On Sick Days


This is simple.


One of them got sick,

the other came over,

and took care of him.



This is gonna be a one-shot that just came out of nowhere, the story has been stuck in my head for quite a while now so I decided to write a small one-shot for this.


"You know you could've just called and told me you were sick, we could hang out another time when you're not like this." He muttered. "This was so not how I'd expected to see you when I came over."


The other man's soft chuckles rang in his ears. "Sorry to disappoint."








"I never said I was disappointed."





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Aisyah134 #1
Chapter 1: cute love it..
leistillie #2
Chapter 1: That was soo cute!!! I like them cuddling with each other!^^
Chapter 1: Can I say I envy you that much? You are so good in writing fluff. I'm dying here. HUHUHUHU. Probably one of the best one shots I'd ever read. So damn sweet. ^^

I am convinced you are actually sent on some kind of mission to end m life with overload of fluff. I have a massive soft spot for having cold hands and there always being someone there to keep them warm for you when you can't seem to get the chill to leave the tips of your fingers. So that moment when Jiyong took hold of Seunghyun's cold hands and wrapped them with his warmer ones~ had me floating above the ground.

"I never said I was disappointed"
Ohhhhh my goodness, Vannie ;_; Honestly darling~ nobody else can make my heart skip a beat or send a flurry of happy little butterflies to take up residence in my giddy tummy with their writing like you can. If I could live off an entire diet of fluff, I would. And I think I could survive off your writings alone ^-^

Is it wrong that I was giggling like a crazy person when Jiyong was fussing over him about not sleeping or eating properly XD Adorable Yongie worrying over his hyun.

Seunghyun pretending to be asleep and yanking Ji down on to the couch and all of the little kisses Ji paced over his face, ending with the tip of his nose~~~ I am drowning in all of the feeeeeeels ;~;
Chapter 1: I'm sorry but XD I'm still struggling to get past Seunghyun usually stopping whatever he's doing the second the doorbell rings and running to the door. Pleeeeeeease tell me that it's only when Jiyong is ringing the doorbell that silly Tabi-Bear does this ~squeeeeeeeee ^~^

Asdflkjhdfkjsd. Also when I read that this was about one of them being sick and being taken care of by the other ngl I kinda automatically thought it was Ji who was the sick one. I just couldn't help it. I guess it's a little too obvious to go with Hyun taking care of a sick and weakened Jiyongie... so I was veryyyyyy pleasantly surprised and over-joyed to discover you flipped it around and reversed the expected XD ILYSM for doing that Vannie <3

Vannie, I... *wibble* you know I am a complete er for all the little things and small details... Seunghyun giving Jiyong a set of his own keys, Ji baby actually forgetting to use said keys, HYUNNIES PAJAMA PANTS OMG ARE WE TALKING ABOUT /THOSE/ BLUE FLANNEL PLAID PJ PANTS?! ARE WE??? And and and... Hyun's deep voice sounding hoarse and a wittle nasally. AND YONGIE'S HEART GOING ALL A FLUTTER JUST AT THE SIGHT OF HIM :')

Eyes crinkling when he smiles, dimpled smile, kissable kitten lips :3 *SINGS* These are a few of my favourite things!
Atenais #6
Chapter 1: "Just stay here for while."
Yes, this is perfect. I love stories where the main point is the characters and their dynamic. I really love to see them spending their time together and your story is so sweet.

Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed this oneshot!
Chapter 1: Aaawwww <3
Luv it x3
Chapter 1: GOD, TOP was beyond adorable!!! That just too cute!!!! Awwww
Chapter 1: awww this was so adorable, sick tabi with Ji taking care of him is so cute <3