near Seoul city. The series of mountains were on the background as the radiant sunlight glowed glistening rainbow colored rays. Every kind of flowers were seen ranging from roses, tulips, daisies, and others in all different hues. The nearby spring had its beautiful, white water lilies floating on its crystal clear water. It was like a dream. . . nothing seemed real.
And as she inhaled the fragrant scent in the air, she heard the soft rustling of the leaves coming from the wind breezing all the surrounding trees of extraordinarily gigantic size.
"A..AW!" Sooyoung winced after slapping her face in attempt to prove that she was just dreaming and that nothing of those was real. She glanced on herself this time, realising that she was still wearing the same clothes from the night before.
"Last night. . . I was driving oppa's car just last night. How did I get here?" She inquired, talking to herself. She didn't have any memory about the drastic accident that almost had her killed. Or rather, she hadn't yet remembered anything about it.
Sooyoung left herself in wonder as she figured that it might be best to firstly look for someone who could tell her how to get back to Seoul the soonest. She was that of a hundred percent sure that her brother was getting worried of her now, especially that she was away from home for the whole night.
"Anybody out there? Hello?" She called out loud as she hopped over some huge stones and stepped over the soft, green grasses on the ground. It seemed that nobody was there as her voice echoed throughout the paradise-like land.
"Aish. Eotteoke?" She heaved in a sudden worry as she got herself with shivers all over. It was like a nightmare now, having lost on an ironically beautiful place where nobody could hear her.
But as she was about to sob out of fear, she suddenly heard someone talking. And by that, she wiped off the forming tears on her puffy eyes as her hopes were suddenly lifted up high.
Sooyoung slowly pranced her way as she trailed on where the voices were coming. Although she had no idea why her chest was pounding out loud even though it was a hot, bright day, she still encouraged herself as she neared to where the voices were coming.
"You mean. . I.. I'm already dead?" Sooyoung heard a discreet voice of a girl ask. She hid behind the bushes as she ducked herself, peeking at the two people who were having quite a serious conversation.
They stood face to face, having a distance of a few feet between them. The latter girl who had just spoken was wearing a difficult expression all over her face. Her perfect brows knitted with a glint of confusion as her eyes were inquisitive towards the lady she was talking to.
"No. You haven't died yet." The lady with a long, wavy hair which fell down to her waist, said in a calm tone of voice, making the other girl relievely sigh out as she felt her heart. Sooyoung squinted her eyes.
"Jinjja. What kind of place is this?" She felt a thud on her chest as she pondered to herself. Why were they talking about life and death? Who were those people? Where was this place?
"But you said that only souls can access this place." The girl peered as her eyes turned worried again. The lady chuckled before approaching her and placing an arm over her shoulder. "You're still alive, dear. This place is for lost souls."
"Lost souls?" Sooyoung repeated in a mumble as she plopped herself on the ground. She touched herself before looking at her hands which were extended in front of her. "Nothing's changed. Am I really just a soul?" She wondered.
"What do you mean?" The girl replied which brought Sooyoung back into her eavesdropping once again. She was apparently interested about the conversation because it seemed that she was on the same shoe so as that girl. They were both lost souls.
Sooyoung shuddered as soon as her eyes met with the mysterious lady. It was the first time when she noticed that the lady's eyes were green while her skin glistened and flickered beautifully because of the sunlight.
She looked like a fairy. . . A goddess. . . Probably, the heiress of that paradise.
"Omo..Did she see me?" Sooyoung wondered to herself as soon as she lowered her head beneath the bushes, feeling the hammering on her chest. She didn't know why she was suddenly scared. For some reasons, the lady sent her this weird, awkward feeling which she couldn't differ if good or bad. All she knew was she didn't want to be found out.
"I can see you." The lady said in a friendly tone of voice. And that was enough to make Sooyoung gasp as she automatically clasped her agape mouth with her soft palms.
"Who are you talking to?" Sooyoung heard the girl ask and after a few seconds, a chuckle echoed throughout the place as she sensed slow footsteps approaching her.
"I hope you wouldn't mind joining us, Choi Sooyoung-shi."
"I'm Nami." The lady introduced herself as she gestured her guests to sit down on the two wooden chairs around the petite table. And as soon as she flicked a finger, cups of tea appeared out of nowhere, making the two girls widen their eyes out as they settled into their own seats.
"Really. This is so unreal." Sooyoung muttered in plain, amazed voice, making Nami smile at her as she lifted her cup of tea and took a sip of it. Sooyoung turned to her side, glancing at the girl who apparently shared same fates with her.
"Joohyun, right?" Sooyoung asked as she earned a small nod from the girl. "Aigoo. I had a dog named Joohyun when I was five."
"Jeongmal?" Seohyun inquired as she suddenly remembered her best friend, Kyuhyun. Not everyone knows why the guy calls her Seohyun instead of her true name. The truth was, his older brother, Siwon, owned a puppy which he named Joohyun. And hearing what Sooyoung had just said, Seohyun was kind of surprised at the resemblance of stories.
"You can call me Seohyun." She told Sooyoung as she flashed out a gentle smile. "My best friend calls me that."
"Oh. I'll call you Seohyun then." Sooyoung grinned as she held out a hand and shook it with Seohyun's. "I'm Choi Sooyoung."
"Seohyun-ah, you already know her, right?" Nami interrupted, making Sooyoung raised an eyebrow as she asked, "Really? Have we met?"
Seohyun shook her head. "No, we haven't. Though, the last thing I remember before I got here was being on the way to see you." She explained as she tried to reckon the happenings, but failing to recall everything. Just like Sooyoung.
"We might had an appointment then. Ahh! I can't remember much as well." Sooyoung whined as she felt her temples throbbing. It was frustrating how all of these weren't dream.
"Seohyun, Sooyoung. I'm afraid we have to hurry up now. You need to go back to earth the soonest." Nami muttered as she caught the two's attentions. Sooyoung nodded before asking, "Where exactly is this place?"
Nami glanced at her before turning to Seohyun who had a curious expression on her face as well. "This place is called Dreamland, where lost souls were left stranded if not guided. And I'm here to guide you both."
"But it doesn't mean that we're dead, right?" Seohyun peered as she bit her bottom lip. Even though she knew that she wasn't yet dead, she hated the idea of being on that Dreamland as it was called.
"Not yet." Nami answered with her green eyes looking right through Seohyun. "But if you stay here a bit longer, I'm not sure if you could still live on earth." She explained before continuing, "An hour you spend here in Dreamland is equivalent on seven days on earth."
She glanced on her wrist before putting her sight back at the two girls. "You've been here for almost two hours, by the way."
"What?!" Sooyoung and Seohyun squeaked in unison, unable to believe that they had already missed almost two weeks of living. Nami breathed in deeply. Even though she still wanted to go chitchat with them for a few more hours, she's afraid that it would just endanger their lives.
"How do we go back?" Sooyoung sternly asked, not even minding to ask how did they end up at that place. All she wanted to know was how to go home. She knew to herself that her brother would be worried of her abscence now.
And as it seemed that Nami had read what's on Sooyoung's mind, she shook her head before saying, "Don't worry. Your love ones didn't notice your departure. It's only your soul in here. Your bodies still have heartbeats and still breathing."
That made Sooyoung get shocked. "D..Did we, by chance, . . almost died?"
Although she didn't remember any accident where she was involved, she thought that she had to consider the possibility. Seohyun was just listening even though her chest had wanted to explode in tension.
"An accident almost got both of you killed." Nami said as she sipped on her cup again. "Seohyun-ah had been on critical for two weeks now and has a big possibility of dying. Whereas you, Sooyoung-ah, once you get back home, you'll surely live."
Sooyoung almost squealed out in joy as she inwardly thanked God and muttered a prayer. "Aigo. Nami-sshi, why do you have to say the bad news first?"
But as soon as she said those words, she looked at Seohyun and took note of the gloom on her eyes. "Eotteoke? I'm going to die soon." drooped Seohyun as she let her eyes spill drops of tears.
"Nami-ah, is there something we can do? Like a magic potion or something to extend her life?" Sooyoung asked in full concern as she waited for the lady to answer her. "I can't use magic on earth, I'm afraid." But even before the two girls could helplessly sigh out, Nami immediately spoke in a hum. "But I know of a way."
"You do?" Seohyun pried hopefully which earned her the same soft smile from the lady.
"You're going to need Sooyoung's help."
"Kyuhyun-ah... You've been out of work since last week." The tall guy said as he approached his brother who was still as restless ever since Seohyun got confined in the hospital.
"She'll wake up soon, hyung." Kyuhyun pursed out a smile as he squeezed the seemingly lifeless hand of the girl, his eyes never leaving that angelic face of hers.
Siwon sighed. He knew he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't force Kyuhyun to go back and sing onstage at this situation. True, ever since that night when Seohyun met an accident, his brother never had left her side again.
Kyuhyun was apparently blaming himself. Because based on the police reports, Seohyun was on her way to Incheon, travelling on a one way route which she took the wrong way. And little did he know that the car she crashed into was Choi Sooyoung's (who, as far as he knew, was still unconcious as well). . . The owner of the journal note which was the reason why he was at Incheon. . . and the reason why Seohyun followed him there.
If he hadn't took the flipping notebook in the first place, Seohyun might've been at her best state now, not on a hospital bed.
"Hyung. Call Tiffany. Seohyun. . . She's going to wake up today." Kyuhyun hopefully said as he turned to his brother and gave him a reassuring smile. Siwon just relented as he marched out of the room and did as what Kyuhyun said, even though he doubted it.
"You're sleeping for quite a while now. Seohyun, wake up. You still have to go to France, right?" Kyuhyun whispered sincerely as soon as Siwon left him alone with Seohyun once again. He planted a soft kiss on her forehead before sniffling in longing, "I miss you a lot."
He was still tightly grasping her hand when suddenly, her fingers jerked, which made Kyuhyun startled at his granted wish.
"S..Seohyun-ah.." He muttered before carefully peering at her, watching as her eyes slowly flutter open.
"Seohyun-ah!" Kyuhyun didn't know what to do. He couldn't explain what he was feeling. All he knew was that she's awake, . . she's back.
But as all his emotions mixed and squished his insides, everything had came to a sudden halt when he heard Seohyun speak in a low mumble, her eyes were looking straight into his teary ones.
"W..Who are you? Where's my oppa?"
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Chapter 7: Interesting !
Update soon please
akxshi #3
will you continue this story? :'3
Please update soon~
fdjkskdfjjshf after just finding this story today, i concluded, this story is so freaking good! it deserves more love. i nearly freaked when i saw that yonghwa was going to be in this as sooyoung's brother haha. please update soon! you're an awesome writer..
invicarious #7
please update soon!!
OMG YongSeo and KyuYoung in one fanfic? My fav couples!
Jofaye #9
I have just started reading this story and wow... update update update update update!! I'm really curious on how sooyoung handles the situation... anyway I love this story so PLEASE update... (it seems like I am forcing you hehe :))
KyuYoung ofcourse! But yeah, the characters now are. . .quite confusing. I still can catch it up though. >;D