Life of being Eighteen in the FAMILY OF GO

Young Magdaleno♥

"Happy Birthday Lea~"

I barely knew them. This my Birthday party and a Party for my parents major business that will be held abroad. I just wanted a simple party, me my family and friends. Not the whole business industry. -_-

They talked to me, that we must have a big celebration because we are part of the "MOST INFLUENCIAL FAMILY." Well, I don't care. But my parents care. So I have no choice but to follow them.

Hi. I'm Leanna Vian Go. It's my english name. My korean name is Go Seo Ji. They change it when I was 7. But my family sometimes call me by my korean name sometimes. I am an only child and the youngest girl in our Clan. Clan=Family tree. Most of them are Guys that fits in our business. Men are most in need. But they treat me as a special one. :)

I am currently studying at Yue-Han High School, it is a Chinese-Korean school. And I'm on my Senior year. I'm a track player. And I also belong to Ochestra group. I play the piano.


Now, it's time for 18 bachelors. This is a tradition, where in bachelors will dance with me. I don't know most of them. Because they were son-of-a-Bi-- I mean son of some businessmen. I'm a little bit mean. Mehehe.


Guys, keep on asking me out and blah blah blah. For their information I don't like them. Social climbers and only wanted fame. Tch.


3rd to the last of my dancers is Francis Zhang. He is my track mate and balamdung-i chingu (Playboy friend).


"Waaa~ Lea, Nǐ zhème piàoliang jīn wǎn." Yes, he is a Chinese. And he liketo tease me by talking chinese.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I said 'you are so pretty tonight.' " Wow, when he really compliment me, he really meant it.

"Xie xie."

"Now you are starting to learn. What else?"

"Uhmm. Let's see. How about this. Huátóu." It means playboy in chinese! Mehehe.

"Ya~! You-"

"For the nect bachelor, it would be Iggy Jung, But unfortunately he can't come for some personal matters. But he didn't leave of celebrant hanging on his part in this dance. So he sent a colleague...." Aby is the MC for my party.

I can't hear Aby, because Francis is talking to me.

"Ya! we're not finished yet." He point his eyes by his 2 fingers, then point to mine.

"Mehrong~" =P


But wait, who is this stranger walking towards to me?

"Now, here is Mr. Leno Kim!"


Mwo?! Who is he? Aby? I'm confused.

"Ya! Sachon! Who is he?!" I whisper/shout to her.  Aby is my Oldest girl cousin.

"Michi! Iggy can't come. He sent a friend to fill his place!" She whisper/shout back.

Mwo?! Iggy-Oppa can't come? Aish! Get ready oppa when I see you will be hit like you can't live!


Wait. Why is my heart beats so fast! He is a stranger. But... He has a this... unlikely charisma and appeal?

He held my hand... Waaa~ his hand is softer than mine.

But he isn't talking to me. -_-


"Uhmmm... Hello... Sonsaeng-?" I broke the silence.

"Leno Kim." Wow. He is a cold person. By the way he speak.

"Ohh.. I'm Leana Vian Go. You can call me Lea."

"..." Aish! He is really cold as north pole!

"You are a friend of Iggy oppa?"

"Ne." Waa! Jinja! I will never talk to him! EVER!




He dances really nice, and as if we are dancing on clouds.. Or am I the only one thinking that way? *sighs*


"Our last bachelor is someone who just came back her few hours ago, from England. He is a very close friend of our birthday celebrant. And hopefully the future lover."


We stop dancing when he heard Aby talking leaving me behind. Tch.


England? Close friend... No... It must be...


"Let's welcome Mr. Chan Jio Park!"

My eyes became big, my mouth is wide open when I heard his name... Yes, Chan Jio Park! My chinhan chingu~!

This was a major surpise fo me! We were seperated a decade ago, and we didn't see each other after that, but we exchange mails.


"Nana!" Aww. how sweet. He still remembers what he calls me when we were young.

"Channy!!!" I didn't care if my gown would be in a mess, I ran and hug him tightly. Oh, how I miss this tall man.

"Yah, Nana, didn't you grow up? You're still short like a bonzai." A bonzai is a small plant. But in his vocabulary? I'm the bonzai.

"Is that how you treat me after not sending me mails 2 years ago?!" I let go of hugging him, and raise my left eyebrow.

"Mi-Mianhae~ Studying was hard for me there."

"Still lying huh? Mom told me that you study hard just to be back here. But she didn't tell me that you would be here today. -_-"

"Hehehe. Bogossipeo~" His hug is the best. I missed him.

"Nado bogossipeo~"


We dance before we end up hitting each other.

Since when did he start to learn this kind of dance? He became better.


After lots of announcements and toast, we went home.


"Sachon~! Kajima! Jebal! Kajima!" I whine like a baby.

"Ya! Go Seo Ji! Don't be such a baby! You're 18 now!" Atleast I'm on my teen, unlike you, you're on your 20's. Mehehe.

"Stay for tonight? Jebal!"

"Andwae. i still have my exams tomorow. I need to study."

"You're such a bookworm Sachon."

"Yah, Go Seo Ji. I still have you assignments..." Uh-Oh. I ask her to do my assignments. XD

"ohhh. What did I say? Sachon neomu yeppeuda~"

"Aigooo. Jinja- geuleonde, jigeum geoya. Bye~"

"Ne. Take care."




"Yah, Am I missing something here?" I saw my parents talking to Channy.

"Aigoo, see? She's still the NANA you knew before, nothing change." My mom said.

"Wae?!" I respond to that statement my mom said.

"Ani. Tomorrow you have to pack your things, Your mom and I has earlier schedule for departure. After the day tomorrow is our flight. And Chan will say something." Dad may be scary but he is soft when it comes to family.

"Channy-ah. Mwoyeyo?"

"After 2 years hardship in England, My dad has decided to make me stay here for the better." loading... TING!

"Jinja?! Waaa~! After a decade! We can finally spend some time together!"



"I'll be studying at a Boy Dorm School. Until we graduate."

"Ohh. It's fine. Just few months left! We will be on same university :D"

"Are you okay  with it?"

"Ofcourse! :)"

"Chan, Stay here tonight, I think you didn't book for any hotel to stay in since you came 2 hours ago."

"Gumopta, Auntie."

"Wow, Channy-ah. Really?"

"Ofcourse. I did something unusual at the airport so I would be here on time."

"And what is that?"

"Well, I use my dad's powers. =)"

"Aigoo. Your dad will scold you if he knew it. Now, go to your beds and sleep."


Morning came, I pack my things, Channy help me out to  do the packings and moving out of the house. They bought me a house and a car hich I can't drive on because I don't have any liscence yet. -_- So Channy do the driving. yes, he has one. He's a guy after all.

 The flight day came, we wave our goodbyes. We will be seeing each other on our graduation day. Hopefully they would be fine there.


And the terror part of my life. SCHOOL.


Next Chapter: Our Childhood.

Channy and I sat down on a long log at the forest...

Suddenly I ask him...

"Chan, who is your first love?" 

"Cheo-sarang?" He repeated.

"Yes. Who is she?"

"She is...." I was looking at him... ""(Secret)

"Aish! Tell me! It would only the two of us who know it. Ppali!"

"Andwaee.. I would tell you if you are 18."

"That will be a decade! I can't wait."

"I will not tell you then."

"Arasso. Yakseo?"






Anyeong yeorobun~ Please tell me if you have a scene on mind, Tell me :) Add me as your friend :)))

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